Primaris Captain Project – Orpheon Leonidas, Captain of the 1st Company

September 13, 2024
13 Sep/24

When crafting the back story of the Azure Flames 20 years ago, I came up with the character of Leonidas as a brash and obstinate counterpoint to the main narrative pushed by Atrus.  Not everyone is ready to change their entire Chapter livery and practices on the word of one man, much less someone who claims to have received a vision from the Emperor.  Leonidas demanded to wear the old colors of the Sons of the Salamander, and was such an incredible fighter that he was promoted to the Captain of the 1st Company to try to tame him.

This failed.  Leonidas remains a headstrong and effective combatant, but is still completely out of anyone’s control.  He has, however, gained the respect of many within and without of the Chapter.

Leonidas was the son of a Planetary Governor who went against his father’s wishes and joined the Sons of the Salamander.  I gave him the first name Orpheon after the founder of his world.

Leonidas’ original model was created by a guy named Greg who ended up being a bit of a douche.  He gave the model to my buddy Matt, who didn’t use him at all because Matt played Chaos.  However, I played Salamanders and Leonidas’ original model had Chaplain Xavier’s old backpack and hammer, so Matt gave him to me.

I upgraded Leonidas with a Dreadnought sized Heavy Flamer when Vulkan He’Stan became a prevalent character back in 5th or 6th Ed.  He won me so many games I stopped using him because Vulkan He’Stan was kind of completely irresponsibly overpowered.

Now, in 10th ed, as I upgrade all of my old Captains to Primaris models, Leonidas has gone through the Rubicon Primaris and is a more modern looking stand-in for Vulkan He’Stan:

Greg’s old model for Leonidas is on the left.  I re-based him and added the heavy flamer.  Leonidas’ new model is on the right.  As you can see, he fits the scale of 10th better.

Leonidas’ body is the Primaris Captain with Jump Pack body.  The head is from the Black Templar Marshall.  The arm is a Primaris arm upgraded with a Grey Knight Halberd, topped with a Blood Angel Power Sword.  Another Primaris Arm was chopped and slotted into a Terminator Heavy Flamer (the previous edition so slightly smaller than the most modern version).  Finally, Leonidas’ cape is an old Dark Elf Sea Dragon Corsair cloaks.

Leonidas’ left shoulder pad has been upgraded with a sculpted flame (possibly against his own wishes!)

Each scale on the Sea Dragon Cloak was highlighted twice, top and bottom.

The Spear was upgraded with a Sisters of Battle flame bit sculpted on with Green Stuff, and painted with a technique to make it look like it was molten hot out of a forge.

Next: more Captains get the Primaris treatment!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling, Painting, Storytelling

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