Grimfang Scrappaz – Linemen/Journeymen and another Goblin!

October 13, 2011
13 Oct/11

I had another Grot so I made my fourth Goblin.  I also made four Orks that can be Linemen or Journeymen.  I’m REALLY proud of the second from the right.  Legs are Biker Legs (and so are solid and right next to each other) and the face is from the Grot sprue, a slaver head.  I always hated that head, but it’s perfect for a palooka who’s begging for someone to hit him!

I’m also quite proud of the 2nd from the left.  That’s a Slaver body with a head from the Boyz box, and the upraised arm is from the biker box (it previously held a chain).  Good pose.

Now all I need is a Troll and some Black Orcs.

My initial build of the Grimfang Scrappaz is as follows:


-2 Black Orc Blockers

-4 Blitzers

-2 Throwers

-2 Goblins

-2 Re-Rolls

-7 Fan Factor

Filed under: Modeling

Grimfang Scrappaz – Throwers!

October 11, 2011
11 Oct/11

Two throwers from the new Orc team, the Grimfang Scrappaz!  These Orcs grew up in the ruins of the Mount Silverspear Dwarven mine.  This reeking hole is the ground was “appropriated” by the warlord Grimfang, and has been the staging ground for the Silver Road wars.  Enriched by the residual silver, and with a trove of ruined Dwarven equipment, the (bored) lads of Mount Grimfang put together a Blood Bowl team for excitement and glory!  The Scrappaz coat themselves with sharp iron plates salvaged from the mining equipment, and often with added spikes.  They have but one goal: SMASH OTHER TEAMS FOR FUN!

Filed under: Blood Bowl, Modeling, Storytelling


October 9, 2011
09 Oct/11

Four new Blitzers for may as of yet un-named Orc Blood Bowl Team.  Looking into a troll and some Black Orcs.

Filed under: Blood Bowl, Modeling

The start of something… Orky.

09 Oct/11

I’ve been wanting to start a 2nd Blood Bowl team so that I can show people how to play.  Been putting it off.  Then I was pawing through my Ork bitz, and found enough parts to make some Blood Bowl Goblins.  All are from 40K Grot bits, the rightmost is the body with no arms, and a head from the Lootas box.  The middle one is a body from the Warbikers box, normally hanging off a pole, with the feet re-positioned.  The last uses a regular Grot with the feet bent so that he is bending forward as if ready to fly!

…now I need a name for the team.

Filed under: Blood Bowl, Modeling

Lansing Blood Bowl League

October 4, 2011
04 Oct/11

I have not had the pleasure of playing Blood Bowl for a while, as gas has been expensive and Lansing is far away.  Now, however, I have a new job that takes me near Lansing anyway, so it’s the perfect excuse to get some Blood Bowl!  Without further ado, here’s some of the Major Players in the Lansing Blood Bowl League.

First up is James, coach of Chaos United.  James’ team is done in a Dipping style (see my posts about dipping here and here).  The dark shading of the dip looks great on Chaos.  James used plastic Gors and Chaos Warriors.  The Minotaur is a non-GW mini which looks fantastic, and even survived a two story fall!


Phil (who declined to be photographed due to CIA involvement, presumably) routinely brings his beautifully painted Darkland Warriors, a Dark Elf team.

Alex here has gone all out, invoking Warhammer Fantasy backstory and bringing back the Dogs of War in style.  Vespero’s Vendetta, with none other than Vespero himself present (the archinve model!  SQUEE!) are an experienced, tough Human team.

Finally, Eric counters the every move of my team with his own, more experienced Lizardmen, the Thunder Lizards.  Sadly without Dee Snyder, Savage Steve Holland, or bee-grenades, this team will still make you say: “When does the hurting stop?”

And now, the Konquata Monitors face off against Vespero’s Vendetta!  Will they triumph?

No.  Vespero 2/0.  Oh darn.  At least none of my guys got hurt or killed.

Filed under: Blood Bowl, Gaming

Lightguard Update: Azure Flames Chapter Banner

September 20, 2011
20 Sep/11


Been a while due to my new job, but this has been worth it!  Behold!  The Chapter Banner of the Azure Flames.  The best 2D art I’ve ever done.  Bit at the top is a putty mould of the torch from the Vampire Counts Corpse Cart.

Next: The rest of the Lightguard!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Painting

Big Game V Story Complete!

September 4, 2011
04 Sep/11

The entire story for the Big Game V is now available!  Check the link to the right under Features.  This features the entire story, start to finish, uninterrupted.  It also features the entire “ending” arc (chapters 51-70) which were never posted on this blog’s predacessor.  Check it out!

And now I rest.  Next: Lightguard updates!

Filed under: Storytelling

Lightguard Update

September 1, 2011
01 Sep/11

Update to my work in progress: The Lightguard.  Removed some mould lines, added flames to all the legs, and got Salamander Mantles for all of them.  The mantles are Dark Elf Corsair cloaks, essentially mutilated.  Had to cut into them a lot.  Plus, they’re not finished, I have to sculpt the join with the backpacks a bit better.

You’ll also notice that the one with sword upraised has changed poses.  This was difficult, as resin doesn’t want to come unglued.  I had to re-create part of the shoulder pad.  But I think the new pose is much better.

Soon, they will be done.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling

I am NOT George Lucas.

August 31, 2011
31 Aug/11

Good news: The Big Game V fluff now extends to Chapter 20!

In going through these files, I had to do some things to make them work with this new format.  First (and most drastic) I added the Intro.  This is brand new.  The original Big Game V fluff was written by Joe, Lexington, and myself during the year-long preparation for the Big Game.  Originally posted on a forum Lexington created, everyone involved knew some stuff about the previous Big Games.  Not so for the rest of the internet.  I created the Intro to give a back story, so that new readers would not be confused.

Next, there were several gramatical errors (even in the final version!)  On top of that, before I found the best way to transfer the text, several key factors, such as bold and italics got lost.  I manually fixed them.

Finally, and most hesitantly, I did add one extra feature to one chapter so far.  Recently, I read Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s Soul Hunter.  An incredible novel, I highly recommend it and its sequel, Blood Reaver.  One of the characters is a Navigator, and Dembski-Bowden added the fact that seeing a Navigator’s third eye causes death.  I added two lines to chapter seventeen to reflect this fluff, out of respect to Dembski-Bowden.  Even though this chapter was written by Joe.

So, why the picture of Jorge at the top of the post?  Because these changes were not made just to throw extra stuff in there.  This was an homage to Dembski-Bowden’s work and the 40K background.  This story worked well because it was a collaborative effort between Joe, Lexington, and myself.  No one controlled everything.  In fact, Lexington and I came near to blows about a part of the fluff (happily left out as we had no Necron players.)

My point?  Art can be great, but art in an echo chamber where you control everything yourself can be self-indulgent.  Other viewpoints, such as a co-writer, (or two) and a forum of fans can provide additional thoughts you wouldn’t normally get.

Finally, I’d like to thank Joe and Lexington for their work on this story, as well as Scott for making the Big Game V possible and all the players in Big Game V for giving us ideas for their characters.

Stay tuned!  Or, because this is the Internet, bookmark and subscribe to the RSS feed.  There’s more to come for the Big Game V story, PLUS pics of the Lightguard and Scion Minis soon!

Edit: Lexington approves!

Filed under: Storytelling

Big Game V Fluff now available!

August 28, 2011
28 Aug/11

Long ago, my friends and I put on some huge games of 40K.  The largest and most enjoyable was the last one, Big Game V, of which I have spoken several times on this blog.  During the year-long buildup, myself, Lexington, and our friend Joe wrote an entire novel-sized story for background.

Check out the “Features” section to the right.  The Big Game V link will take you to the stories we wrote for this game.  Only the first 5 chapters are up now, but it does include a brand new Introduction which summarizes the backgrounds of the previous Big Games and sets the stage for Big Game V.

Check often, as more chapters will be added soon!

EDIT: First 10 chapters available!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Storytelling
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