Gothic Campaign Week 10 – The Cost of Valor

August 17, 2014
17 Aug/14

Ramping up to the second to last week, Nathaniel’s Imperial Navy defended the HO-53 system from my encroaching Space Marines in a Fleet Engagement!


Fleet Engagement 1500pts (Imperial Navy as defenders had 1400 because the system was uninhabited)

Space Marines choose Sphere, Imperial Navy chose Sphere.


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines

-Battle Barge His Hammer II, Fleet Admiral Ranidan Piers 39 Renown, 3 Re-rolls, Honour Guard, Terminator Boarding Parties

-Strike Cruiser Vigilance, Extra Sheild, Refit: +1Ld to Reload Ordnance Checks

-Strike Cruiser Duty, Extra Sheild, Crew Skill: auto pass one leadership test, Refit: +2 Hull points, -5cm speed

-Strike Cruiser Courage, Extra Sheild, Refit: +2D6 on All Ahead Full, Crew Skill: re-roll x2

-Strike Cruiser Sacrifice, Extra Sheild, Refit: +1D6 for critical effect repairs

-Nova Destroyer x6, Flame Squadron


Nathaniel – Imperial Navy

-Retribution Battleship Nieman Lion

-Mars Battlecruiser Saratoga, Admiral 3 Renown, 1 re-roll, Third Turret

-Lunar Cruiser True Heart, Power Ram

-Tyrant Cruiser Belligerent, extra range on batteries

-Dominator Cruiser Kar Duniash

-Dauntless Light Cruiser Kestrel, Lances

-Dauntless Light Cruiser Roanoke, Lances




Imperial Navy – Turn 1

The whole fleet moves up.  The Tyrant flanks the squadron of Dauntless Light Cruisers.  The Retribution and the Dominator move up the center.  The Lunar and Mars go up the right side.  Mars launches 4 fighters, on CAP.  Tyrant fires torpedoes.

Azure Flames – Turn 1

Vigilance takes the extreme left, Courage, Duty, Sacrifice, and Flame Squadron go up the center, His Hammer II is on the right side.  Every ship with bays launches Thunderhawks.  The CAP for the Mars splits in two.

Imperial Navy – Turn 2

Tyrant reloads and fires torpedoes at the Novas, but lucky brace saves prevent any from dying.  Lances from the Dauntlesses whiff.  Retribution takes down a shield on the Sacrifice.  Dominator’s Nova Cannon misses His Hammer II.

Azure Flames – Turn 2

Novas go right past the Tyrant.  The four Strike Cruisers gang up on the right side, unleashing a barrage of torpedoes and Thunderhawks.  The Tyrant’s prow torpedoes are disabled.  His Hammer II reloads, fires Boarding Torpedoes at the Retribution and causes Port and Prow weapons to be disabled.

Imperial Navy – Turn 3

Heavily damaged, the Dauntlesses disengage.  The Tyrant takes down the Vigilance’s shields with starboard guns and the Sacrifice’s with port.  His Hammer II braces for impact as the Dominator’s Nova Cannon causes 6 hits!  Brace fails to protect against one.  Lunar comes to a new heading.  Boarding Torpedoes that missed the Retribution go after the Dominator, which braces.  None of the torpedoes hit anyway.

Azure Flames – Turn 3

His Hammer II moves up, but braced guns are ineffective.  Vigilance moves up to board the Tyrant.  The other Strike Cruisers and Novas blast the Tyrant which refuses to brace.  The Tyrant is crippled. Subsequent boarding action does 4 more damage, turning the Tyrant into a drifting hulk.

Imperial Navy – Turn 4

Mars fires Nova Cannon at the Battle Barge, which takes 2 damage.  A critical effect collapses the Battle Barge’s shields!  Lunar fires torpedoes, but they come up a bit short.

Azure Flames – Turn 4

Battle Barge disengages.  The rest of the fleet moves out towards the Imperial Navy.  Lance fire at the Dominator takes down shields.

Imperial Navy – Turn 5

Fire kills one Nova escort after they brace.  Mars reloads and launches four bombers.

Azure Flames – Turn 5

Mixed results on Reload Ordnance leaves some Strike Cruisers without torpedoes.  The ones that do fire on the Dominator.  One wave gets through to the Lunar which causes a critical Fire!  The Dominator refuses to brace for incoming Bombardment Cannon fire and a critical hit causes a Hull Breach that takes the last point of damage, turning the Dominator into a Blazing Hulk!

Imperial Navy – Turn 6

The Blazing Hulk Dominator moves forward, and explodes!  The Lunar is lucky, only loses one shield, but several Thunderhawk flights are not so lucky.  The Lunar’s guns fire unbelievably well and kill three of the Novas after the Mars’ Nova Cannon takes down their shields. Retribution forces a brace on one of the Strike Cruisers.

Azure Flames – Turn 6

The Novas disengage.  The Courage moves up to board the Lunar.  Boarding action does only one damage.

Imperial Navy – Turn 7

Fire from the Lunar and Retribution cripple the Vigilance.  Mars’ Nova Cannon forces a brace on the Duty.

Azure Flames – Turn 7

Courage moves up to board the Mars.  Fire from the other Strike Cruisers cause a Hull breach which does two extra damage.  Boarding action does 5 damage, hulking the Mars.

Imperial Navy – Turn 8

Lunar disengages.  Retribution fails to disengage, even on leadership 10!

Azure Flames – Turn 8

Reloads and launches all around.

Imperial Navy – Turn 9

Retribution disengages.  Mars is left as a hulk.


This battle looks bad.  It is.  Nathan refused to Brace for Impact in almost every situation.  Bracing in the wrong situation can tie your hands behind your back, but NOT bracing can blow your arms off.

Next week: Last week of the campaign!  I’m so excited!

BONUS: Former Tau player Josh dropped out to start a Warhammer Fantasy campaign!  Here’s their second game (the first was too short for me to document), a blazing two-on-two with Brettonians and Lizardmen vs. Tomb Kings and Warriors of Chaos!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Gothic Campaign Week 9 – Wheat and Chaff

August 9, 2014
09 Aug/14

Major shakeup: our Tau player dropped out, leaving his systems completely undefended!  Our part-time Imperial Navy player, Nathaniel, took advantage of this and launched an attack on the coveted Epps system.  Can the Space Marines prevent the Imperial Navy from expanding their sphere of influence?

Fleet Engagement – 800 pts


Bozeman – Azure Flames

-Battlebarge His Anvil (refit: Left Shift)

-Strike Cruiser Courage (refit: +2D6 on All Ahead Full, Crew Skills: re-roll x2)

-Strike Cruiser Honor (refit: does not suffer speed penalty for blast markers)

Nathaniel – Imperial Navy

-Emperor class Battleship Thor’s Gaze, with Shark Assault Boats

-Sword Frigates x6 Hellfire Squadron

-Cobra Destroyers x4 Deathbringer Squadron

-Cobra Destroyers x4 Exemplar Squadron

(Note: both fleets totaled exactly 800pts)



Turn 1 – Imperial Navy

Escort squadrons move forward to engage, while the Emperor fires 4 fighters and 4 bombers.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames

All ships launch Thunderhawks, which either form CAPs or try to mitigate enemy ordnance.

Turn 2 – Imperial Navy

Torpedoes fired by both Cobra squadrons do no damage.  Remaining attack craft put themselves right in the path of the Battle Barge.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

His Anvil and Honor Reload Ordnance, but Courage fails to do so.  His Anvil kills two of the four Cobras near it, and combined fire from the Strike Cruisers kill three of the four of the others. All Imperial escort squadrons Brace for Impact.

Turn 3 – Imperial Navy

Braced Firestorms fire on Strike Cruiser Courage, but roll poorly.  Lone Cobra fails to disengage.  Thor’s Gaze moves up through the asteroids to shield it from the Battle Barge, and reloads.  However, it fails to navigate the asteroids and takes two damage!

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

His Anvil fails to navigate the asteroids, leaving it down one damage point, and unable to fire on Thor’s GazeHonor rolls poorly to kill the lone Cobra.  Fire from Courage forces a Brace on the Firestorms, but no casualties.

Turn 4 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze fires on His Anvil point blank, causing two damage and a Brace.  Cobras disengage.  Firestorms go for Honor, but fail to do damage.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames

His Anvil escapes through the Asteroid field.  Combined fire from the Strike Cruisers kills two Firestorms who decline to brace.

Turn 5 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze launches 2 fighters and 6 Bombers.  Firestorms cause 2 damage to Honor.

Turn 5 – Azure Flames

Courage and Honor reload, and fire on the Firestorms, reducing them to 1.  Bombers force a Brace on Courage, causing 1 damage.  His Anvil begins the long turnaround.

Turn 6 – Imperial Navy

Lone Firestorm disengages.  Thor’s Gaze reloads, launches again.  Fire brings down Honor’s shields.

Turn 6 – Azure Flames

The Strike Cruisers remove the ordnance with their Bombardment Cannons.  Courage uses Lock On to do so better.

Turn 7 – Imperial Navy

Reload, 2 fighters 6 bombers.

Turn 7 – Azure Flames

Bombardment Cannons blast the ordnance again.

Turn 8 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze uses Lock On and cripples Honor.

Turn 8 – Azure Flames

Courage disengages as Honor tries to swing around an asteroid field to get behind Thor’s Gaze.  His Anvil finally comes around.

Turn 9 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze reloads, launches, turns toward asteroids.

Turn 9 – Azure Flames

Honor launches a CAP and fails to shoot down the ordnance.

Turn 10 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze reloads and the bombers cripple Honor.

Turn 10 – Azure Flames

Honor disengages.  His Anvil fires Boarding Torpedoes at Thor’s Gaze, disabling the port guns and starting a fire.

Turn 11 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze fails to lock on, does not damage His Anvil, but repairs its critical effects.

Turn 11 – Azure Flames

His Anvil boards Thor’s Gaze, and causes 4 damage, an Engine Room result (one more damage) and another Fire.  Thor’s Gaze is crippled with 4 damage left.

Turn 12 – Imperial Navy

Crippled, Thor’s Gaze locks on and despite a Brace, His Anvil is crippled.  Thor’s Gaze takes one damage from the fire.

Turn 12 – Azure Flames

Shooting is ineffective.

Turn 13 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze disengages.


Imperial Navy: 200 Victory points

Azure Flames: 200 Victory points

Result: A TIE?????!!!!???!!!


UNBELIEVABLE!  I’ve never seen a tie in Gothic like this!  We both took fleets of EXACTLY 800pts and all of our fleets were crippled, so we both got 25% of each others fleet!  Weird.  Oh well, the campaign continues!  Tune in next week for more Gothic!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Gothic Campaign Week 8: Marines vs. Tau Planetary Assault

July 18, 2014
18 Jul/14

Another action packed week!  Sadly our new players did not show, but veteran player Josh played as the defender in a Planetary Assault mission!  We had 1000 points, and Josh got 30 extra points for defences.


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines

-Battle Barge His Hammer II, Admiral Piers (Ld9, 3 re-rolls), Terminator Boarding Party, Honour Guard

-Strike Cruiser Duty, Extra Shield, Crew Skill: Automatically pass one Leadership test per game

-Strike Cruiser Courage, Extra Shield, Refit: +2D6 on All Ahead Full

-Strike Cruiser Honor, Extra Shield, Refit: No speed penalty for blast markers.

-Four Transports

Josh – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur (Kor’or’vesh)

-Or’es El’leath “Custodian” class Battleship, Admiral (Ld9, 2 re-rolls)

-Lar’shi’vre “Protector” class Cruiser, Vior’la configuration

-Il’porrui “Emissary” class light Cruiser, Sa’cea configuration

-Squadron of 3 Kir’la “Warden” and 2 Kir’shashvre “Castellan” escorts

-Kor Caste Orbital City



Our planet was a Large planet (in this case the Planetary Edge is the edge of the cloud barrier, along which several antigrav mining platforms float.  Otherwise this mission would make no sense.)  It had gas and dust cloud rings, and one moon.  Josh set up all of his fleet on “standby” so they had to be set up within 30cm of the planet.

Radiation Burst causes -1 Ld!

Turn 1 – Azure Flames Space Marines

The Battle Barge went on All Ahead Full.  All ships with Launch Bays launched Thunderhawks.  1/2 of the Thunderhawks from the Strike Cruisers go on CAP with the Transports, while the others CAP their home vessel.  The Battlebarge’s 3 Thunderhawks CAP with it.

Turn 1 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Custodian goes on Burn Retros.  Launch bays for the entire fleet launch Fighters to mitigate the Thunderhawk CAP and also fire Tau Missiles.

Radiation Burst causes -1 Ld!

Turn 2 – Azure Flames Space Marines

Thanks to a re-roll, the Battlebarge and all 3 Strike Cruisers go on All Ahead Full.  The Strike Cruisers fire normal torpedoes at the gap between asteroids near the Tau escort squadron.  Bombardment cannon fire destroys the worst of the incoming Tau missiles.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 2 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

All of the Tau ships (not the station) go on Reload Ordnance.  More ordnance is fired, doing one damage to the Battlebarge.  Fire brings down the shields.  Tau fighters remove the CAP Thunderhawks.  Escorts must make a right turn as they come out of the asteroids to avoid the torpedoes.  Torpedoes self destruct due to running into asteroids and/or each other.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames Space Marines

Battlebarge and Strike Cruisers Reload Ordnance.  Boarding Torpedoes and Thunderhawks from the Battlebarge cripple the Port and Starboard weapons on the Custodian, and also start a fire.  Batteries and Bombardment Cannons take down the shields on the Protector and do one damage, starting a fire.  Torpedoes and Bombardment Cannons from the Strike Cruisers kill two Wardens in the escort squadron.  Escorts Brace for Impact.  Tau fighters remove the CAP on the Transports.

Turn 3 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Battery fire against the Battlebarge is lackluster, but Tau Missiles do two more damage.  Emmisary goes after the Strike Cruisers, and the Escorts on Brace fire missiles, but to little effect.  Tau missiles close in on the Transports.

Radiation Burst causes -4 Ld!

Turn 4 – Azure Flames Space Marines

Battlebarge boards the Custodian.  Fire from the Strike Crusiers, as well as other factors cause the Custodian to lose by 5.  Brace saves two for a total of 3 damage, and a Fire critical.  Strike Cruisers wipe out the Tau escorts.  Transports bunch up for safety.

Turn 4 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

The Emmisary chases after the Strike Cruisers, but fails to damage.  Tau missiles kill three of the Transports because they fail to Brace several times.  Against all odds, the Battlebarge braces, saving it from damage!

Turn 5 – Azure Flames Space Marines

Battlebarge disengages.  Strike Cruisers make it to the Low Orbit table.  Game ceded.


Space Marines are better than the internet led me to believe.  Other than my first game in which I had bad luck disengaging, I have been doing quite well.  Thunderhawk gunships are terrifyingly powerful, and the ability to fire critical-guaranteed Boarding Torpedoes or regular ones is a great boon.  Marines have to get up close and personal and really slug it out.

Next: the Gothic campaign continues!  Hopefully we will see more rookie players!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Gothic Campaign Week 7: Marines vs. Necrons

July 11, 2014
11 Jul/14

This was a light week, with several regulars taking a week off.  However, Matt showed up, eager to learn more about the Necron fleet he commands.  We played a 1000 point Fleet Engagement.  We both chose the Sphere deployment, so we set up on opposite sides of the board, neither having an advantage.


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines

-Battle Barge His Hammer, Flagship (Commander Piers, Ld 9, 3 re-rolls), Honour Guard, Terminator Boarding Party

-Strike Cruiser Vigilance, Extra Shield, Weapon Refit: Auto Loaders (+1 Ld for Reload Ordnance)

-Strike Cruiser Duty, Extra Shield, Crew Skill: Elite Command Crew (auto pass one Leadership check per game)

-Hunter Destroyer x5, Wrath Squadron

Matt – Necron Tomb Fleet

-Necron Tombship, Sepulchre

-Scythe class Cruiser

-Shroud class Light Cruiser



Turn 1 – Necrons

Necron Tombship goes on All Ahead Full, but only moves 30cm.  Other ships move up.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames

Hunters take a right turn, fire 10 Torpedoes at the Shroud but do nothing.  The squadron of two Strike Cruisers fire 12 boarding torpedoes and 4 Thunderhawks.  Battlebarge moves up.

Turn 2 – Necrons

Tombship gets only 30cm on All Ahead Full again.  The Shroud takes a left turn, away from the Hunters.  The Boarding Torpedoes fired by the Strike Cruisers hit the Shroud, causing a Drive Damaged result, preventing the Shroud from turning.  The Scythe moves up.  Thunderhawks launched by the Strike Cruisers hit the Tombship, but a fantastic turrets roll kills all four!  Turn not pictured.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

Battlebarge moves up.  Strike Cruisers Reload Ordnance, but the Hunters fail to Reload.  The surviving Boarding Torpedoes that hit the Shroud turn to the right, and continue.

Turn 3 – Necrons

Because the Shroud can’t turn, its minimum movement takes it off the board, forcing it to disengage.  The Scythe goes on All Ahead Full.  The Tombship moves up.  Lance fire from the Tombship takes down one shield on the Battlebarge.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

Strike Cruisers move up.  They launch Torpedoes and Thunderhawks at the Tombship, causing a Power Flow Disruption that prevents Necron lances and batteries from firing in any arc!  Both the Tombship and the Scythe Brace for Impact as the Strike Cruisers also fire on the Scythe, causing one damage. The Battlebarge adds its fire to little effect, and the Hunters fail to reload again.

Turn 4 – Necrons

A foolish decision on my part not to Brace for Impact, along with fantastic firing from both Necron ships causes three damage to the Vigilance, crippling it.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames

The Vigilance tries to disengage, but due to a Bridge Smashed result, it fails.  The Duty moves behind the Tombship, and fires.  The Hunters Reload, and fire Boarding Torpedoes at the Tombship, which cause a whole mess of critical effects.  The Battlebarge Locks On, and fires.  In total, 3 damage and 5 critical effects from torpedoes and Bombardment Cannons make the Tombship hurt.  Traveling for six player turns, the Boarding Torpedoes fired by the Hunters on turn 1 start to catch up behind the Necrons.

Turn 5 – Necrons

Plagued by effects, the Tombship disenages.  The Scythe locks on, and its weapons take down the Battlebarge’s shields and do one damage.  The Battlebarge braces.

Turn 5 – Azure Flames

The Vigilance successfully disengages.  The Duty, Hunters, and Battlebarge open fire on the Scythe, which takes one damage despite a Brace.

Turn 6 – Necrons

Scythe disengages.


Great game!  The campaign is going along nicely.  Next: more Tau painted ships and more batreps!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Gothic Campaign Week 6: Double Feature!

July 4, 2014
04 Jul/14

We had two battles this week.  I faced off against Rob’s Imperial Navy Bastion Fleet in an escalating engagement, and Josh’s Tau tried to slip past newcomer Matt’s Necrons in a Convoy.  Battle reports will be shorter, as these were shorter battles.


Escalating Engagement – Azure Flames Space Marines vs. Imperial Navy Bastion Fleet

During my first turn, the Strike Cruiser Duty went on All Ahead Full to surprise Rob’s Gothic cruiser.  Fire ineffective, but Thunderhawks caused a starboard weapons damage.

The Gothic cruiser, over the next several turns was pincered by Strike Cruisers.

Facing two Strike Cruisers, with a third on the way, the Gothic disengaged.

On subsequent turns, Strike Cruisers arrived, but no Imperial Navy ships did.

Rob, facing my entire fleet ready to pounce, disengaged each ship as they came on the board.


Convoy – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur (defenders) vs. Necrons (attackers)

Necrons rolled D3 + 4 (6 total) results

1 torpedo/attack craft

3 results of 2 torpedoes/attack craft

1 squadron of escorts at 100pts

1 squadron of escorts at 150pts

The Tau split their transports into a group going left and one going right.  Necron escorts punched through the Tau line, and destroyed several escorts.  Then a Solar Flare hit.

Tau fire got lucky and destroyed all but one Necron Jackal.  That jackal pursued a transport, as an attack craft cluster destroyed one more.  The jackal chased the transport, but a lucky hit with missiles dispatched the Jackal.  With no Necron forces left, the Tau were victorious!


Next week: hopefully another double feature!


Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Week 5, Battle #2: Marines vs. New Imperial Navy player!

June 29, 2014
29 Jun/14

For the sector map, see the previous post.

Nathan has been interested in our campaign for some time.  Communications problems prevented him from joining until now.  However, he put together a fleet using my Imperial Navy.  He had guts to choose his home system right between the Space Marines and the Tau, the two most powerful fleets.

We played a Cruiser Clash with fleet restrictions removed.  500 points.


Azure Flames

-Space Marine Strike Cruiser Duty (Extra Shield)

-Space Marine Strike Cruiser Honor (Extra Shield)

-Space Marine Strike Cruiser Sacrifice (Extra Shield)

Imperial Navy

-Dauntless class Light Cruiser Kestrel (lances)

-Dauntless class Light Cruiser Surprise (lances)

-Mars class Battlecruiser Saratoga, extra turret


Azure Flames – Turn 1

The strike cruisers go right around the asteroids, and launch Thunderhawks.

Imperial Navy – Turn 1

Nova Cannon causes the Duty to Brace for Impact, but the cannon misses.  Lance fire from the Dauntlesses kills one of the Thunderhawk squadrons.

Azure Flames – Turn 2

Fire from the Sacrifice brings down one shield on the Kestrel.  Four Thunderhawks cause several effects on the Surprise including an engine room damaged result.

Imperial Navy – Turn 2

Nova Cannon does three damage to the Sacrifice despite Brace for Impact.  A critical hit causes the Sacrifice to have a bridge smashed result!  Bombers force a Brace on the Duty but do no damage.

Azure Flames – Turn 3

The Sacrifice fails to disengage and tries to run.  The Duty fires on the Dauntless as the Honor boards!  A poor boarding roll causes the Kestrel to take only one damage.  Critical roll against the Honor succeeds, and causes a Shields Collapsed result!

Imperial Navy – Turn 3

Concentrated fire on the stricken Sacrifice reduces it to one damage point remaining.  Other fire causes Brace rolls on the other two cruisers.

Azure Flames – Turn 4

Both cruisers zero in on the Saratoga.  The Honor boards again, and this time a spectacular boarding roll does 6 damage to the Saratoga.  Brace saves only one, crippling the battlecruiser.

Imperial Navy – Turn 4

The Kestrel fires on the Honor, forcing a brace.  The Saratoga chooses not to disengage, and fires on the Honor as well.  One damage, which hits the Port side guns.

Azure Flames – Turn 5

Bombardment Cannon fire brings down the Kestrel, and a critical hit causes a bulkhead collapse, which leads to a Warp Drive Implosion!  All three surviving ships Brace for Impact!

Imperial Navy – Turn 5

Saratoga tries to disengage and fails.  Fire against the Duty is ineffectual.

Azure Flames – Turn 6

Braced from the turn before, the two cruisers do only one damage to the Saratoga.

Imperial Navy – Turn 6

Saratoga disengages.


Nathan had a fantastic first game, he just had some bad luck.  The Nova Cannon shot that crippled my cruiser was great, but the rolls I got on him for boarding the Mars and destroying the Dauntless were less lucky.  Here’s to a great new player!

Next: more BFG campaign!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Week 5 Battle #1, Marines vs. Tau

29 Jun/14

What a week!  Several players did not show including our new Necron player.  However, another player, Nathan, decided to join the campaign by borrowing my Imperial Navy fleet!  My battle with Nathan will be covered in the next post, as two batreps in one post is too much.  This post is all about my battle with Josh’s Tau!


Mission: The Bait

Azure Flames

-Pursued Ship: Space Marine Strike Cruiser Honor (Extra Shield, Navigational Shields)

-Space Marine Strike Cruiser Duty (Extra Shield)

-Space Marine Strike Cruiser Courage (Extra Shield)

-Space Marine Strike Cruiser Sacrifice (Extra Shield)

Tau Shan’al Shi’ur Pursuing Fleet

-Protector Cruiser, Vior’la Configuration

-Emissary Light Cruiser, Sa’cea configuration

-Nicassar Rig

-4 Nicassar Dhows


Setup: The Honor was placed in the center of the board, and the Tau deployed 60cm behind it.

Azure Flames – Turn 1

The Honor moves ahead, and launches two Thunderhawks on CAP.

Tau Shan’al Shi’ur – Turn 1

The whole fleet moves up.  One fighter is launched, and two waves of missiles.

Azure Flames – Turn 2

The Honor Reloads Ordnance and begins to come about.

Tau Shan’al Shi’ur – Turn 2

Not allowing themselves to be caught out of position, the Tau fleet takes a turn to their Starboard.  Tau Missiles avoid the Honor, as the CAP would make them useful.

Azure Flames – Turn 3

Thunderhawks split off from CAP to deal with the Tau missiles.  The Honor seeks cover by the large planet.

Tau Shan’al Shi’ur – Turn 3

The Nicassar Dhows provide tempting bait along the far table edge.  The Protector Reloads Ordnance, and fires.  The Emissary sneaks through the asteroid field.

Azure Flames – Turn 4

The Honor gains cover behind the planet as it once again launches a CAP to deal with Tau missiles.

Tau Shan’al Shi’ur – Turn 4

The Protector goes on All Ahead Full to catch the Honor next turn.  The Emissary fails the leadership test to navigate the asteroids, fails to Brace for Impact, and suffers SIX DAMAGE, killing it and turning it into a Drifting Hulk!  Nicassar thread the needle between the asteroid belts.

Azure Flames – Turn 5

The Duty, Courage, and Sacrifice arrive from the board edge, and launch Torpedoes, forcing the Protector to Brace.  The Honor launches Thunderhawks at the Protector.  Brace saves prevent all hit-and-run attacks and all but one damage.

Tau Shan’al Shi’ur – Turn 5

The Tau disengage, abandoning the Nicassar Rig which is destroyed.  Game ends.


The Bait is a gamble.  Does the pursuing force push it, or do they make a hasty retreat?  The Tau fleet was not slow, and speed matters.  The one big deciding factor was sending the low-leadership Emissary through the asteroids.  That instant death really hurt the Tau who might have been able to put the hurt on the Honor.

Next: another batrep from the same week, starring new player Nathan!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

New player day at Highland Library!

June 28, 2014
28 Jun/14

Finally got to go back to the Highland Library to see my old gaming group!  New players abound.  Me and Jacob, a Dark Angel player took on new players Franklin (Orks) and Andy (Necrons) in a 2v2.  Each list was independent, but was assumed to be “allied” with each other, so Franklin and Andy were subject to being Desperate Allies.

Bozeman – Azure Flames

-Leonidas, Captain of the 1st Company (counts as Vulkan He’Stan)

-Tactical Squad x9, Veteran Sergeant, Bolter-Flamer, Power Fist, Flamer in a Drop Pod

-Tactical Squad x10, Veteran Sergeant, Bolter-Melta, Meltagun, Multi-Melta in a Rhino with Extra Armor

-Stormtalon Gunship with Typhoon Missile Launcher

-Land Speeder x3 with Multi-Meltas

Jacob – Dark Angels

-Sammael, Grand Master of the Ravenwing on Jetbike

-Ravenwing Bike Squad, Power Sword, 2x Meltaguns, Attack Bike

-Ravenwing Bike Squad, Power Sword, 2x Meltaguns, Attack Bike

-Ravenwing Land Speeder, Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon

-Ravenwing Land Speeder, Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon

-Nephilim Jetfighter, Twin-linked Lascannon


Franklin – Orks (Unbound)

-Ghazgkull Mag Uruk Thraka

-Slugga Boyz x10, Big Shoota in a Trukk with a Reinforced Ram

-Lootaz x8 (proxied)

-Warbikes x3, Nob, Power Klaw

-Flash Gitz x5

-Dakkajet, Air Ace upgrade (BS 3)

Andy – Necrons

-Destroyer Lord, Warscythe, Ressurection Orb, Mindshackle Scarabs

-Wraiths x4, Whip Coils

-Necron Warriors x7

-Necron Warriors x8

-Immortals x10


-Annhilation Barge

-Doomsday Ark


Mission: Maelstrom of War 3: Tactical Escalation

Board Setup

Scout move by Dark Angels bikes.


Orks and Necrons – Turn 1

Lucky Ork shooting combined with awful armour saves kills a Ravenwing Combat Squad, giving First Blood to the Necrons and Orks!  Lootas put a glance and a Crew Shaken result on the Azure Flames Rhino.  Necron Lord and Wraiths hide under the central bridge.  Trukk containing Ghazgkull and some ladz moves up.

Azure Flames and Dark Angels – Turn 1

Leonidas and the Tactical Squad drop pod in and bake the Lootas.  Land Speeders only manage to give two Crew Stunned results to Ghazgkull’s trukk, leaving it alive!  Sammael kills many Warriors with a Plasma Cannon shot and assaults the survivors, but does not kill any in close combat.

Orks and Necrons – Turn 2

Dakkajet arrives.  Combined fire from the Orks, and Ghazgkull’s squad assaulting wipes out the Azure Flames Land Speeders.  Disordered Charge by the Lord and Wraiths kill the Dark Angels Land Speeder and Attack Bike close to Objective 6 (center right) which scores a point!  Leonidas and the Tactical Squad take some serious hits but don’t break.

Azure Flames and Dark Angels – Turn 2

Two Ravenwing Bike combat squads outflank, and the Stormtalon and Nephilim arrive.  The Nephilim shoots down the Dakkajet, which falls on a Flash Git.  The lucky Flash Git gets a “1” to wound!  Ravenwing Bikes immobilize the Doomsday Ark and glance the Annhilation Barge twice.  They also secure Objective 1 (upper left) for a point!  Azure Flames Tactical Squad turns the Monolith into a crater.  Leonidas’ squad charges a unit of warriors, killing them all in close combat and scoring another point!

Orks and Necrons – Turn 3

Destroyer Lord and Wraiths charge the melta Tactical Squad, causing them to lose 5 men, and flee.  Immortals kill all of the Tactical Squad except Leonidas.  Sammael finally finishes off the Warrior Squad in close combat.  Ghazgkull and the ladz advance.

Azure Flames and Dark Angels – Turn 3

Stormtalon goes to Hover mode, fires on Ghazgkull’s boyz to little effect.  Sammael and Leonidas assault the Immortals after shooting them, and wipe them out.  Doomsday Ark and Annhilation Barge are destroyed by Ravenwing bikes.  Bikes secure Objective 3 (center left) for a point!  Shooting kills the remaining Wraiths.  Turn not pictured.

Orks and Necrons – Turn 4

Empty trukk performs a Tank Shock against Ravenwing Bikes hiding behind the statue to the far right. Orks advance.  Necron Destroyer Lord assaults the Tactical Squad again, kills most of them by himself in a challenge.  This scores a point!  Turn not pictured.

Azure Flames and Dark Angels – Turn 4

Nephilim, Bikes, and Sammael lay into the Flash Gits, killing them.  Necron Destoryer Lord kills only one Tactical Marine, leaving one alive who stays.  Bikes assault the Trukk, but fail to hit.

Orks and Necrons – Turn 5

Destroyer Lord kills last Tactical Marine, Orks advance.  Trukk is killed by Bike Grenades.

Azure Flames and Dark Angels – Turn 5

Bikes secure objective 1 again for another point!  Other bikes secure objective 2 (lower left) for another point!  Rhino drives onto objective 6 for a point!  Shooting kills the Destroyer Lord and some Boyz, leaving Ghazgkull alone on the board!

Orks and Necrons – Turn 6

Ghazgkull is the only model left.  He advances, three wounds remaining and out of WAAAAGH, having used it.

Azure Flames and Dark Angels – Turn 6

Shooting brings Ghazgkull down to one wound.  Objectives 2 and 4 secured for more points.

Orks and Necrons – Turn 7

Ghazghkull advances again.

Azure Flames and Dark Angels – Turn 7

Ghazghull killed by shooting.  Tabled.


Final score

Azure Flames and Dark Angels: 14

Orks and Necrons: 4


WOW.  This was my first game of 7th edition.  We won from equal luck and strategy, but the ridiculous amount of points we earned was from rolling objectives we happened to be near was amazing.  This mission rewards mobile, diverse armies because if you can secure an mission objective, you get MORE next turn.  We got lucky and scored some, and then got more which we scored and so on.  The Necrons and Orks were not so lucky, as they did not get easy to accomplish objectives.

Next: TWO battle reports from my Battlefleet Gothic league!

BONUS PICTURE!  Sisters vs. Space Marines!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Gaming

Battlefleet Gothic Campaign Week 4: A new player approaches!

June 20, 2014
20 Jun/14

Our gaming has attracted the interests of a fourth!  Matt showed interest in… the… Necrons… Oh dear… Well, he’s a new player, giving him the most obscenely overpowered fleet is fair.  He didn’t have time for a game but he DID claim a system for his base.  In the meantime, Rob and I fought a brutal battle.


Mission: Exterminatus! (the only one with an exclamation point IN the title) 1025 points

-Azure Flames

Battle Barge His Hammer II

Battle Barge His Anvil

-Imperial Navy Segmentum Obscurus Bastion Fleet

Emperor Battleship

Lunar Cruiser

Tyrant Cruiser, range upgrade, Nova Cannon

Dauntless Light Cruiser, lance version

Squadron of 3 Firestorm frigates and 1 Cobra destroyer

Squadron of 6 Fire Ships

4 Ground Based  Lance  Defences



Turn 1 – Azure Flames

Both Battle Barges go on All Ahead Full.

Turn 1 – Imperial Navy

Firestorm/Cobra squadron, Dauntless, and Fire Ship squadron arrives.  The Fire Ships detonate and cause 3 Fire critical results on His Anvil.  Emperor launches fighters and fighters with bombers in two waves.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

Both ships advance.  In the End Phase, a lucky roll repairs all 3 Fire effects.

Turn 2 – Imperial Navy

The Lunar cruiser arrives.  Nova Cannon fire takes down a shield on His Hammer.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

His Anvil goes on All Ahead Full.  Fire from His Hammer II takes down an escort shield.

Turn 3 – Imperial Navy

Fire from almost the whole fleet takes down 3 shields on His Hammer II.  Nova Cannon hit does 6 damage, including 4 criticals losing shields and smashing the bridge.  Ouch.  Split fire takes down one shield from His Anvil.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames

Crippled, but still in the fight, His Hammer II causes a Brace for Impact on the escorts, and good save rolls save them all.  His Anvil causes braces on the Emperor and Dauntless.  Only does one damage to the Dauntless.

Turn 4 – Imperial Navy

The fleet concentrates on His Hammer II, doing two more damage.  His Hammer II manages a lucky Brace to survive at all.

Turn 5 – Azure Flames

His Hammer II takes down two shields on the Emperor, while His Anvil makes it onto the Low Orbit table!

Turn 5 – Imperial Navy

The Lunar follows His Anvil onto the Low Orbit table.  Fire from the Lunar and the ground defences does one damage to His Anvil.  His Hammer II is unable to Brace this turn and is reduced to a drifting hulk.

Turn 6 – Azure Flames

His Anvil approaches to within 45cm of the planetary edge and attempts to exterminate the planet; the result: a 3!  The Planet is exterminated!  Random rolls turn the Agri-world into… an Agri-world.  I guess there must have been another one.


The campaign is off and running!  I’m off to the fabric store to get another 4’x6′ black felt cover, as we’re about to have two games at once!


Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Battlefleet Gothic week three!

June 13, 2014
13 Jun/14

The Gothic campaign is alive and well!  Last night was going to be our last night if our third player, Rob, did not show.  However, he did, and won a spectacular victory!


Escalating Engagement – 1000 points

Azure Flames Space Marines

-Battlebarge His Anvil

-Strike Cruiser Vigilance, extra shield (sub plot gave +1 Ld, -1 Shield)

-Strike Cruiser Sacrifice, extra shield

-Hunter Destroyer squadron x5, Vengeance Squadron

-Hunter Destroyer squadron x5, Wrath Squadron


Imperial Navy Segmentum Tempestus Bastion Fleet

-Mars class Battlecruiser, extra turret, left shift, Admiral (Ld 8, 1 Re-roll)

-Tyrant Cruiser, longer range batteries, Nova Cannon

-Gothic Cruiser

-Dauntless Light Cruiser (lance)

-Cobra Squadron x4

-Firestorm Squadron x3


The Imperial Navy deploys the Gothic class, and the Azure Flames deploy a Hunter squadron.

Turn 1 – Imperial Navy

Gothic class moves toward the Hunters.  Marker with a squadron of the Mars and the Tyrant is deployed.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames

Hunters approach the Gothic and fire 10 Boarding torpedoes which move just short of the Gothic.  Marker with the other hunters is deployed.

Turn 2 – Imperial Navy

Gothic attempts to Burn Retros and fails, so it hits the Boarding Torpedoes.  Brace for impact fails, and a whopping five Engine Room Damaged results, crippling it!  The Gothic disengages.  The Mars and Tyrant miss with their Nova Cannons.  Mars launches fighters and bombers.  Dauntless marker placed.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

The Hunter squadron disengages, and another Hunter squad arrives.  They fire Boarding torpedoes.  Fighters and bombers approach.

Turn 3 – Imperial Navy

Dauntless arrives.  Fighter removes the Boarding Torpedoes.  Nova Cannon hit gets one Hunter.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

To deal with the fighters aend bombers, the Hunters fire a two strong regular torpedo wave and a six strong boarding wave.  However, batteries from the Hunters actually hit, removing the wave! Strike Cruiser marker is placed.

Turn 4 – Imperial Navy

Nova cannon and lance fire kills three more Hunters.  Mars reloads and launches fighters and bombers, removing the Boarding torpedoes.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames

Hunter fails to disengage.  Strike Cruiser arrives.  Battlebarge marker placed.  Bombers destroy the last Hunter.

Turn 5 – Imperial Navy

Fleet moves up.  Firestorm token is placed.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 5 – Azure Flames

Strike Cruiser moves up and fires Boarding Torpedoes and Thunderhawks at the Dauntless, knocking out all of its weapons and starting a fire!  Battle Barge goes All Ahead Full.  Final Strike Cruiser token placed.

Turn 6 – Imperial Navy

Firestorms arrive and the fleet pummels the Strike Cruiser forcing it to brace for impact.  Cobras also arrive and chase the Strike Cruiser.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 6 – Azure Flames

Strike Cruiser arrives and kills two of the three Firestorms.  Battlebarge goes on All Ahead full again.  Note that all of these All Ahead Fulls are never larger than 12cm added to the 20cm of the Barge.

Turn 7 – Imperial Navy

Whole fleet fires on one of the strike cruisers, crippling it.  The Dauntless repairs its fire, prow lances, and port weapons.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 7 – Azure Flames

Battlebarge goes on another terrible all ahead full.  Crippled Strike Cruiser disengages.  Non-crippled Strike Cruiser fires boarding torpedoes at the Mars.  Mars fails to brace and suffers FOUR engine destroyed results, crippling it!

Turn 8 – Imperial Navy

SOLAR FLARE occurs!  Mars disengages.  Cobras fail to reload ordnance, so they take up position to fire next turn.  Fire causes the Strike Cruiser to Brace.

Turn 8 – Azure Flames

Strike Cruiser kills one Cobra and makes them Brace.  Battlebarge hits the Dauntless with 9 boarding torpedoes which once again disables all of its weapons.  It braces.  Note that in the following picture, the Boarding Torpedoes were not removed when they moved into the Dauntless so they are not really there.

Turn 9 – Imperial Navy

Dauntless moves up and tries to damage the Strike Cruiser.  A teleport attack disables the Bombardment Cannon.  In the picture below the Dauntless is where the clear base is.

Turn 9 – Azure Flames

Strike Cruiser disengages.  Battlebarge boards the Dauntless.  Lucky brace saves make the Dauntless have one damage remaining!

Turn 10 – Imperial Navy

Imperial Navy disengages.  Final score Imperial Navy: 264, Azure Flames 206.


There were two things that could have won this game for me.  If the Hunter squadron had disengaged, and if Rob had not made one of the 4 saves necessary to save the Dauntless.  It was a nail biter!  I can’t wait for next week!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming
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