Tyranid BFG Fleet: A Beginning
Recently at the finale to the Highland Gaming Club I walked away with a paper ream box of Tyranid bits. Sadly, these did not include a lot for things worthy of making a ship. However, subsequent bitz orders to fill in the gaps and some creative kitbashing have yielded a very promising beginning:

First, a cruiser with two sets of Massive Claws! This is both threatening and dirt cheap. If it can survive to close (a risky proposition) it can make four attacks and if any two hit, it’s lunch time!

Here’s the same ship from the back.

Another cruiser, this one doubling down on Bio Plasma Spines. Short range, but terrifying to high armor foes.

This cruiser is all about the Pyro-acid, making it a nightmare for Eldar. It has some torpedoes to add a bit of ordnance to the fleet.

Here is the same cruiser from below.

The final cruiser also doubles down on Pyro Acid, but trades torpedoes for one set of Massive Claws, making it more of an all-rounder.

Here are some repurposed Gaunt bodies sporting pyro acid batteries to become Hive Drones. I tried to vary them a bit, as most other races have varied escorts.

My first creations, these kitbashed ships are a bit big for escorts, but make excellent Krakens with either Pyro Acid or Massive Claws.

One in ten Hive Drones can be upgraded to a Fire Ship. Insanely devastating, I could not help but make a few. Granted, I’ll need to field 27 Drones to field all three of these bad boys, but even one can be an unpleasant surprise to anyone who strays too close…

Finally, (at least for now) some Vanguard with Feeder Tentacles to put the smack down on heavier or faster foes.
Next, Primaris and more Nid BFG goodness!
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