On my Plate: 8/26

August 26, 2011
26 Aug/11

– The Lightguard – Current project going great!  Just cleaned mold lines, and added bolter straps.  Got some Dark Elf Corsair Raider cloaks on order for Salamander Mantles!  That’s right, EACH of the Lightguard has participated in the Salamander Hunt.

– Scion Minis – Have to finish the last one, and paint them all.

– Menoth Starter Box – Build, make scheme, paint.  Easy.

– Epic Orks – Need to do another formation.  Perhaps bikes?  Then finish the rest of the 3000pts.

– Azure Flames – Once the Lightguard is done, I have another secret project.  Might have to do it in early 2012 if Lexington plans things accordingly.  The 40K universe is moving on into the 41st Millenium, and the Azure Flames are coming along with an advancement to their fluff.  Keep your eyes peeled on Four Strands, loyal viewers, all three of you!

– Orks – I think I should do SOMETHING before it gets cold out.

– Saratogans – Bottom of the stack.  Sorry boys and girls.

Filed under: Modeling, Painting

Work in progress: The Lightguard

August 25, 2011
25 Aug/11

Here’s a look at the secret project I hinted at: The Lightguard, The Honor Guard for Chapter Master Perseus hand-picked by Leonidas of the 1st Company.

First, when forming the idea, I wanted the Lightguard to look unique.  This led me to the Forge World website where I saw the MK IV Maximus Armour Marines.  I ordered those for the basis.

Next, I wanted a Standard, Four Relic Blades, and a Thunder Hammer on the Champion.  I managed to win an ebay auction for just such a combo from the Grey Knights sprue.

Then, I let my imagination run wild.  I started with the standard bearer.  (standard lovingly donated by Lexington of Aurora Chapter and Dice Abide)  For this arm (and most of the others) I clipped out the fist and carefully carved the remainder out to be replaced by the plastic standard bearer hand.  I then carefully removed the vambrance and attached it to the lower part of the standard bearer arm.

For the Bolter Straps, I took some putty, rolled it out, and flattened the snake to make a thin strap, then cut it to make the width uniform.  This was glued in place on the bolters (in the proper REVERSE fashion, which is how they would hang).  I then added the clasp with more putty.

A lot of the Grey Knights swords are being held two-handed.  I had to do some trickory to get them to be one handed.  In fact, one is still incomplete.

Look at the Standard Bearer greaves.  The flame details were custom sculpted.  I plan on adding these details to both legs for all five marines.

Next, check out the dynamic pose on the marine running, swinging the sword.  DAMN.  The putty strap is strong enough to hold the bolter in midair to simulate movement.  I am very proud of this conversion.

Finally, all of the backpacks have putty molds of the Brazier from the Vampire Counts Corpse Cart sprue.  I could only find ONE on the internet despite months of searches.  The putty molds came out pretty good, and will be touched up a bit.

Next: Finished Lightguard and I paint my Scion characters.  After that, MENOTH STARTER BOX.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling

Scion Mini “Carrie” Painted; a fond farewell!

August 22, 2011
22 Aug/11

Sadly, one of my players dropped out of my Scion game.  However, I painted her miniature for her and assured her she could come back at any time.

Above, see Carrie,  Once again, based on the “Lucky” model from Dark Age.  I kept Lucky’s red hair because Carrie is Irish.  I added freckles!  A first for me!  I also did custom detailing on the stomach buckler (a raven for her birth mother, The Morrigan) and on the holster (a Cadeuceus, for her adopted father, Hermes).  Note that since the previous picture, I’ve cut out the bayonettes and lengthened the hair with putty.

Next: More Scion Minis?  …or a secret project I’ve been working on?

Filed under: Painting, Storytelling

Custom Miniatures for Scion Game

August 16, 2011
16 Aug/11

Back from Gen Con, and I’ve been working hard on a super secret project.  I bought several Reaper Chronoscope minis, and have converted them to model the characters in my Scion tabletop RPG.  Let’s have a look!

Up first is Kemo, Scion of Huitzilopochitli, the Aztec god of war.  Kemo wields the Sword of Freedom, a machete that spilt the blood of Conquistadors.  He also wears the “Hummingbeater,” an undershirt made of hummingbird feathers that works as a bulletproof vest without the weight. Kemo was made from the Terrel, Zombie Survivor mini with the head of Rex, Dark Future Hero, and a Machete from the Modern Weapons sprue.   The gun and nightstick were removed.  I added an index finger to make Kemo pointing at his next victim.  I then filed down the hair, and sculpted newer, longer hair.  I then sculpted the Hummingbeater with putty, and a piece of drinking straw desinged to make a “U” shape.

Next is Seth, Scion of Thoth.  He uses the Agent Smith body with the Daniel Sterling Head.  I Got rid of the Neuralyser and Raygun and added a custom sculpted Ankh and a Rifle.  I’m working on his custom Guitar Case.  I also flattened the bridge of the nose to make him look less European.

Next is Carrie, Scion of Hermes.  Carrie is Lucky from Dark Age.  I clipped the pistol and holster, and added a modified Dark Elf Crossbow from Warhammer, as well as a holster of bolts.  Lucky has pants with only one leg, so I sculpted the other pant leg to make it more even.  I also modded her odd sandals into boots.

Last but not least is Church, Scion of Thor.  Church is the Rex, Dark Future Hero body with the Terrel, Zombie Survivor head.  I filed off the bandana and added hair.  I then filled out the cheeks to make Curch look like Terrence Howard.  Next, I added the chain using putty, tweeezers, and a pin tool.  I then added the Raido Rune Pendant, carving teh rune with the pin tool.  I replaced the hand with a pistol hand from the Modern Weapons sprue, and sculpted a combat glove.

On order is a special mini for my 5th player.  More details, and paint jobs soon!

Filed under: Modeling, Storytelling

Epic Deathskulls “Looted” Gunwagons!

August 3, 2011
03 Aug/11

More Epic stuff!  At first glance, these don’t appear to be up to my normal painting standard, but look closer.  Deathskulls are notorious thieves, and what better way to represent that than by having the Deathskulls steal from other klanz and hastily repaint the tanks?

All the above tanks were painted according to the Goff, Evil Sunz, Bad Moons, or Blood Axe scheme, and then sloppily painted over with good ol’ Deathskull blue.  Several areas were “missed” to let the old paint job be seen.  You can see Bad Moon logos, Blood Axe camo, and even Goff cheker patterns through the blue.  I even added “drips” of blue paint to make the job look more recent, as if they’re rolling into battle with wet paint!

On top of that, this formation has two kustom converted Gunwagons with Supa Zzap Gunz.  These are 40K Ork Slaver Grot Prods, tucked into Tau Battlesuit shoulders, and decorated.  One with a razor shoulderpad, the other with horns cut from a 40K Nob head.  I’m really proud of these simple conversions.

Next: Gen Con reporting!  Expect some awesome pix, especially if I see some cool armies or mods!

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Painting

Epic Ork Warband and Stompas!

August 1, 2011
01 Aug/11

I’ve been busy, so I’m glad I got these Epic Orks done before Gen Con!  As you can see, the warband is complete with2 Nob, 6 Boys and 2 Grot stands.

When I was done with these, I put them in mt Epic Orks case and found a surprise from last year’s Gen Con.  Three Stompas, almost completely painted.  I took about half an hour adding a few more details and cleaning up the paint job, and then based them.  Two formations in one day!

Next: Look for updates from Gen Con starting this Friday!  Also, my next Epic Ork formation is a Blitz Brigade with 9 gunwagons and 2 Supa Zzap Gun upgrades!

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Painting

Epic Ork Vehicles!

July 17, 2011
17 Jul/11

My first Epic Ork models finished, 3 Battlewagons, a Gunwagon, and a Flakwagon.  In 40K terms, these are closer to Trukks.  Painted them as Evil Sunz.  Other formations will probably be other Klans.

Next: 2 Nob stands, 6 Boyz stands, and 2 Grot stands!

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Painting

1850 Battle Report in Louisville!

July 9, 2011
09 Jul/11

Time for another battle report, thanks to Lexington of Aurora Chapter!  I went down to visit him in Louisville, KY.  We ended up playing an 1850 pt. game at The Louisville Game Shop.

We played Spearhead (board quarters) and Sieze Ground (d3+2 objectives, we had a total of 3).  Lexington played Orks, I played Azure Flames Space Marines.  Here’s what we took.

Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines

-Zeraf Antonius (counts as Cato Sicarius)

-Assault Terminators x 5 (THSS)

-Land Raider Crusader with Multi-Melta and Extra Armor

-Tactical Squad x 10, Power Fist, Bolter Flamer, Flamer, Missile Launcher in a Rhino with Extra Armor

-Tactical Squad x 10, Power Fist, Bolter Flamer, Flamer, Missile Launcher in a Drop Pod

-Scout Squad x 5, Power Fist

-Land Speeder Storm

-Land Speeders x 3, Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

-Ironclad Dreadnought, replace meltagun with heavy flamer, in a Drop Pod

-Dreadnought, two Twin Linked Autocannons

Lexington – WAAAAGH! Zagdakka!

-Zagdakka, Warboss, Bike, Power Klaw, Stikkboms, Attack Squig, Bosspole

-Nob Bikers x 5, Painboy, WAAAAGH! Banner, 4x Power Klaws, Grot Orderly

-Boyz Mob x 12, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole, Shootas in a Trukk with a Red Paint job

-Boyz Mob x 12, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole, Sluggasin a Trukk with a Red Paint job

-Tankbustas x 12, Nob, Power Klaw, 2x Tankhammas

-Burna Boyz x 14, 2x Meks with Rokkit Launchas

-Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Red Paint Job

-Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Red Paint Job

-Stormboys x 10, “Chukka Khan” (counts as Boss Zagstruk)

-Wartrakk, Twin linked Rokkit Launcha

-Big Mek, Burna, Attack Squig, Kustom Force Field

Lexington got to set up first in the upper right.  Going from left to right are: shoota boys in a trukk behind the trees, wartrakk, battlewagon with Burnas inside, trukk with Slugga boyz, battlewagon with Tankbustas, Nob Bikers with Zagdakka.  For me in the lower left, left to right, are a tatsquad by their rhino, Land Raider Crusader with Terminators and Antonius, Dreadnought on top of building, and Land Speeders behind building.  Lexington was going to go first, but thanks to Cato Sicarius’ re-roll, I siezed the initiative!

Bozeman – Azure Flames Turn 1

The first thing I did was drop the Ironclad Dreadnought in Drop Pod right in front of the battlewagons.


Next, I zoomed the land speeders to my right, moved the Rifledread and put a wound on a Nob Biker, moved up the Land Raider and popped the Slugga Boyz trukk with a lucky shot!  3 out of 12 survived and the 3 were pinned! Tatsquad Missile Launcher fired, but the Shoota Boy trukk made its cover save.

Lexington – Orks Turn 1

The Nob Bikers and Tankbustas moved out toward the Land Speeders.  Shooting from both squads managed to kill one Speeder.  The Tankbustas assaulted, but whiffed.  Lexington shouted at them.


Meanwhile, the Deff Rolla Battlewagon with the Burnas tries to ram through the Ironclad’s Drop Pod, but it only does one hit, which does not glance the Pod.  The Trakk drives around the Battlewagon and shoots at the Ironclad, to no effect.  The Shoota Boyz trukk moves out behind the building towards my left.

Bozeman – Azure Flames Turn 2

Tatsquad in Drop Pod arrives, becomes 2 combat squads.  They burn the Tankbustas down.  Land Speeders and Dreadnought concentrate on the Nob Bikers, doing only 2 wounds after FNP.  Ironclad Dreadnought assaults the battlewagon and WHIFFS.  It’s a zone of failure over there!  Land Raider moves up and puts a Crew Stunned result on the Tankbusta’s Battlewagon.  Tactical Squad moves into their Rhino.

Lexington – Orks Turn 2

Nob Bikers eat the Land Speeders, remaining 3 Slugga Boys charge the Ironclad and don’t do much.

Bozeman – Azure Flames Turn 3

Land Speeders Storm arrives, hides.  Combat Squad with Power Fist charges and kills Battlewagon.  Other squad moves toward objective.  Land Raider and Rifeldread move up but shooting does nothing to Nob Bikers.  Ironclad kills an ork, squad does not break.

Lexington – Orks Turn 3

Wartrakk hightails it towards my left.  Battlewagon with Burnas moves up and burnas the combat squad with 38 wounds.  Ouch.  “Chukka Khan” arrives, and assaults the other combat squad, removing them as well!  Ironclad finishes off the Sluggas.  Nob Bikers kill the Rifledread.

Bozeman – Azure Flames Turn 4

Ironclad assaults the Burna Battlewagon, kills it but most Burnas are OK.  Land Raider Crusader kills all the Stormboyz but “Chukka Khan and one other guy.  They break, but Chukka kills the remaining Stormboy and holds.  Tatsquad in Rhino moves up.

Lexington – Orks Turn 4

Nob Bikers and “Chukka Khan” move behind the building.  Burnas move toward Land Speeder Storm, but Rokkits only give it a Crew Shaken result.  Wartrakk moves behind the Shoota Boy Trukk.

Bozeman – Azure Flames Turn 5

Ironclad flames and assaults Big Mek and Burnas, kills most of them but they do not break.  Antonius and the Terminators assault the Nob Bikers and kill them, no casualties.  Tatsquad in the upper left jumps out to claim objective.  Land Speeder Storm zooms to the objective in the upper right.

Lexington – Orks Turn 5

“Chukka Khan” assaults the Terminators, kills one, and dies.  The Shootas move up, shoot the Tactical Squad which falls back out of assault range, due ot a poor armor save roll.  Game Continues to Turn 6.

Bozeman – Azure Flames Turn 6

Tatsquad moves up and flames Shootas to death.  Other movement to support.

Lexington – Orks Turn 6

Trukk hides and Trakk zooms to the right.  Game continues to turn 7.

Bozeman – Azure Flames turn 7

Trukk is killed by Land Raider.

Lexington – Orks turn 7

Buggy contests objective by scouts.

Final Score: Azure Flames 1, Orks 0.

Bozeman’s Thoughts: That was a great game, worth the 6 hour drive.  It went surprisingly fast too!  I probably should have combat-squadded the Rhino tatsquad, but it didn’t matter.  Zagstrukk is a GREAT Ork Character and I can’t wait to make an Ork list with my Zagstrukk stand-in, Rukkstud ‘Andfoot.  I am also impressed by the 15 Burnas in a Battlewagon tactic, which WILL KILL ANYTHING toughness 5 or lower, guaranteed.  In the end, there were a few good luck moments, such as losing 3 tactical marines so I could fall back using Combat Tactics.

Lexington’s Inane Ramblings

Combat Tactics is important, and I forgot it!

This was a nice game with a lot of swing to it. Things looked grim after the first turn, and my subsequent inability to remove even one pesky Ironclad from my own deployment zone, despite the earnest but lacklustre the attempts of a Deffrolla, was disappointing to say the least. The second and third turn rally was particularly Orky in both destructive capacity and haphazard luck, and the end turned into the kind of gritty slog that tests one’s brainpan a bit.

This list continues to be fun and surprisingly killy in places, as it has for the tenure of a small campaign we’ve been running ‘round these parts. The Burna Boyz in a Battlewagon is the sort of thing that should scare anyone not within the thick candy shell of a transport, and even the more ethically-equipped Nob Biker squad can dish out punishment like several angry mechanical bears. Eric played with his trademark stoic loyalty to statistical norms, and I’m usually pretty happy to even contest against it, given my own propensity to go for the stupidly improbable but highly entertaining. It was a nice time.

It was that one forgetful moment that knocked things from a win to a tie, as it often can be. Combat Tactics is a rule I usually regard as a little too corner-case, but if forgotten and/or cannily deployed, it can make a real difference, as you can see here. I’ve got a vanilla Space Marine Chapter (along with a skeletal blog for their theoretical exploits), so it’s great to see it perform a real function.

Stay safe, children, and I apologize for accidentally subjecting you to endless shots of my crotch throughout this battle report. We’ll have a group or a session or whatever. We’ve all gone through something terrible today. Let the healing begin.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Gaming

3000 pt Epic Space Marines

July 7, 2011
07 Jul/11

Finished the Warlord Titan Prince of Thunder, and that completes 3000 pts of Space Marines!  Now all I need to do is paint 3000 pts of Orks!

Tomorrow I go visit Lexington in Louisville.  Do I smell a battle report cooking?

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Painting

Epic Land Speeders

July 5, 2011
05 Jul/11

Five Epic scale Land Speeders on Flames of War bases.   Note the purple on the shoulder pad and wings.  These are representatives of the 7th company Tactical reserves that specialise in Land Speeders.

Next: The Warlord Titan Prince of Thunder, and then, who knows?  Epic Orks?  Menoth starter box?  40K orks?

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Painting
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