Primaris Captain Project – Nwabudike Abiola, Captain of the 5th Company

September 25, 2024
25 Sep/24

Continuing with the Primaris Captain project, I set about a task: re-create the old Space Marine Captain model from scratch.  In the past, three of the ten captains for the Azure Flames were based on this model (it was pewter and there wasn’t a lot of other options…).

So, I combined a Primaris Lieutenant body, the cape from the Primaris Jump Pack Captain, a Dark Angels Scabbard, a Forge World head, an old Iron Halo, and some random Primaris arms to re-create the old Captain pose.  Behold!

Abiola’s old model is on the left, the new one on the right.  The ropes on the chest and the flame on the scabbard were sculpted with Green Stuff.

Here’s a better pic of the front.  The face came out really well.  Nwabudike’s first name was chosen from Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, a game I often steal inspiration from.

The cape was custom detailed with flames, similar to other captains.  The shoulder pad has a custom sculpted flame.  Abiola’s name is on the shoulder.

If you zoom in on the bolter, it says “Mortis.”

So, pretty successful!  This kitbashed mini is a pretty true homage to the old pewter captain!  There’s not much more that I could have done.

Wait, someone’s handing me something.  Who are you and how did you get in my house?

Oh.  Oh no.

It seems that several months after I kitbashed this mini, Games Workshop released the new Company Heroes box set, complete with this stunning fellow:

HAHA had I just waited several months I could have just used this mini and not had to work hard to kitbash, but I’m glad I did.  Abiola’s new model is unique; no one else has a Captain like this.

Next: more Captains!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling, Painting, Storytelling

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