AFK Crusade: Week 1
AFK is open for gaming, and we just had week 1 of a Crusade Campaign! Here’s my starting Crusade List
Azure Flames 3rd Company Expeditionary Force
- Captain Edgard of the 3rd Company, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Forge Master, The Salamander Mantle (+2 Crusade Points)
- Codicier Sangamon (Librarian), Force Axe, Jump Pack, Fire Shield, Drakeskin
- 1st Tactical Squad 3rd Company, Combi-Grav, Chainsword, Multi-melta
- 4th Tactical Squad 3rd Company, Combi-Grav, Chainsword, Heavy Bolter
- 13th Aggressor Squad, 4th Company, Flamestorm Gauntlets
- 7th Bike Squad 4th Company (x3), Power Fist, 2x Meltagun
- 8th Squad 7th Company Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
- 10th Squad Devastators, 3rd Company, 4x Grav Cannon, Armourium Cherub
- 15th Squad Eradicators, 4th Company, Melta Rifle
My first game was with Thad and his awesome purple AdMech! We played 50PL, Incursion.

I went first and moved up to destroy the objectives. I also managed to wipe the Kastelan Robots and the Serberys Raiders.

Thad struck back, almost wiping the Agressors and killing the Attack Bike

Next, my bikes charged his Dominus Techpriest while the Eradicators blast the Kataphron Destroyers and the Devastators manage to remove the Onager Dunecrawler.

Thad wiped the last Agressor and killed all but the Bike Sergeant. Then, Sangamon valiantly charged, whiffed, and was cut down! The rest of Thad’s army was eventually wiped, mostly thanks to the Devastators.
Next, I went up against Rob, a former contributor to Fourstrands battle reports, and who also participated in my Gothic campaign! Rob brought his Howling Griffons and we played a 25PL Sweep and Clear

Over the first two turns, Rob’s Deredeo Dreadnought wiped BOTH the Agressors and the Eradicators!

Afterwards, the Tactical Squad’s Multi-melta finally finishes the Deredeo, and Captain Edgard takes a melta shot to the face! Luckily he survives, and takes a charge from a 4 man Intercessor squad, and knocks them all out in one go!

Afterward, the Tactical Squad and Edgard wiped the last Howling Griffon squad.
Once completed, I had three units that leveled up! It looks like it’s going to be an action packed campaign!
Batrep Double Header!
Two more games with the incomparable Thomas!
Bozeman: Azure Flames (Salamanders)
- Battalion
- Captain, Combi-Melta, Power Fist, Salamander Mantle, Warlord, Exemplar of the Promethean Creed (-1CP), Forge Master, Miraculous Constitution
- Librarian on Bike, Force Axe, Bolt Pistol, Might of Heroes, Null Zone
- Lieutennant, Combi-Melta, Power Fist
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Meltagun
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Meltagun
- Tactical Squad x5, Chainsword, Storm Bolter, Multi-Melta
- Apothecary
- Company Ancient, Chapter Ancient, Combi-Melta
- Ironclad Dreadnought, Chainfist, Meltagun, Hurricane Bolter, Ironclad Launchers
- Sternguard x10, Power Fist, 10x Combi-Melta
- Bikes x5 and Attack Bike, Power Fist, 2x Meltagun, Multi-Melta
- Devastators x5, 4x Multi-Melta, Armourium Cherub
- Eradicators x3
- Drop Pod
- Drop Pod
- Drop Pod
Thomas: XVI Legion successors (Imperial Fists)
- Battalion
- Indominus Captain, The Spartean, Warlord, The Hand of Dorn, Fleetmaster
- Primaris Chaplain, The Eye of Hypnoth
- Assault Intercessors x5, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
- Assault Intercessors x5
- Intercessors x5, Power Fist
- Intercessors x5, Power Fist
- Primaris Techmarine
- Primaris Apothecary
- Gladiator Reaper
- Gladiator Valiant
- Contemptor Dreadnought, 2x Twin Heavy Bolters
- Redemptor Dreadnought, Gatling Cannon
- Relic Terminators, Power Sword, 9x Lightning Claw, 2x Reaper Autocannon, 8x Combi-Bolter
Our first game was short, so here are the hightlights:

On turn 1 I dropped in all Drop Pods. The Terminators were reduced to 4, and several squads were destroyed. The Bikes move up to the right.

Thomas fought back, charging my Captain with his in a deadly duel! An amazing overwatch roll deletes the rest of the Terminators.

Bikes assault the Gladiator on the right, and Librarian uses Null Zone to turn off the enemy’s Storm Shield. After that the fight was much more one sided. The left flank collapses.

Game was ceded. I don’t think I’ll take this list ever again unless fighting Knights which it was designed to do. It’s either a turn 1 win by vaping half the enemy, or it would be useless if fighting hordes or a well screened opponent.
Next game!
Bozeman: Azure Flames (Salamanders)
- Spearhead (-3CP)
- Techmarine on Bike, Drake Smiter, Conversion Beamer, Master of the Forge, Warlord, Forge Master
- Techmarine, Servo Harness
- Servitors, 2x Heavy Bolter
- Land Speeder Tornado x3, 3x Heavy Bolter, 3x Assault Cannon
- Land Raider, Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter
- Land Raider Crusader, Hunter Killer Missile, Multi-Melta
- Land Raider Redeemer, Hunter Killer Missile, Multi-Melta
- Predator Annihilator, Lascannon Sponsons
- Predator Annihilator, Lascannon Sponsons
- Vindicator, Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter
- Razorback, Twin Lascannon, Hunter Killer Missile
Note: Thomas’ list was the same as in the game above.
Mission – Sweep and Clear

Turn 1 – XVI Legion
Stratagems and withering fire kill both Predators and reduce the Vindicator to 5 wounds.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames
Vindicator whiffs despite buffs from Techmarine. Redeemer moves out and does some damage to a lot of the Intercessors. Land Raiders pop out to grab an objective and do some damage to one of the Gladiators. Both Dreadnoughts are removed.

Turn 2 – XVI Legion
Concentrated fire finishes off the Land Raider Redeemer. Terminators advance to the center objective. Two of the Land Raiders are blasted by the Gladiator.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames
Land Raider moves to the left to grab an objective. Terminators are cut in half. Lascannons from the Razorback finish off one of the Gladiators.

Turn 3 – XVI Legion
Terminators charge the Crusader, but largely bounce off. Intercessors blast the last Land Speeder.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames
Without the Terminators for cover, all fire blasts the Captain, vaporising him. The Crusader kills two Terminators with close range fire.

Turn 4 – XVI Legion
Chaplain and Gladiator charge the Vindicator.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames
Shooting from the Land Raider harms the Terminators, and the Master of the Forge charges in, wiping the rest with his hammer.

Turn 5 – XVI Legion
Fight with the Vindicator continues.

Turn 5 – Azure Flames
Vindicator falls back using a strategem, and doesn’t roll a 1. The Techmarine, Apothecary, and Gladiator are removed. Turn not pictured.
Final Score:
Azure Flames – 84
XVI Legion – 78
This game was a bloodbath! Thomas had only one squad left and I had significantly fewer tanks. I thought this list was a dud, just a joke with an all-tank theme. However it has such toughness and firepower that it can be really fantastic. The Servitors never even disembarked!
Next: More Games and hopefully some Infiltrators.
Belated Pre-New Year Batrep
After a stunning battle, I lost my camera under a pile of bills, preventing me from sharing it, or the works I’ve done recently. But the wayward camera has been found.
Sadly, being so late, I forget the major details of the battle, so this is going to be a “broad strokes” kind of batrep.
Bozeman – Azure Flames (Salamanders)
- Battalion
- Zeraf Antonius, Captain of the 4th Company, (Primaris Captain from Indominus) Warlord, Exemplar of the Promethean Creed (-1CP) Anvil of Strength, Iron Resolve, The Burning Blade, Relic Shield
- Chief Librarian Ory-Hara (Primaris Librarian), Chief Librarian, The Tome of Vel’Cona (-1CP), Flaming Blast, Fire Shield, Drakeskin, Fury of Nocturne
- Assault Intercessors x10, Thunder Hammer
- Tactical Squad x5, Combi-Melta, Power Fist, Meltagun
- Tactical Squad x5, Combi-Melta, Power Fist, Meltagun
- Tactical Squad x5, Combi-Flamer, Power Fist, Flamer
- Tactical Squad x5, Combi-Flamer, Power Fist, Flamer
- Bladeguard Ancient
- Bladeguard Veterans x3
- Terminator Assault Squad x5, Lightning Claws
- Assault Squad x10, Jump Packs, 2x Flamer, Power Fist
- Assault Squad x10, Jump Packs, 2x Flamer, Power Fist
- Outrider Squad
- Rhino
- Rhino
Thomas – XVI Legion Successors (counts as Imperial Fists)
- Battalion
- Captain, Combi-Melta, The Fist of Dorn, Warlord
- Phobos Librarian
- Primaris Chaplain
- Intercessors x5, Bolt Rifles, Power Fist
- Intercessors x5, Bolt Rifles, Power Fist
- Incursors x10, mine
- Reivers x5, Grapple hooks
- Reivers x5, Grapple hooks
- Gladiator Valiant
- 10x Cataphractii Terminators, Power Sword, 9x Lightning Claws, 2x Reaper Autocannon, 8x Combi Bolter
- Primaris Apothecary
- Invictor Warsuit, Ironhail Autocannon
- Relic Contemptor Dreadnought, 2x Twin Linked Heavy Bolter

Turn 1 saw the Azure Flames run forward, taking minor casualties

On Turn 2, Objectives were grabbed and the central building was navigated. An Assualt Squad wipes out one of the Intercessor squads in a crater. They are wiped out in return and some Phobos units arrive in my backfield.

My remaining Terminator charged some Incursors. Sadly, I forgot that they get two extra attacks apiece so they end up dueling the Incursors for several turns! Some units get charges off but others fail. The melee is not kind. The Contemptor Dreadnought shoots a unit out of the building.

Turn 3 saw fights raging around the board

By turn 4, my wave had broken. The Sons of Horus marched forward.

On turn 5 I tried to salvage what I could, but I was tabled!

This list isn’t very competitive. It’s slow and relies on charge rolls, which are unreliable. I think that a Company Champion to help charges could work, as could some Impulsors or other fast moving weapons to support the melee wave.
Next: CHAMELEON SKINKS! Time for Blood Bowl!
1000 points Double Header, Azure Flames vs. Knights and AdMech
Misa, a regular at AFK games brought a brand new army: Knights and Admech, and wanted to test them out! I obliged him with two different 1000 point games.
Game 1: Reconnaissance Mission
Primary Objective: Take and Hold (1, 2, and more objectives than enemy = 5VP each @end of command phase, can’t score turn 1)
Bozeman – Azure Flames (Salamanders)
- Battalion
- Khalil, Captain of the 7th Company, on Bike, Warlord, Exemplar of the Promethean Creed (-1CP), Forge Master, Miraculous Constitution, Drake Smiter, Storm Shield
- Librarian, Chief Librarian, Force Sword, The Tome of Vel’cona (-1CP), Fire Shield, Burning Hands, Drakeskin, Fury of Nocturne, Plasma Pistol
- Assault Intercessors x5, Thunder Hammer
- Intercessors x5, Thunder Hammer, Astartes Grenade Launcher
- Tactical Squad x5, Storm Bolter, Chainsword, Lascannon
- Bike Squad x3, Power Fist, 2x Meltagun
- Devastators x5, Armorium Cherub, 2x Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter
- Thunderfire Cannon
Misa – Imperial Knights and Adeptus Mechanicus
- Super-Heavy Detachment (Imperial Knights)
- Knight Crusader, Warlord, First Knight, Rapid Fire Battle Cannon, Avenger Gatling Cannon, 2x Heavy Stubber, Ironstorm Missile Pod
- Knight Armiger, Heavy Stubber
- Knight Armiger, Heavy Stubber
- Patrol (AdMech)
- Techpriest Engineseer
- Skitari Ranger x5
- Skitari Ranger x5

Before the game begins, Misa used 1CP to put both squads of Skitarii into reserves.
Turn 1 – Knights and AdMech
Knight Crusader moves up and targets multiple squads. The bikes are eliminated. Transhuman Physiology saves the Assault Intercessors, reducing them to 3 instead of wiping them out. The Knight charges, and the Devastators answer back with Born Heroes, using their Armourium Cherub and getting a lucky Lascannon hit which does 6 damage! However, the Knight fails the charge. Armigers move up to take objectives. Turn not pictured.
Turn 1 – Azure Flames
Tactical and Devastator fire removes the Armiger on the right side. Khalil, Assault Intercessors, and Intercessors charge the Knight and manage to do exactly enough damage to destroy it! Librarian performs the first of three psychic ceremonies.

Turn 2 – Knights and AdMech
Surviving Armiger shoots at the Thunderfire, reducing it to one wound. Techpriest retreats to the objective in the crater. Skitarii arrive and snag objectives.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames
Devastators move and use Relentless Determination to remove the remaining Armiger. Librarian performs 2nd psychic ritual, but then suffers a wound to Perils! Tactical Squad and Intercessors blast the Skitarii on the right. The Assault Intercessors charge and kill the Techpriest. The remaining Skitarii flee because of a failed morale test. Tabled.

Discussion: The Knight, hard as it was, should have stayed back. It has enough range to take out the whole tiny 30×44″ board. Moving it up put it in prime position for being charged by three Thunder Hammers. The Skitarii in reserve were nice, but they weren’t enough. This list needs more bodies to hold objectives and/or lay down some extra fire.
Game 2: Raid
Primary Objective: Domination (2, 3 and more objectives than enemy = 5VP at end of Command Phase)
Bozeman – Azure Flames
- Spearhead Detachment (-3CP)
- Techmarine on Bike (Legends), Master of the Forge, Miraculous Constitution, Drake Smiter, Conversion Beamer
- Land Raider, Storm Bolter
- Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta
- Vindicator, Storm Bolter
- Whirlwind, Castellan Launcher
Misa – Imperial Knights and Adeptus Mechanicus (same list, see above)

Turn 1 – Knights and AdMech
Knight Crusader moves up and reduces the Land Raider Crusader to 5 wounds. Armigers take objectives. Skitarii raise flags on backfield objectives.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames
Land Raider Crusader whiffs its Multi-Melta against the Armiger, but it hits EVERY SINGLE ONE of its Bolter and Assault Cannon hits, doing 7 wounds! This is, ultimately, futile as the Vindicator does 12 wounds all by itself. Land Raider injures the other Armiger, and kills a few Skitarii.

Turn 2 – Knights and AdMech
Knight Crusader removes the Land Raider Crusader, and the Armiger whiffs, but a lucky shot from a Skitarii does one wound to the Land Raider!

Turn 2 – Azure Flames
Land Raider removes the remaining Armiger and one more of the Skitarii.

Turn 3 – Knights and AdMech
Awful shooting this turn does absolutely nothing to the Land Raider.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames
Fire from the remaining tanks damages the Knight, but it stays in its first tier. Whirlwind and Land Raider kill the Skitarii squad on the crater.

Turn 4 – Knights and AdMech
Knight damages the Land Raider down to 3 wounds and then charges to finish the job! Skitarii shoot one wound off the Vindicator.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames
Techmarine charges the Techpriest, but poor rolls leave the priest alive! Knight stomps on the Techmarine, but poor damage rolls leave him with 1 wound.

Turn 5 – Knights and AdMech
Skitarii charge the Vindicator! Knight kills the Techmarine. Turn not pictured.
Turn 5 – Azure Flames
Vindicator falls back from combat and Whirlwind damages the Skitarii squad.

Final Score
Azure Flames: 44
Knights and AdMech: 23
Discussion: For two turns I was able to hold 3 objectives while the enemy held 2, which got me a total of 30 VPs during the course of the game. I also managed to kill more enemy units than they killed of mine and spread out to four board quarters for more VPs. In the end, Misa’s list had the same problems it had last game: It needed to rack up more VPs with more bodies. This list also had a distinct lack of anti-tank which is why the Land Raiders lasted so long. Some Melta would have annihilated me pretty easily.
Next: The last part of my Indominus project: the Judicar!
Surround and Destroy 2000 Azure Flames vs. Black Legion
Had another game of 9th yesterday at AFK Games in Holt! This time Andrew brought the forces of the Warmaster himself!
Bozeman – Azure Flames (Salamanders Space Marines)
- Battallion
- Captain Edgard, Warlord, Forge Master, Miraculous Constitution (Exemplar of the Promethean Creed -1 CP), Power Fist, Combi-Melta, The Salamander Mantle
- Librarian, Bolt Pistol, Force Stave, Might of Heroes, Null Zone
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Meltagun
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Meltagun
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Flamer
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Flamer
- Company Champion
- Sternguard Veterans x10, Power Fist, 10x Combi-Melta
- Sternguard Veterans x10, Power Fist, 10x Combi-Grav
- Assault Squad x5, 2x Flamer
- Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta
- Razorback, Twin Lascannon
- Rhino
- Rhino
- Rhino
Andrew – Black Legion Chaos Space Marines
- Battallion
- Abbadon the Despoiler, Warlord
- Sorcerer in Terminator Armor, Prescience, Warptime, Angel’s Bane
- Dark Apostle
- Dark Disciples x2
- Chaos Space Marines x5
- Chaos Space Marines x5
- Cultists x30
- Berzerkers of Khorne x9, Power Fist, 1x Bolter, 8x Chainsword, 8x Chain Axe
- Chaos Terminators x5, 5x Chainfist
- Obliterators x3, Mark of Slaanesh
- Rhino
- Patrol (-2 CP)
- Lord Discordant, Mark of Khorne, Talisman of Burning Blood
- Chaos Space Marines x5
- Venomcrawler, Mark of Khorne
- Venomcrawler, Mark of Khorne
Mission: Surround and Destroy
Primary Mission: Take and Hold (+5 VP for holding 1, 2, and more than the enemy.)

Turn 1 – Azure Flames
Rhino with 5 Assault Marines advances to take one of the center objectives. Rhinos each with 2x Tactical Squads move up cautiously. Land Raider moves up and blasts the Lord Discordant with a Multi-Melta and the cultists with all other weapons. The Razorback finishes off the Lord Discordant.

Turn 1 – Black Legion
Berzerkers pile out and charge the Rhino with the Assault Squad. After 2 rounds of combat, the Rhino dies and the Assault Squad piles out, only to be engaged by the Berzerkers. Abbadon and the rest of the left flank move up and do minimal damage to the Land Raider. Two of the Chaos Marine squads perform actions on objectives to gain points.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames
One Tactical Squad, the Melta Sternguard, and the Characters pile out of their vehicles and blast the Cultists and the red Venomcrawler, removing all of them. The Librarian attempts to cast Null Zone and Might of Heroes but fails both rolls. Assault Squad falls back, and two Tactical Squads blast the Berzerkers, who die in a flurry of bad rolls.

Turn 2 – Black Legion
Terminators arrive on my board edge, but one of the Grav Sternguard Combat Squads uses Auspex scan, and with another flurry of bad rolls, all 5 Terminators are eliminated! Obliterators arrive in the central building and reduce the Land Raider to 2 wounds. Sorcerer kills the Librarian with Angel’s Bane. Abbadon charges the Land Raider, finishing it, then piles into the Razorback. Rhino charges all three squads in the right center, and causes one wound to the Assault Squad before the Tactical Sergeants kill it. Remaining Venomcrawler assaults the Melta Sternguard who totally whiff Overwach. Captain Edgard and the Company Champion Heroically Intervene, but the Venomcrawler kills Edgard and the Champ, and 4 of the Sternguard after fighting twice! Turn not pictured.
Turn 3 – Azure Flames
One Flamer squad on the right side advances, while the Melta Squad and Assault Squad attack the Obliterators, killing one. Razorback falls back from Abbadon, and shooting reduces him to 4 wounds. Flamer squad on the left pops out of the Rhino and advances. Sternguard fall back and Melta fire erases the last Venomcrawler, who explodes!

Turn 3 – Black Legion
Obliterators move down to get farther into enemy territory for points, and blast the Razorback, reducing it to one wound. Once again, Abbadon finishes the job, killing the Razorback and consolidating into the Rhino. Sorcerer in Terminator Armor charges the Melta Sternguard and is vaporized by overwatch! Dark Apostle also charges them, narrowly avoiding Born Protectors Overwatch fire from the smaller Tactical squad, and charging so they cannot Heroically Intervene. Chaos Marine squad on the right objective charges the Flamer squad, but get seriously damaged for the effort.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames
Melta Tacticals on the right kill one Obliterator and reduce the second to one wound. Assault Squad can’t hurt it, but a lucky bolt round from the Rhino finishes the poor Obliterator! Fight continues in the upper right, leaving the Aspiring Champion alone against four Azure Flames. Rhino falls back from Abbadon, and the Melta Squad and Grav Squad put the Warmaster down! Melta Sternguard finish the Dark Apostle in combat (power fist whiffs, but regular attacks are rolling amazing!) Flamer squad in the upper left flames one Chaos Marine squad who die thanks to bad rolls, and then charges another squad on the objective! Game Ceded.

Final Score
Azure Flames: 50
Black Legion: 35
This list, which I called Rhino Rush, is AMAZING for 9th! I built it as a thought experiment for 8th, but never wanted to use it. Now I don’t want to stop. It’s perfect for going out and accomplishing objectives which is all 9th is about!
Andrew played a good game. There was one moment where he forgot to shoot twice with Obliterators, and he probably should have been more conservative when deep striking the Terminators, but other than that, he lost due to bad rolls during key times. Likewise, I didn’t really do much to complain about, but had some amazing rolls (including three different D6 damage rolls of 6!) This is a good mission, but I’m hoping to play a different one next week.
Next: the second half of the Assault Intercessors and another Tactical Squad revamped!
Azure Flames vs. White Scars 2000 Surround and Destroy
Thanks to the Grand Tournament Pack which has everything you need from the main rulebook and more, I was able to play one of the polished and balanced new missions with Tyler at AFK! Let’s Batrep!
Azure Flames (Bozeman)
- Battalion
- Captain Edgard of the 3rd Company, Warlord, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, The Salamander Mantle, Forge Master, Miraculous Constitution (Exemplar of the Promethean Creed, -1CP)
- Lieutenant, Combi-Melta, Power Fist
- Apothecary
- Chapter Ancient, Relic Banner (-1CP)
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Flamer
- Tactical Squad x5, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Flamer
- Tactical Squad x5, Chainsword, Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter
- Sternguard x10, Power Fist, 10x Combi-Melta
- Sternguard x10, Power Fist, 10x Combi-Grav
- Devastator Squad x5, Chainsword, 4x Grav-Cannon, Armourium Cherub
- Bikes x3, Power Fist, 2x Flamer
- Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
- Thunderfire Cannon
- Whirlwind, Vengeance Launcher
- Rhino
- Drop Pod
- Drop Pod
- Drop Pod
White Scars (Tyler)
- Battalion
- Indominus Captain, Warlord, The Burning Blade
- Indominus Lieutenant
- Primaris Lieutenant, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol
- Bladeguard Ancient
- Bladeguard x3
- Repulsor
- Redemptor Dreadnought, Macro-Plasma Incinerator, Storm Bolters
- Eradicators x3, Melta Rifles
- Assault Intercessors x5
- Assault Intercessors x5
- Intercessors x5, Auto Bolt Rifles
- Hellblasters x5, Plasma Incinerators
- Hellblasters x5, Plasma Incinerators
- Inceptor x3, Assault Bolters
- Inceptor x3, Assault Bolters
Mission: Surround and Destroy (6 objectives, 2 in each deployment zone and 2 near the middle, long board edges)
Primary Objective: Take and Hold – Score 5 VP for, 1 objective, 2 objectives, and holding more than your opponent (max 15/turn)
Setup (not pictured): I put Bikes, Attack Bike, and Whirlwind to my left, while the Thunderfire, Heavy Bolter squad, and Rhino with 2x Flamer squads were on my right. Tyler put a Repulsor with characters and Bladeguard in the center, as well as the Dreadnought and Eradicators. Hellblasters went in a building to my left, and Intercessors and Assault Intercessors were in another to my right.
All of the rest of my army was packed into three Drop Pods. Tyler held Inceptors and one Assault Intercessor in reserve.
Turn 1 – Azure Flames
Bikes move up and hide behind the crates. Attack Bike wipes two Eradicators in the far building. Drop Pods come down, and wipe out the Repulsor and the Dreadnought, and 2/3 of the Bladeguard. Rhino moves up and spends 1CP to pop smoke. Whirlwind and Thunderfire bust up the Intercessors high in the right hand building.

Turn 1 – White Scars
Captain, Lieutenants, Ancient, and Bladeguard charge. Assault Intercessors fail to charge. Overwatch kills the Bladeguard, and Born Protector Overwatch puts 4 wounds on the Lieutenant with the bolt pistol. The Grav Sternguard wrap around as they heroically intervene, and Edgard also intervenes! Huge fight in the middle kills the wounded Lieutenant, the Melta Sternguard, and puts a few other wounds here and there. Eradicators move up and waste two bikes (bad roll). Inceptors arrive and charge the Techmarine. He weathers their assualt and kills two of them! One consolidates into the Tactical Squad. Two Hellblasters move up.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames
Bike Sergeant charges and kills the two remaining Hellblasters. AMAZING bolt pistol shots and decent Melee kill all White Scars characters in the central scrum. The Techmarine kills two more Inceptors, but he’s down to one wound! Flamer units pile out, fire on the Intercessors, and then assault the Assault Intercessors with their Rhino!

Turn 2 – White Scars
Eradicators kill the Bike Sergeant and take an objective. Fight with the Assault Intercessors continues, leaving one alive. The reserved Assault Intercessors arrive and charge the Techmarine, killing him! I spend 2 CP for Rise from the Ashes trying to revive him but to no avail!

Turn 3 – Azure Flames
Various shooting removes some units, game ceded.
Azure Flames: 28
White Scars: 4
I rolled EXCEEDINGLY WELL for this game. I made saves when I needed to and shot very well on turn 1, especially with pistols in close combat. I also had a very nasty Alpha Strike list. However, I may need to modify it, as the Grav Drop no longer has the stratagem that allows Grav Cannons to wipe entire units of Terminators in one go!
Combine that with the Thunderfire Techmarine getting a TWO WOUND BUMP so that he’s a real boy now! That saved me on the right flank!
Inceptors are not fantastic against Marines with the Assault Bolters. Plasma would have been more effective, or possibly some more Assault Intercessors to pour on damage. Tyler should also have hidden behind buildings or put out screening units such as Infiltrators to stop Drop Pod shenanigans.
Next: The last of the Tactical Sergeants and some wicked conversions!
9th Edition Debut! 1000 Azure Flames vs. Deathwatch – Ransack
AFK Games is now doing game night with limited tables! Masks and social distancing are required, so fear not all three readers, because I am playing it safe.
This game was played on 10/9/20, which prevented me from using the newest Marine codex. Therefore my list was drawn from the old 8th Edition codex. However, my opponent Thomas and I agreed to use the stats for models and weapons released in FAQs so we were sort of close to a 9th edition game! Sadly my list would have been illegal due to using Scouts as troops (they are now Elites) and Double Heavy Flamers on Land Speeders (not an option anymore, even in Legends!)
Despite the inconveniences, Thomas and I made do. Here’s the Batrep!
Bozeman – Azure Flames (counts as Salamanders using 8th ed rules with modifications to copy leaked 9th ed rules) 1000 points
- Battalion Detachment
- Captain Khalil on Bike, Warlord, Miraculous Constitution, Forge Master (Exemplar of the Promethean Creed), Drake-Smiter (Thunder Hammer), Storm Shield
- Lieutenant, Jump Pack, Power Axe, Combi-Melta
- Intercessors x 5, Bolt Rifles, Thunder Hammer
- Scouts x 10, Bolters, Missile Launcher
- Tactical Squad x 5, Storm Bolter, Lascannon
- Land Speeders x 3, 2 x Heavy Flamers
- Thunderfire Cannon
Thomas – Deathwatch (using 8th ed rules with bolter-crippling FAQ)
- Patrol Detachment
- Watch Captain in Terminator Armor, Combi-Melta, Chainfist, Warlord
- Deathwatch Kill Team x 5, 5 x Combi-Melta
- Deathwatch Kill Team x 5, 4 x Heavy Bolter
- Corvus Blackstar
- Vanguard Detachment
- Venerable Dreadnought, Twin Lascannon, Missile Launcher
- Venerable Dreadnought, Power Fist, Storm Bolter, Assault Cannon
- Contemptor Dreadnought, Multi-Melta, Assault Cannon
- (Note: I believe this detachment had an HQ but it got forgotten during setup)
Mission – Ransack
6 objectives. +5VP for controlling 2 objectives, 3 objectives, or more objectives than your opponent (cumulative) at the end of your Command Phase.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames
Khalil roars ahead, and charges the Lascannon/Missile Dreadnought, killing it in one combat! The Land Speeders accompanied by the Jump Pack Lieutenant wipe out the Heavy Bolter squad.

Turn 1 – Deathwatch
The Corvus Blackstar flies all the way across the board and kills 4/5 of the Intercessor Squad. Fire from the Corvus and a well placed punch from the Dreadnought kills one Land Speeder and wounds another.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames
Land Speeders fall back and the Dreadnought is killed by the Lieutenants Combi-Melta. Khalil charges and damages the Contemptor Dreadnought.

Turn 2 – Deathwatch
The Corvus drops off the Watch Captain and Melta Squad. Poor rolls leave one Land Speeder alive, but remove the last Intercessor. The Watch Captain bakes the Techmarine. Poor rolls by Khalil damage the Contemptor further.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames
Land Speeder kills one of the Melta squad while the Lieutenant meltas and then CHARGES the Corvus Blackstar, causing medium damage! Khalil slays the Contemptor.

Turn 3 – Deathwatch
Fire from the Melta squad reduces the Lieutenant to 1 wound. Corvus Blackstar’s weapons bounce off of Khalil’s Storm Shield.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames
Khalil turbo boosts to an objective. The Lieutenant charges the Melta Squad, kills one, and is slain! For the 4th time this game, the Tactical Squad Lascannon misses! The Scout Missile Launcher reduces the Corvus Blackstar to one wound, and then Bolters finish it! Turn not pictured. Game ceded.
Azure Flames: 54 VP
Deathwatch: 10 VP
9th edition is going to play a lot differently! It’s now about scoring LOTS of points in LOTS of ways! Choosing good Secondary Objectives is key. For example, I chose the mission-specific secondary Ransack, which didn’t score me any points at all because I didn’t hold objectives on the opposing board edge enough!
I rolled very well except for the Lascannon shots from the Tactical Squad. Thomas had quite a bad night, with Las-Talons on the Corvus missing more often than they hit! Thomas also had too few boots on the ground to take advantage of mission objectives.
All in all, I think 9th is going to be good. However, we played on a board much bigger than the new minimum. Games may be played in much smaller spaces! This will give assault armies a leg up, but also prevent hiding and require a lot of terrain.
Bonus, a new player, Ben, showed off his sweet Indominus Necrons! Check ’em out!

Next: Assault Intercessors and more batreps!
Farewell Swap Meet at Highland Library, and Sweet Acquisitions!
Today was the last day of the Highland Library 40K club, and they finished it off with a HUGE swap meet! I brought my disused Orks and traded for some wonderful treasures, but first, the festivities! Actually documented thanks to my new phone!

Age of Sigmar was played for the entire duration. It’s pretty popular in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti groups!

My good buddy Paul offloaded a boatload of Space Marines and other stuff from Age of Sigmar.

In a heated game of 40K, Salamanders fought traitor beastmen guard! The star of the match: a Leviathan Dreadnought who took multiple quake cannon shots to the face and devastated multiple tanks!

Here, Dawn and Ian celebrate 10 years of the club at the library with a wonderfully decorated cake, complete with the Golden Rhino logo. It was chocolate.

…and here is the beginning of my haul! First, a set of craters bought from Dominique, a former student.

Next, a bunch of Primaris models! Sadly one got lost in the shuffle, but hopefully Dawn can find it and I can pay her to mail it to me.

Finally, the sweetest deal, an ENTIRE PAPER BOX of leftover Tyranid bitz for $20! This is the beginning of my Tyranid Battlefleet Gothic fleet!
It’s sad to see the Highland Library Club gone, but I have a feeling that there will be more gaming coming soon.
Next, painted Aggressors!
Reunion Gothic Match! 1000 The Raiders, Marines vs. Chaos, featuring Lexington!
Lexington’s back in town for the holidays! I got him a Boomdakka Snazzwagon for xmas and he got me a Protomen hoodie that is so warm it’s basically a coat.
Long ago, Lexington built an Ork Battlefleet Gothic fleet out of the old pewter Killa Kans and some other bitz. However, the fleet fell off a shelf and shattered into a million pieces. Like Humpty Dumpty, Lexington couldn’t put it back together. So, he asked to borrow one of my fleets. He chose Chaos to represent his other 40K force, while I played the good old Azure Flames. To keep the game small, we played a 1000pt The Raiders mission. Here’s what happened!
Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines, Crusade Fleet List (Attacker, 500pts)
- Strike Cruiser Honor, Extra Shield, Honor Guard
- Strike Cruiser Duty, Extra Shield, Honor Guard
- Strike Cruiser Sacrifice, Extra Shield
Lexington – Chaos, Abbadon’s 13th Black Crusade Fleet List (Defender, 1000pts
- Styx Heavy Cruiser Time of Sorrow
- Warmaster (Ld+2), Re-roll
- Devastation Cruiser Pride of Heresy
- Devastation Cruiser Hateful
- Infidel Raider x3, Talon Squadron
- Idolator Raider x2, The Defilers
Mission – The Raiders
The Attacker gets 1/2 of the points value agreed on. Defender deploys their entire fleet more than 30cm from any board edge, all facing the same board edge, and with each ship/squadron more than 20cm from any other. All Defender ships are at -1 Ld for D6 turns. (3 Turns this game) Attacker gets first turn and comes on from any board edge.
Battlezone – Inner Biosphere (bonus/penalty for Batteries doubled) (Note, one Solar Flare result was rolled during setup)
Turn 1 – Azure Flames
All three Strike Cruisers come on from the Starboard side of the Time of Sorrow. Torpedoes do 7 damage, and Thunderhawk Gunships cause a few weapons to be disabled. The Hateful also takes one damage from torpedoes.
Turn 1 – Chaos
The Time of Sorrow disengages. Both Escort squadrons go on Come to a New Heading to fire on the Space Marines. The Honor takes one damage from torpedoes. The Duty suffers four critical effects from assault boats.
Turn 2 – Azure Flames
The Duty Braces for Impact but still takes a few more critical effects from assault boats. The Hateful is crippled by torpedoes, and both remaining capital ships suffer more critical effects.
Turn 2 – Chaos
Unable to reload, the Chaos ships fire at the Marines ineffectually.
Turn 3 – Azure Flames
Solar Flare occurs! Duty, overburdened by critical effects, disengages. Honor and Sacrifice Reload Ordnance. Torpedoes do 3 damage to the Hateful, and a Thunderhawk scores an Engine Room Damaged effect, finishing the ship off and leaving it a drifting hulk. The Pride of Heresy is crippled by torpedo damage. Turn not pictured.
Turn 3 – Chaos
Pride of Heresy disengages. Escorts take down both shields of the Honor.
Turn 4 – Azure Flames
Both ships Reload. Talon Squadron of Idolators is destroyed by ordnance and fire. The Defilers Infidel squadron loses one member.
Turn 4 – Chaos
The Defilers disengage. Game over.
Final Score
Azure Flames: 519
Chaos: 17
Several factors heavily influenced this game. 1: Lexington left his Admiral’s ship dangerously close to the edge, allowing a turn 1 alpha strike. He should have buffered his sides with the escorts. 2: The leadership penalty led to some key missed reloads. 3: Anticipating only minor damage, Lexington refused to Brace for Impact several times. Knowing when to Brace is key in Gothic.
Next: more painting and batreps! Hope my computer doesn’t die again!
Post Computer Brick Batrep – 2v2 Battle! (and RANT)
This battle report comes two weeks too late, as I went to AFK games, played this battle, and came home to find my computer completely useless. Now, after an extended repair and getting the setup not quite right, I’m ready to give the highlights of the battle!
Editors note: halfway through this report, I will digress to a point where I will shout angrily. You’ll see why when I get there…
Anyway, longtime Fourstrands opponent Chris brought his Blood Angels alongside new player Tyler who brought some Cadian Imperial Guard. I had another newbie on my side, Mike, who brought Dark Angels. Because this batrep is two weeks old in my mind, below are some highlights.
Our opponents went first, giving us a bit of a bloody nose. However amazing saves by the last Scout in the ruins, combined with me spending 2CP prevented the enemy from getting First Blood!
My Captain on Bike retaliated, smashing a Razorback with the help of the surviving bike squad.
The Tactical Squad fell back to allow Tempestus Scions to shoot then charge! This devolved into a bloody scrum.
My new double-heavy-flamers break cover to incinerate some Scions
Next, Chaplain Lemartes and the Death Company deep strike! The Death Company charges my Captain, but he smashes four of them and takes no wounds in return! Lemartes can’t charge.
OK, so next, my tactical squad moves up toward Lemartes. They hose him down with flamers, doing four wounds. Chris rolls 1, 1, 2, 2, and fails all FNP rolls so Lemartes takes four wounds. That’s fine, right? Chaplains have five wounds.
Seriously, from a game design perspective, how do you make one of your cool, named, one-of-a-kind characters have FEWER wounds than some random other chaplain?
Ok, rant over.
Anyway, we traded casualties, ending with a slaughter on both sides.
In the end, Matt and I prevailed. It still felt weird that Lemartes died like a punk.
Oh well, next, Lexington and I play some Battlefleet Gothic!