Home Fires – Chapter Eighteen: Holding Court

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Gargatok flexed his newfound might as the big chunky pistons of his brand new Mega Armour made soothing hums in response. The pleasant heft of a choppa longer than Gargatok was tall rested neatly over his right shoulder. The square toed boots at the end of his powered legs were stompy enough to knock snotlings off of nearby ledges they had strayed close to. Best of all, the Iron Gob protected his still healing jaw and gave him an imposing profile. Done up in the snazziest blue from head to toe, except for some white checks and dags. Thraknar’s meks had insisted; Thraknar liked checks and dags, even for Deffskull thieves.

Somehow Gargatok had restrained himself from killing them for that comment. Deffskulls weren’t thieves. They just liked to nick things now and again.

Gargatok’s lads had whooped and cheered when he returned to them. They’d never seen such majesty as a full suit of Mega Armour. Gargatok was as proud as a Runtherd with three grots when he saw how many “brand new” vehicles and weapons his lads had “purchased” from Thraknar’s WAAAAGH. Nickin’ things was a proud Deffskull tradition, right and proper.

Of course, Goffs nicked things too. They just didn’t call it nickin’. They thought everything was rightly theirs, so nicking things was just taking what was theirs.

Like Thraknar Zan Gulga had taken Gargatok’s command.

Gargatok felt his muscles tense and jerk as powerful hormones and stimulants coursed through his body. He hadn’t yet realized it was happening, and so, he called his loyal Nobs together to plan for the attack on the Humie city. They all gathered in his tent to discuss their part in the greater WAAAAGH.

Then HE arrived.

One of the many minders he had accumulated banged a tiny gong to announce the arrival of the King. The funny little Humie swept into Gargatok’s tent with his big nose in the air. He was wearing the same clothes he had been kidnapped in, with the addition of a tattered cape. It had once been a proper blue, but he had dyed it with something red, making it an unseemly color that Gargatok had trouble looking at. He also sported a polished scrap crown, glinting in the dim light of the tent. Aghast at the sight, Gargtok snapped his eyes to his pile of loot in the corner, where the scrap crown he had previously taken from the King sat! The git had somehow found another crown!

The King threw his arms wide, a stupid smile on his face. “Ah, my wonderful ally, Gargatok Gitsmasha! I see you have appropriated some new materiel for the effort to put me on my rightful throne. Soon, my loyal subjects will bow to me, and through me to you, as their rightful ruler.”

Gargatok desperately wanted to smash this man.

“Shaddup, Humie King.” Gargatok growled. “We’s not doin’ dis fer you. We’s all part of a bigger WAAAAGH now, an’ we’s gonna smash dat big city of yours.”

Gargatok thought that, just for the barest instant, panic flashed across the King’s face. It evaporated quickly enough that Gargatok barely registered it; replaced once more by the smugness.

“Ah, yes. The city must be retaken from the rebels that have usurped my throne. However, the loyal citizens of the city, as well as your own stalwart troops, will need the finest provisions to give you the fortitude to endure. If I may?” the King asked, gently squeezing his lithe frame through the hulking Nobs clustered around a crudely drawn map. The King pointed with his spidery finger at a bulge in the continent to the southeast of the main city. “Here.”

“Whuzzis?” Gargatok asked.

“The Tabantha province. Literally the breadbasket of the city. Its silos are bursting with nutritious grain. Secure this province and your troops will feast while the city starves. It will only be a matter of time before the whole planet bows to me. And to you, of course, my powerful ally.”

Gargatok hummed thoughtfully for a second. “Lotsa farms like da one we got you at? Dey got big equipment an’ fings?”

The humie king smiled that punchable smile. “Enough equipment to outfit all of your wonderful boys and then some, my good friend. You can assault the city in a veritable fleet of newly acquired vehicles.”

Gargatok grinned. “I knew dere was a reason I didn’t krump ya when I foun’ out da Humies didn’t want ya back. You’s a good adviser, Humie King.”

“All in the service of your majesty and power, my wise and thoughtful ally. Now, I must away! My minders have assured me that they can procure me the truffles I so used to enjoy. And so, I leave you to your planning. Ta!” the King said, sweeping out of the room followed by more minders that he had come in with somehow. Gargatok cocked his head slightly, but then shook it out. He started giving orders, and his lads went into action.

Not lost on Gargatok was the fact that this attack defied Thraknar’s orders. Once again, his muscles twitched and his bones began to ache at their growth plates.

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