Primaris Captain Project – Chayton Dakota, Captain of the 6th Company

September 15, 2024
15 Sep/24

Just before heading off on my honeymoon, I’ve finished another of the Rubicon-enhanced Captains of the Azure Flames!

Dakota’s original model is on the left.  The classic Space Marine Captain with Power Sword, I modded him to have a Bolt Pistol in 5th ed to be a bare-bones super cheap HQ choice for low points value games. (goodbye 3rd Edition Space Marine Leader with Storm Bolter for 35 points… *sniff*)

During the writing of Big Game VI, Dakota got some characterization.  He became the dour, practical pessimist.  No one expects Dakota to be jovial or enthusiastic.  But the entire chapter knows that he never puts forward criticisms unfounded.  He always supports the other Captains, even when they choose to neglect his caution.  And, on those rare occasions he calls for decisive action, his opinions are given all the more weight.

Dakota’s new Primaris model is the Captain with power fist and plasma pistol, with the same pose as a much earlier classic mini.  I got this mini from the last Swap Meet of the Highland Gaming Club in the Highland Michigan Library, before the club dissolved and eventually made its way to Ypsilanti under the Golden Rhino Games banner.

This mini sat, unloved, in a box, until late last year when I began the Primaris Captain project.  Legions Imperialis delayed it, but it’s done!  Here’s some highlights!

This angle shows Dakota’s face a little better.  Part of the Primaris Captain Project is to add personal names.  Chayton is a Lakota name for Falcon or Hawk.  Dakota’s eyes were painted with a brand new Psycho brush from Army Painter.  The Plasma effect is Baharroth Blue, drybrushed with Altdorf Guard Blue then Pro Acryl Black.  1 part Pro Acryl white was added to three parts Lahmian Medium and carefully washed into the white areas.

Dakota’s hair is XV-88 with a wash of Black Templar Contrast.  This is amazing for dark brown hair!

The cape is Magmadroth Flame over Grey Seer, highlighted with Jokaero Orange (because the new contrast is much more flat).  The flames at the bottom are Altdorf Guard and Baharroth Blue.

All of the Primaris Captain Project minis are converted in at least some way.  Dakota’s hair was custom sculpted from Green Stuff, as was the flame on his shoulder.

Any of the brownish metal is a flat coat of Brass Scorpion with Nuln Oil wash.

Next: I’m on vacation, but after that more Captains and possibly a few more options for Legions Imperialis!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling, Painting, Storytelling

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