Dark Eldar Fleet: The Bliss of Pain
November 10, 2012
Here’s my first finished Dark Eldar Cruiser: The Bliss of Pain. It’s not TOTALLY finished due to the fact that I left my varnish at my old place. Durr. Here’s the final paint scheme:
-White Primer
-Old GW Ice Blue, which was replaced by the new Layer paint Lothern Blue
-Privateer P3 Turquoise Ink
-Old GW Ice Blue drybrush, replaced by new GW dry Skink Blue (WHICH IS AWESOME. HOLY CRAP THIS WORKS SO WELL)
-Boltgun Metal for the blades
-Chainmail highlight on the blades
-Vallejo Hexed Lichen (dark purple) for the “windows” and thrusters
-Vallejo Squid Pink highlight for the windows
-Generic black and white for the base
Next: some escorts and I go get the stupid varnish and seal this ship.
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