Battlefleet Gothic 1505 Fleet Engagement – Marines vs. Imperial Navy

March 14, 2015
14 Mar/15

Had an amazing game of Gothic with Stephen, despite some setbacks.  But first, a shout out to all the peeps at AFK games in Holt for all the incredibly diverse games played!

First, some amazing Eldar tanks with clear red glazed canopies that look great!

Next, some shots of an amazing super-weathered Mantis Warriors army, fighting hard to regain their honor after the Badab war.  Those fellas could use a bit of fresh paint.  How about it, Munitorum?


Nathaniel’s white Imperial Guard tango with Mr. Cat’s tan colored Crimson Fists.

Josh’s Brettonians square off against some Lizardmen!

One table was set up with the Robotech miniatures game!  Valkyries clashed with Zentraedi pods over a city!

Long time Fourstrands contributor Stephen (Dark Angels) was practicing for a tournament with his partner, who had a stunning Saim-Hann Eldar army.

Finally, there was even some Warmahordes!  Here’s a nice Circle list led by Morvahna.


Scenario – Fleet Engagement – 1505 points

Battlezone – Primary Biosphere


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines

-Piers, Master of the Fleet, one re-roll (aboard His Hammer II)

-Battlebarge His Hammer II

-Battlebarge His Anvil

-Strike Cruiser Sacrifice, extra shield (squadroned with following two ships)

—Strike Cruiser Vigilance, extra shield

—Strike Cruiser Courage, extra shield

-Nova Frigates x2, Flame Squadron


Stephen – Imperial Navy

-Admiral (Ld9), one re-roll (aboard the Mars class battlecruiser)

-Retribution Battleship

-Mars Battlecruiser (squadroned with following two ships)

—Dominator Cruiser

—Gothic Cruiser

-Dauntless Light Cruiser, lances

-Sword Frigates x3

-Firestorm Frigates x3

-Cobra Destroyers x2


The Azure Flames Space Marines deploy in a Wedge (white area) to cut into the Sphere of the Imperial Navy (gray area).  Deployment map C:


Azure Flames turn 1

His Hammer II launches Thunderhawks and comes about.  Strike Cruisers go on All Ahead Full.  His Anvil fires Thunderhawks and Boarding Torpedoes to put the Imperials on the defensive.  Novas move up the edge of the board.

The Imperials are denied.

A threatening volley is fired!

Novas try to creep up the board edge.

Imperial Navy turn 1

The squadron of cruisers turns on His Anvil, which braces.  One Nova Cannon misses, but another hits!  …doing one hit.  Amazing fire from the Sword frigates lower the Battlebarge’s other two shields.  Torpedoes from the Gothic stop the boarding torpedoes.  The rest of the fleet comes about to re-engage.  Thunderhawks take out one of the two Cobras.

Nova Cannon?  More like marshmallow cannon.

Cobras get too close, and Thunderhawks make them pay.

Azure Flames turn 2

His Hammer II goes on All Ahead Full and leaves the Imperials in the dust (cloud).  Strike Cruisers pool their Thunderhawks and fire a 6 strong wave.  Novas and His Anvil destroy 2 of the 3 Sword frigates.

Here come the Space Marines!

The Novas pounce!

Imperial Navy turn 2

Mars launches 4 fighters which take up CAP duties in the squadron.  Gothic launches torpedoes, but a terrible Turret roll by me and a terrible Torpedo roll by Stephen means all 6 torpedoes go right through me!  Up close and personal Nova Cannon shotguns hit His Anvil hard, but fantastic Brace saves prevent any damage.  Thunderhawks approach.  Remaining Sword goes on a suicide charge at the Novas.  The rest of the fleet goes on All Ahead Full with some fantastic leadership rolls!

Nova Cannons lay into His Anvil, which weathers the storm.  The Sword prepares to sell its life dearly…

Don’t spare the plasma!

Azure Flames turn 3

Remaining Sword lives, despite failing to Brace for Impact, TWICE!  Strike Cruisers mass for a strength 18 torpedo wave!  One Thunderhawk splits off to remove the screen from the Gothic class.  This along with fire from His Anvil cripples the Gothic class, causing an Engine Room critical.  The Mars also gets an Engine Room critical and two fires from Thunderhawks.


The storm is coming…

Imperial Navy turn 3

Due to Engine Room criticals, the Gothic and Mars cannot turn, so they move minimum distance.  Torpedoes fired by the Gothic several turns ago strike the Dauntless, causing one damage!  Lagging fleet continues All Ahead Full.  Nova Canon shot does 3 hits to the Courage, doing 1 damage, and causing an Engine Room critical! The surviving Sword disengages!

Friendly fire!

The Dominator draws blood from the Strike Cruiser Courage.  A fantastic Nova Cannon shot makes it unable to turn!

Azure Flames turn 4

Thanks to the planet, His Anvil makes a turn and boards the Mars class, doing 9 damage and turning it into a drifting hulk.  The Courage and the Vigilance board the crippled Gothic, making it a drifting hulk.  The Sacrifice fires torpedoes and Thunderhawks at the Dominator, doing two damage and causing a Port Weapons Malfunction.  His Hammer II launches Thunderhawks to menace the incoming escorts.

The storm breaks upon the Imperials… (pictured above, the Vigilance is where the blank base is)

Here comes trouble…

Imperial Navy turn 4

Dominator tries to disengage, but fails!  The rest of the fleet sticks around to help it.  Lance fire takes two shields down from His Hammer II.

The rest of the fleet covers for the Dominator.

Azure Flames turn 5

Both Battlebarges go on Lock On, and the Strike Cruisers Come to a New Heading.  The fleet does four more damage (with some poor rolls), crippling the Dominator.  Turn not pictured.

Imperial Navy turn 5

All ships disengage, except the Firestorms who fail!  They make for a Gas Cloud for cover…  Turn not pictured.

Azure Flames turn 6

Strike Cruisers Reload Ordnance.  18 torpedoes kill the closest and farthest Firestorm, but an incredible brace roll saves the second Firestorm!  …which then dies to Thunderhawk gunships.  Game ends.  Turn not pictured.


Final Score

Azure Flames – 907

Imperial Navy – 10


*squirts Mountain Dew out of nose*


Well!  Let’s see what happened.  I got a great deployment opportunity to divide the Imperials.  Stephen had a 1500 list that he wanted to play, but it wasn’t tailored to fight Marines.  Stephen could have unbalanced his deployment (because he had more to deploy) but he was about as balanced as I was.  Next, I got lucky with some missed Nova Cannon shots and UNBELIEVABLE boarding rolls.  His Anvil beat the Mars class by NINE.  That killed a completely undamaged cruiser in one go.  Finally, the two hulked ships remained as I held the field, giving me approximately 140 extra points.  Finally I got 120 extra points because the Firestorms failed to disengage.

Next: Super Secret Project, Gothic or 40K at AFK and EPIC ARMAGEDDON at Highland!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Gothic Demo at AFK – Stephen’s first game!

February 28, 2015
28 Feb/15

Before I begin with the battle report, I must show off a painting technique I saw at AFK.  A player there had a fantastic pre-heresy mostly Forgeworld Imperial Fist army.  He has a painting technique for the right-angled grooves in Space Marine vehicles that I found intriguing.  Here it is:

I had always thought to highlight the edges, but here you see that the edges are DARKENED.  I think it looks neat, and may try that on a future project…


Recently, I’ve been cross-posting on the Battlefleet Gothic facebook group page.  (for those here from that, hi everyone!)  Stephen has long been a fan of Battlefleet Gothic, collecting a massive Imperial Navy fleet with a smaller Chaos fleet alongside it.  He’s even painted it all!  However, for twelve years, NO ONE HAS PLAYED BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC WITH HIM!

That changed last night.  Stephen came prepared with a nice 1500 point list, but having never played, I convinced him to play my (all too familiar) training scenario.  Luckily for him, he had the ships to play the Imperial Navy without borrowing any of mine!


Battlefleet Gothic training scenario – Modified Cruiser Clash

Bozeman – Chaos

-Slaughter class cruiser Swiftboat of Truth

-Slaughter class cruiser Traitor’s Blade

-Carnage class cruiser Overkill, Chaos Lord (+2 Ld), re-roll.

-Murder class cruiser Domination

Stephen – Imperial Navy

-Lunar class cruiser, Commander (Ld 8), re-roll

-Lunar class cruiser

-Tyrant class cruiser

-Gothic class cruiser




Turn 1 – Chaos

The Traitor’s Blade (left side pictured) goes on Come to a New Heading to maneuver around a gas cloud.  Other ships fire at the Gothic class and take down its shields.

Turn 1 – Imperial Navy

The two Lunar class ships fire torpedoes at the Traitor’s Blade.  Poor brace save rolls cripple it.  The Gothic and Tyrant fire torpedoes at the Carnage, but good brace saves protect against all but one damage.

Turn 2 – Chaos

Murder class and the Swiftboat of Truth go on Lock on, and damage the Tyrant class once, collapsing its shields with a lucky crit!  The Murder also turns its guns on the Lunar with the Imperial Commander, while the crippled Traitor’s Blade attempts a boarding action.  A poor roll gives the Traitor’s Blade two more damage.

Turn 2 – Imperial Navy

Tyrant class disengages.  The Gothic goes on Lock on.  Good brace saves protect the Carnage with the Chaos Lord and the Murder class.  The two Lunars gang up on the wounded Traitor’s Blade, with one going on Lock on.  Ironically, the Locked On ship does nothing, while the braced Commander’s ship does one more damage!

Turn 3 – Chaos

The Traitor’s Blade disengages (whew!) while the other Slaughter class, the Swiftboat of Truth goes on Come to a New Heading to get behind the Gothic.  Other ships maneuver.

Turn 3 – Imperial Navy

Lunar without the Commander goes on Come to a New Heading, however the Commander’s ship fails a Command Check, even with a re-roll!  The fleet wheels to face the remaining threats.

Turn 4 – Chaos

Slaughter class goes on Lock On while the rest go on Come to a New Heading to come about.  Fire gives the Gothic class FOUR damage, even through Brace!  Critical causes another Shields Collapsed result.

Turn 4 – Imperial Navy

Gothic disengages.  Commander’s Lunar goes on Come to a New Heading while the other Lunar Reloads Ordnance and fires, leaving the wave just shy of the Slaughter.

Turn 5 – Chaos

Slaughter takes one damage by flying through Torpedoes without bracing, and gets up close and personal with the Lunar that fired them.  Brace saves all but one damage but it it critical and damages the Port side weapons!  This is TERRIBLE.  Other Chaos ships Come to a New Heading again.

Turn 5 – Imperial Navy

Commander’s ship Reloads Ordnance, and the other Lunar repairs its Port weapons, too late to put them to use…

Turn 6 – Chaos

Murder goes on All Ahead Full to clear a gas cloud, but the Carnage fails a Command check, making it unable to Lock On!  Fire does no damage to the Lunar, despite three ships giving it everything.

Turn 6 – Imperial Navy

Commander’s ship fires Torpedoes at the Chaos Lord’s Carnage class, crippling it!  Despite having functional weapons, the other Lunar, being on Brace, holds fire to prevent the Torpedoes from having blast marker problems.

Turn 7 – Chaos

The fleet uses Come to a New Heading to wheel around.  The Murder class can’t hit the Lunar that doesn’t have the Commander.

Turn 7 – Imperial Navy

Commander’s ship Reloads Ordnance while the other Lunar Comes to a New Heading.  Commander fires torpedoes at the Chaos Lord’s crippled Carnage, but fails to hit.

Turn 8 – Chaos

Carnage with the Chaos Lord disengages.  Slaughter Comes to a New Heading.  Murder fires on the Lunar without the Commander aboard, but can’t do much but lower shields.

Turn 8 – Imperial Navy

Imperial Fleet disengages.


Final Score

Bozeman – 104.5

Stephen – 111.25


WOW!  What a nail biter!  It came close at the end.  Stephen is super excited to really play this game, as he’s wanted to for ages.  I’m glad I could oblige.  Hopefully next week I’m not working so we can play a different mission.

Next: a super secret project, some Epic Orks, and more Rules Compendium updates!


Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming, Painting

Necrons vs. Dark Eldar – 510 pt. modified Cruiser Clash at Highland

28 Feb/15

Highland had their monthly meeting, but few showed.  Rob wanted more Gothic (will he catch the Gothic bug?) so he tried out my Dark Eldar, and asked that I play…


Yes, THOSE Necrons.  How did he fare?  Let’s find out!


Bozeman – Necron Harvest Fleet, 510 pts

-Scythe class cruiser Awakener.

-Shroud class light cruiser Desert Whisper.

-Dirge class raider x2, Khopesh Squadron.


Rob – Chosen of Shadow Dark Eldar, 500 pts

-Torture class cruiser Gift of Discord, Launch Bays

-Corsair class escort x3, Banes of Joy, Phantom Lances

-Corsair class escort x2, The Jesters, Impaler Assault Modules


Mission: Cruiser Clash

Modifications: 510 point limit, added celestial phenomena, no restrictions other than those in fleet list, victory points.

Location: Inner Biosphere (one Solar Flare)




Turn 1 – Necron Harvest Fleet

Before turn 1 begins, A SOLAR FLARE OCCURS!

All ships go on All Ahead Full.  Thanks to Inertialess Drives, the Scythe makes it all the way across the board and surprises the Dark Eldar.  One lance Corsair is destroyed.  The rest of the fleet moves up.

The Scythe surges ahead.

Necrons can be surprisingly fast.

Turn 1 – Chosen of Shadow Dark Eldar

Dark Eldar bombers bounce off of the Scythe, but Impaler Assault Modules disable the Lightning Arcs and prevent the Scythe from turning!  So close to the edge, the Scythe is in danger of disengaging involuntarily.  The entire Dark Eldar fleet goes on Come to a New Heading and turns fire on the Dirges, who brace to avoid damage.

Ancient enemy?  Hardly.

Turn 2 – Necron Harvest Fleet

Scythe goes on Burn Retros to avoid going off the board edge.  Dirges take out one more lance Corsair.  Shroud continues to advance.


Turn 2 – Chosen of Shadow Dark Eldar

Reloads give the Dark Eldar enough ordnance to put 2 damage on the Scythe, re-applying the repaired critical effect preventing it from turning.  Battery fire kills a Dirge despite Brace for Impact.

Turn 3 – Necron Harvest Fleet

Damaged, and unable to Burn Retros again, the Scythe chooses to move its full distance off the board to automatically disengage.  The surviving Dirge also disengages.  The Shroud goes on All Ahead Full to surprise the Torture cruiser Gift of Discord, causing 2 damage.

Turn 3 – Chosen of Shadow Dark Eldar

The Dark Eldar turn to face the Shroud.  Necrons choose to trust their armor, and lucky battery fire causes 2 damage, crippling the Shroud.


Turn 4 – Necron Harvest Fleet

Lightning arcs from the Shroud do little to the Torture.

Turn 4 – Chosen of Shadow Dark Eldar

Brace for Imapct saves the Shroud from more damage.

Turn 5 – Necron Harvest Fleet

Amazing battery fire despite being crippled and on Brace causes the Torture to take 2 more damage, crippling it and applying a Prow critical result.

Turn 5 – Chosen of Shadow Dark Eldar

Phantom lance causes 2 damage to the Shroud, reducing it to a drifting hulk.


Final score:

Bozeman – 100

Rob – 554



I haven’t had a loss this bad since I first got into 40k.  That’s a 454% margin of loss.  Plus, Rob scored more victory points than the game was worth.

Necrons can’t split up or they get picked off.  Plus, charging forward was stupid as it left me in a position to get forced off the board.  I also set up weird, splitting my forces so that Rob could refuse the flank.  Rob got screwed by the Solar Flare, but recovered nicely.

Next: a game at AFK!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Battlefleet Gothic – Marines vs. Tyranids – A Long Time Coming

February 15, 2015
15 Feb/15

I’ve been on a Gothic kick, and just coincidentally my good friend John who got me into Gothic came into town.  We weren’t going to play anything due to a delayed start from inclement death weather, but John sort of pulled a huge guilt trip and I set up my old dusty table I bought from the closing Games Workshop Novi.

John decided to play his new Tyranid fleet, but they were packed in the same case as his home made Ork Roks, so I snapped this pic:

John’s Tyranid fleet is only half complete, so he used some paper cutout proxies.  As much as I like models, I have to admit they look good.


Scenario – The Raiders

Battlezone – Deep Space

Tyranid defenders are at -1Ld for the first 4 turns


John – Tyranid Hive Fleet 2501 – 1500 points (Defender)

-Two Hive Mind Re-rolls

-Hive Ship, upgrade to Ld 9, Prow Feeder Tentacles, Thorax Bio Plasma, 3x Port/Starboard Bio Plasma

-Hive Ship, upgrade to Ld 9, Prow Feeder Tentacles, Thorax Launch Bays, 3x Port/Starboard Launch Bays

-Cruiser, Prow Massive Claws, Thorax Massive Claws, 2x Port/Starboard Bio Plasma

-Cruiser, Prow Massive Claws, Thorax Massive Claws, 2x Port/Starboard Bio Plasma

-Cruiser, Prow Massive Claws, Thorax Massive Claws, 2x Port/Starboard Bio Plasma

-Kraken x6, Massive Claws

-Escort Drone x7, 6x Bio Plasma, 1x Fire Ship

-Escort Drone x7, 7x Bio Plasma


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines – 750 points (Attacker)

-Zeraf Antonius, Master of the Fleet (Ld 10), 2 Re-Rolls, Honour Guard (aboard the Honor)

-Strike Cruiser Honor, Extra Shield

-Strike Cruiser Duty, Extra Shield

-Strike Cruiser Courage, Extra Shield

-Strike Cruiser Vigilance, Extra Shield



Turn 1 – Azure Flames

Two squadrons, the Honor with the Duty and the Courage with the Vigilance come in from the right side, both squadrons going on Lock On.  Fantastic battery fire and poor Kraken brace saves destroy the entire Kraken squadron.  Bombardment cannons and twenty four torpedoes destroy the paper Cruiser.

The Hive Fleet, massing to attack this system, is surprised by Space Marines!

Four Strike Cruisers do some serious damage.

Turn 1 – Hive Fleet 2501

Dead cruiser drifts forward, other cruisers and escorts go on Come to a New Heading to respond to the Space Marine threat.  Carrier Hive Ship launches 8 fighters, and they perform various CAPs.  Thunderhawk Gunships move out.

The Tyranids, caught napping, begin the lengthy process of turning around.

Thunderhawk flights away.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

Both squadrons Reload Ordnance.  One Escort Drone is destroyed by Thunderhawks, causing a Brace.

Turn 2 – Hive Fleet 2501

Escort Drones with the Fire Ship go on All Ahead Full.  Thunderhawks hit the Hive Ship, causing a Brace and disabling the Feeder Tentacles.  Woo.  Carrier launches 8 more fighters.

Thunderhawks sow confusion in the Tyranid fleet.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

Fleet moves up.  Poor bombardment cannon rolls do nothing to the Escort Drones, but scare them into a Brace.  Torpedoes cause three damage to the Hive Ship and one damage to the Cruiser.  Thunderhawks cause three more effects to disable the Feeder Tentacles on the Hive Ship.  During the Ordnance Phase, some Tyranid Fighters arrive a bit late.

It’s time for… MORE TORPEDOES!

Turn 3 – Hive Fleet 2501

Cruiser pulls up and fires, doing one damage to the Honor.  Rest of fleet continues to wheel.  Several fighters are voluntarily removed so that the Carrier Hive Ship can launch 8 Assault Boats.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames

Both squadrons go on Lock on.  Fire removes four Escort Drones from one squadron (including the Fire Ship) and one from the other.

Turn 4 – Hive Fleet 2501

Close enough to fire, the fleet pulls off major manuevers to fire every gun they can.  The Honor is crippled.

Turn 5 – Azure Flames

Fleet disenages.  The squadron with the Honor almost fails, but a re-roll gets them safely away.  Game over.


Final Score

Azure Flames: 366

Hive Fleet 2501: 149


Post Game: I could have won on turn 2 by disengaging.  However, that would have been boring.  This result had a smaller margin of victory, but was much more in-keeping with the fluff.  After all, the Space Marines would try to hurt the Tyranids as much as possible before they got too far in-system.  John had all of his ships facing towards the left of the setup picture above, so I came in from the right.  My nimble Strike Cruisers outmaneuvered his Tyranid space cows.  Escort Drones and Cruisers have a 45 degree turn.  Ugh.  The Raiders is a tough one for the Defender.  You need to be facing every direction, and you need fast maneuverable things to respond to any threat.

Coming up next, more Gothic and perhaps some 40K from Highland!  I also hope to go back to AFK this coming Friday, unless something happens.  Stay tuned!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Battlefleet Gothic Compendium 4.0

February 13, 2015
13 Feb/15

The link above (and the handy one in the sidebar to the right) links to my Battlefleet Gothic Compendium.  I have updated it in a major way for a third time, making this the fourth iteration of the compendium.  In truth, this was done months ago, but I couldn’t upload the front cover until now due to file size shenanigans.

Here it is, in all it’s glory:

The new 4.0 version has the following features:

-Full bleed front cover, for aesthetics.

-Table of contents inside front cover for organization.

-All files now updated to 2010 Compendium, including rules updates and lists such as Eldar Iyanden Fleet.

-Fixes for all files for spelling, rules accuracy, and readability, especially for tables.

-Scenarios, Campaign Rules, and Planetary Defences split into separate sections, and printed on different color paper to differentiate.

-Imperial Navy and Space Marines are now two different sections with different colors, as they are different “races” in Gothic.

-Chaos Daemonship rules are now 1/2 of a page rather than one paragraph for ease of explanation and accuracy.

-Several minor fleet lists added, for completeness sake, such as Ork Pirates of the Cyclops Cluster and Eldar Gothic Sector Corsairs.

-Major update for Tau including special character Kor’O’Mesme and 2010 rules for modified Kroot Warspheres.

-Expanded Tyranids due to page count purposes.  Vanguard fleet list now completely pointed out, and Evolution of the Hive Mind is a well organized table rather than paragraph form.

-Moved Leadership table to inside cover, and Boarding table and modifiers to back cover.  Now, all resources neccesary for setup are on the inside back cover, and all tables for play are on the outside back cover.  This allows easy access to tables without page flipping.


As with all my home made compendia, the following goes: I did not create any of this content.  It all came from the Battlefleet Gothic Main Rulebook, Armada Rulebook, and 2010 update.  This compendium merely condenses approximately 450 pages of rules and fluff into approximately 80 pages of rules in outline, bullet point, or table format.  If you want to print this for yourself, you are welcome to do so.  HOWEVER, PLEASE DO NOT SELL THESE FILES OR ANY PRINTS MADE FROM THESE FILES FOR ANY REASON.  Thank you, and have fun!


Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Gothic Time at Highland!

January 27, 2015
27 Jan/15

Some people bring the mountain to Mohammed.  I brought the Gothic to the Highland Library.  Ian and Sean had my classic demo game, here are some highlights:

The setup: a classic Cruiser Clash.

First blood to Sean: the Imperials let loose a wave of torpedoes!

The ordered battle lines descend into a furball.

Ian gambles and loses: the Carnage class cruiser with the Chaos Lord stays too long after being crippled, and explodes!

Ian’s Chaos gets a thrashing, and withdraws; victory to Sean and the Imperium!

…while they were experiencing Gothic for the first time, Rob and I played Space Marines vs. Tau Kor’or’vesh.


Mission: The Bait

Location: Outer Reaches

Pursuers: Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines

-Strike Cruiser Vigilance, Extra shield

-Strike Cruiser Sacrifice, Extra shield

-Strike Cruiser Duty, Extra shield

Pursued: Rob – Tau Kor’or’vesh Shan’al Shi’ur Commerce Protection Fleet

T’au Lar’shi’vre Shi Kais “Protector” class cruiser, T’olku configuration (PURSUED SHIP)

T’au Lar’shi’vre Aloh Shoka “Protector” class cruiser, Vior’la configuration

T’au Il’porrui Sh’ve Mont’re “Emmisary” class light cruiser, Sa’cea configuration

T’au Il’porrui M’yen Lar’shi “Emmisary” class light cruiser, Sa’cea configuration

J’karra La’rua, “Mirror squadron” consisting of 2 Kir’shashvre “Castellan” escorts



Turn 1 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

The Shi Kais turns and launches fighters and missiles.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames

All three Strike Cruisers go on All Ahead Full, launch Thunderhawk gunships.

Turn 2 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

A squadron of the Protector Aloh Shoka and Emmisary Sh’ve Mont’re comes on from the board edge, launches fighters and missiles.  A lucky shot removes a wave of Thunderhawks.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

Sacrifice Reloads Ordnance while Vigilance and Duty go on All Ahead Full again.

Turn 3 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

The newly arrived squadron takes up station by the small planet.  Failure to reload prevents more launching.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

Vigilance boards Shi Kais while the other strike cruisers provide support fire.  Despite help, a poor boarding roll loses the fight, as Tau Battlesuits storm the Vigilance, doing one damage.

Turn 4 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Emmisary cruiser M’yen Lar’shi and J’karra La’rua Castellan Squadron arrive, damaging Duty.  Squadron by the planet damages Vigilance with battery and lance fire.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames

Duty lines up and boards Shi Kais.  Despite poor support from the other strike cruisers, a good roll causes four damage, crippling Shi Kais.

Turn 5 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Shi Kais disengages.  The rest of the fleet damages Duty and cripples it.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 5 – Azure Flames

Duty disengages.  Vigilance reloads ordnance and severely damages M’yen Larshi with an amazing torpedo roll.  Sacrifice boards the Sh’ve Mont’re and causes one damage.

Turn 6 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Unable to get targets in their sight if they move, the Castellan Squadron goes on Burn Retros and turns on a dime.  M’yen Lar’shi disengages.  The capital ship squadron damages Vigilance, causing a Bridge Smashed result!  Turn not pictured.

Turn 6 – Azure Flames

Sacrifice Reloads Ordnance and blows up the Castellan squadron.  Vigilance tried to disengage, but fails.

Turn 7 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

The capital ship squadron tries to finish Vigilance, but Vigilance barely survives.

Turn 7 – Azure Flames

Vigilance disenages.  Sacrifice reloads ordnance and smashes the Sh’ve Mont’re with torpedoes and Thunderhawks.  Poor torpedo rolls spare the Aloh Sho’ka.

Turn 8 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Squadron, having braced for impact, can’t damage the Sacrifice.

Turn 8 – Azure Flames

Sacrifice reloads again.  Torpedoes and Thunderhawks cripple the Aloh Sho’ka, and fire from batteries and Bombardment Cannons reduce Sh’ve Mont’re to a drifting hulk.  Game ceded.


Stay tuned next week, as more players have requested Gothic!  Plus, stay tuned for more Tau ships painted!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

The Sharpest Weapon: a short story followed by a battle report.

December 31, 2014
31 Dec/14

A low growl emitted from the Chaos Lord’s axe.  The Daemon within had not tasted blood in quite some time.  He felt a pull on his emotions, but brushed the sensation aside.

Soon, my pet the Chaos Lord thought.  Hearing this, the axe increased the sensations of hunger.  The Lord once again crushed the sensation, but the axe continued to growl.  The growling increased as a Herald of Tzeentch approached.  The axe shifted and twisted in his hand.  He tightened his grip.

“You seek the artifact, mortal?” It spoke.  It’s voice was both melodic and grating.  Worse, it could not maintain eye contact.  The eyes kept growing, moving, and disappearing.  One even went down the creature’s gullet.

“I seek many things, servant of the Shaper of Ways.  This artifact is but one.”

The Herald emitted a sound that may have been laughter.  “The artifact is sought by many.  Slaves to He Whose Light Brings Pain come.  Few in number but with a resolve to match your own.”  The Herald’s mouth twisted into a spiral grin.  “Astartes.”

“Children.”  The Lord answered.  “I have fought the Long War for ten millennia.  What have these lapdogs to the False Emperor ever accomplished?  All they have built will be dust.  I will stoop to honoring them by adding their skulls to the Skull Throne.  Then I shall take the artifact.”

“Taking for you, yes, but secrets the artifact holds.  Dark secrets that bind this world.”  The Demon’s eyes became big, like a child full of hope.  “Perhaps you would share them?  I can be of much use.”

“Enough prattle.” The Lord swung his axe, pointing the head at the Daemon.  “Serve me and I will consider your request.  Cross me and my pet will feast on your essence for a thousand years.”

The Herald grew a beard made of green fire.  It stroked the beard with a gnarled, clawed hand.  Thoughtfully.  Twice.

“Acceptable.”  It gurgled.

“Good.  Show me where these Astartes are.”


“Advance patrol to His Hammer II.

“This is Captain Leonidas.  Go ahead.”

“We have found the Archeotech.  The signal has led us to a ruined manufactorum.  However, there are Traitors here from the XII Legion.  They outnumber us two to one and are aided by foul demons.”

“World Eaters?  Engage them at once.  The Emperor will be your shield, and I will personally come to your aid.”


“The World Eaters have taken many good friends from me.  I intend to pay them pack in kind.  One last order, Sergeant.”

“Yes, my lord?”

“Make them mad.”

“…am I to understand that you want us to anger them, my lord?”

“You heard me.  Taunt them.  Make them unable to see the visors over their own eyes.  This is not a request.”

“…I think I have just the thing, sir.


Smoke plumes from loyalist Rhinos approached.  Now was the time.  The Chaos Lord began to broadcast, as he had done so many times before, the last thing the loyalists would hear.

“Servants of the False Emperor!  Rejoice this day, for you shall find the greatest glory you have ever known.  Your blood will be spilled in glorious battle and your skulls will be placed upon the throne of Khorne.  For eternity, your skulls will join with the honored slain.  Come!  Spill blood with us!  Exult in the worship of Khorne!”

The Chaos Lord had given this speech to hundreds of thousands of opponents, adversaries, and victims.  He had been met with defiance, zeal, terror, and occasionally, delight.

He had never heard such derisive laughter.

Man and daemon screamed as one, creating an unearthly howl that would deafen a god.  The axe in his hand came alive with rage, and shook violently in his hand.

“CHARGE THEM!” He bellowed.


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines (Salamanders)

-Captain Leonidas of the 1st Company (counts as Vulkan He’Stan)

-Command Squad, Company Standard, Apothecary, Company Champion, Power Axe, Flamer, Meltagun

–Drop Pod

-Tactical Squad x10, Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Combi-Flamer, Flamer, Multi-Melta

–Rhino, Extra Armor

-Tactical Squad x10, Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Flamer, Multi-Melta

–Rhino, Extra Armor

-Ironclad Dreadnought, Ironclad Launchers, Chainfist

–Drop Pod

-Land Speeder x3, 3x Multi-Melta

-Stormtalon Gunship, Typhoon Missile Launcher

-Bike Squadron x3, 2x Meltagun


Kyle – World Eaters with Chaos Daemon Allies

-Chaos Lord, Axe of Blind Fury, Blood Crusher, Mark of Khorne, Chaos Gift

-Bloodcrushers x3

-Land Raider, Combi-bolter, Combi-plasma

-Khorne Berzerkers x10, Power Sword, Chaos Gift

-Khorne Berzerkers x5, Chaos Gift

–Rhino, Dirge Caster

-Hellbrute, Multi-melta

-Cultists x20, Mark of Khorne, Chaos Gift

-Dark Apostle, Sigil of Chaos, Mark of Khorne, Chaos Gift

-Pink Horrors x11

-Herald of Tzeentch, Psyker Mastery 3, Disc of Tzeentch.  Psychic Powers: Mental Fortitude, Invisibility, Hallucination, Psychic Shriek


Mission: The Relic

Points: 1500

Board Setup

Forces Set Up

Cultists in the Forest for first turn protection, ten Berzerkers in the Land Raider.

Lord with Bloodcrushers central, 5 Berzerkers in Rhino, Horrors hiding behind terrain.

Bikes on my right (picture left), Tatsquad with combi-flamer in Rhino, Tatsquad with combi-melta in ruins.

Land Speeders on the right, opposite enemy forces.


Turn 1 – Chaos

Lord and Bloodcrushers charge forward, bypassing the main objective.  Land Raider and Rhino move flat out.  Hellbrute moves up right side.  Cultists run after the Land Raider.  Herald advances and casts Invisibility on the Rhino and Mental Fortitude on the Lord and Bloodcrushers.


A wall of hate advances.

Turn 1 – Azure Flames

Land Speeders pop out and explode the Land Raider, killing one Berzerker and five cultists.  Ironclad Dreadnought arrives via Drop Pod.  Melta and bolter fire kill the Bloodcrushers escorting the Chaos Lord.  Bikes move up and cause one penetrating hit on the Hellbrute, stunning it.

Pop goes the Raider!

The Lord gets a new friend!

Turn 2 – Chaos

Cultists and Berzerkers charge and destroy the Land Speeders.  Chaos Lord charges the Ironclad, causing two glancing results, but is killed outright in the process.  Five man Berzerker squad and Rhino take lucky bolter shots and kill the two Bikes with meltaguns. The Tzeench Herald fails to cast Invisibility on the Lord.

Land Speeders are chopped to bits!

The Dreadnought played too rough with his new friend, and so goes looking for new ones.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

Leonidas and the Command Squad arrive by Drop Pod and bake a few Berzerkers and Cultists.  Ironclad kills a Berzerker with a melta shot, then charges and whiffs all his attacks.  Lone bike glances the Chaos Rhino with a Krak Grenade.  Tactical Squad in the ruins advances on the objective.  Stormtalon arrives from reserves and kills the Herald of Tzeentch. Multi-melta firing from Rhino Hatch explodes the Hellbrute.

Leonidas gets into the thick of it.

The Ironclad treats these new friends with care.  He doesn’t kill a single one!

The Herald dead, the Objective is clear.

Turn 3 – Chaos

The Berzerkers and Cultists charge Leonidas and the command squad.  UNBELIEVEABLE overwatch kills 5 of the 9 Berzerkers.  Sub par attacks and amazing armor save and feel no pain rolls save all but one Command Squad member, and kill about a third of the Cultists.  Rhino backs up to menace the objective.  Ironclad kills one Berzerker.

CHAAAAAARGE!  …wait, uh oh…


Oops!  One friend down…

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

Combat rages as Leonidas kills several Berzerkers.  Tactial squad in Rhino moves up.  Tactical squad by objective secures the objective, and pops the Chaos Rhino.  Turn not pictured.

Turn 4 – Chaos

The Pink Horrors emerge to try to get the objective.  Ironclad kills another Berzerker.  The fight with Leonidas continues, as more Berzerkers and cultists die.

Horrors, AWAY!


Turn 4 – Azure Flames

Leonidas and the squad finish the Bererkers and cultists.  Tatsquad and Stormtalon finish the Pink Horrors.  Ironclad finishes the Berzerkers.  Tabled.


Post Game Analysis: I haven’t had a victory this one-sided since the old days of Mary Mayo when playing against Lexington’s Orks.  Kyle had an ABYSMAL time on the left side of the board.  He should have been able to kill Leonidas and the Command Squad, and then menace the Tactical Squad as they holed up in their Rhino (that was my plan).  Instead, the Command Squad broke the Khornate wave and survived with one casualty.  I also got lucky when Invisibility failed, making the Khorne Lord actually killable by the Ironclad.  The only thing Kyle should have changed is that the Pink Horrors should have been right behind the Lord to go get the Relic.

Stay tuned: there will be painting done soon, as well as (hopefully) batreps from AFK.  Keep an eye out next month, as I’m going back to Highland for BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC!  You heard right!  See you then!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Gaming, Storytelling

Highland Library 40K Campaign

December 30, 2014
30 Dec/14

Visited my peeps at the Highland Library.  A battle report to follow, but I thought I’d do a separate post to highlight the fantastic games going on during their Planetary Empires campaign.  But first, a former colleague of mine, Dominic brought Space Hulk 4th Edition.  Four new missions, a better hourglass, and other extras!

Here, Dominic engages in a Marine vs. Marine 3500 point battle with the same player he played in Space Hulk above.

Chaos clashed with Blood Angels in a huge melee.

Finally, all of the other members of the club got into a multi-player frenzy with at least six players!  It started at 1pm and showed no signs of stopping at 6:30!

Next: a battle report for my game at Highland, complete with fluff!  Stay tuned!

Filed under: Gaming, Space Hulk

Ups and downs, strikes and gutters.

December 27, 2014
27 Dec/14

Haven’t been updating, but I want to take this opportunity to turn that around.  New year’s resolution: at least one update every two weeks.  Battle reports are going to be sparse, but I’m hoping to have a big one after this Tuesday when I’ll be going back to my old stomping grounds: the Highland Library.

But, anyway, here’s what I’ve been up to.  Had some games at AFK, lost both, and lost the pics for the second one.  I’m a bit out of the 40K meta.  Here are some highlights of me getting my ass kicked by the Space Wolves.

This Ironclad Dreadnought got immobilized with a lucky shot and stood still, ignored, all game.

Thunderwolves are basically unstoppable.  A full team of Sternguard unloaded their Grav shots on them, killed one and wounded two.

Five Terminators got whittled down to two by a Tactical squad.  My librarian charged them in a futile effort to take them out.  It turns out Power axes go last.

The whole game went like that.  For some reason I don’t even have a picture of the boat of an aircraft that popped all my Rhinos and blew up half my troops.  It was a good game though.

Anyway, I’ve got games at Highland coming up, gonna get back to work on my Tau fleet, and a HUGE update to the Gothic guide!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Gaming

Gothic Campaign – Finale

August 23, 2014
23 Aug/14

Liam Perseus, Chapter Master of the Azure Flames, strode onto the bridge of His Hammer II with a look of disgust on his face.  In a rare display, Admiral Piers looked up from the monitors surrounding his command throne.

“How went the Exterminatus of the Kutner system, my lord?” Piers asked before turning his attention back to orchestrating the machinations of his Battle Barge.

“It was unnecessary.  The Necrons are gone.” Perseus spat.

Piers raised one eyebrow.  “You sound disappointed.”

“Wouldn’t you be?” Perseus shot back. “The filthy xenos don’t have the stomach for a fight.  I wanted to cleanse that world of them, but it seems that they have done so for us.”

“Their disappearance allows me to proceed with the final phase of this crusade.”  Piers began typing almost too fast for Perseus to follow.  “Brother O’Brien, open a channel to all Imperial ships, Emerald encryption.”  Piers waited for confirmation before beginning.  ” Attention Imperial Navy vessels.  This is Admiral Piers in command of the Azure Flames fleet.  Although you refuse to submit to our authority, we do have a common enemy.  We move to chase the Tau who fled this sector to preserve their homeworld.  You would be welcome in cleansing this xenos scum alongside us.  In the Emperor’s name.”  Piers ended the transmission.  “Brother, dispatch orders to Flame, Wrath, and Blade squadrons to begin warp translation and pursue the Tau fleet.”

“You have no intention of chasing the Tau all the way back to the Damocles Gulf.”  Perseus stated in a flat, emotionless cadence.

“Of course not, my lord.” Piers replied.

“…and the Imperials know that Emerald level encryption has been broken by the cowardly aliens?” Perseus continued in the same tone.

In the most blase voice possible, Piers answered “They remain unaware.  The Tau will decipher that message within minutes.”

“So,” Perseus yelled, his voice growing to a shout, “You have just informed the Traitors that we will leave Laurie’s Hope undefended, and allowed the aliens to KNOW?  The Tau will double their retreat, forever preventing us from crushing them, and the Imperials WILL THROW EVERYTHING THEY HAVE AT US!”

Piers turned and looked Perseus directly in the eye, and smiled.  “Yes my lord.  They most certainly will.”


In the final game of the campaign, Nathaniel, the only other surviving opponent played a winner-take all Planetary Assault against the Hive World of Laurie’s Hope!  Will the Space Marines be able to defend this prize, or will the Imperials take it away from them?

Planetary Assault – 1500pts


Nathaniel – Imperial Navy

-Emperor Battleship Thor’s Gaze, Shark Assault Boats

-Retribution Battleship Nieman Lion

-Mars Battlecruiser Saratoga, third turret, Flagship, Admiral Ld8 with one Re-roll

-Overlord Battlecruiser Centaur, third turret, left shift on batteries

-Cobra Squadron x4 Exemplar Squadron

-Two Transports

-Two Transports

-Heavy Transport Argosy


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines

-Battle Barge His Hammer II, Honour Guard, Terminator Boarding Parties, Flagship: Ranidan Piers, Admiral (Ld10) 3 re-rolls, Crew Skill: Extra re-roll for this ship

-Strike Cruiser Vigilance, Extra Shield, Refit: +1Ld for Reload Ordnance

-Strike Cruiser Duty, Extra Shield, Crew Skill: Pass one Leadership check automatically, Refit: +2 Hull Points, -5cm Speed

-Strike Cruiser Courage, Extra Shield, Crew Skill: Re-roll x2, Refit: +2D6 on All Ahead Full

-Strike Cruiser Sacrifice, Extra Shield, Refit: +1D6 for Critical Repairs

-Strike Cruiser Honor, Extra Shield, Crew Skill: +1Ld for Lock on, Refit: Suffer no movement penalty for Blast Markers

-Minefield (15cm x 15cm)

-Minefield (15cm x 10cm)

-Orbital Mine

-Orbital Defence Platform (batteries)

-Ground Laser Battery x4

-Ground Air Base x2




Turn 1 – Azure Flames

Fleet advances.

Turn 1 – Imperial Navy

Every ship in the fleet except the two Battlecrusiers goes on All Ahead Full.  The Mars uses Come to a New Heading to maneuver to get line of sight for the Nova Cannon and the Overlord fails.  Wild scatter on the Nova Cannon does no damage. Emperor fires 2 Fighters and 6 Bombers, while Mars fires 4 Bombers.

Turn 2 – Azure Flames

Fleet advances.  Bombers launched by the Mars are lost in an asteroid field.

Turn 2 – Imperial Navy

Thor’s Gaze goes on All Ahead Full, but other ships fail.  Cobra squadron fires a Strength 8 torpedo wave.

Turn 3 – Azure Flames

The Courage and Sacrifice fire torpedoes, Thunderhawks, and Bombardment cannons which annihilate the Cobra Squadron.  Bombardment Canons from Honor and Vigilance take out the bomber wave, while their torpedoes and Thunderhawks fly directly into the path of the Retribution Battleship.  Duty’s Thunderhawks move in front of the Emperor Battleship.

Turn 3 – Imperial Navy

The Retribution braces against the Space Marine ordnance.  Poor torpedo roll does no damage, but Thunderhawk Gunships take out the dorsal lances.  The Emperor’s turrets make mincemeat out of the Thunderhawks, but a poor leadership test does 3 damage from asteroids.  Nova Cannon from the Mars glances the Duty, lowering one shield.  5 torpedoes from the Retribution ignore the Duty and move past it.

Turn 4 – Azure Flames

Torpedoes and Thunderhawks cause the Mars to brace, barely saving it from being crippled.  Broadsides pound the Heavy Transport.  His Hammer II boards Thor’s Gaze and does 2 damage, starts 2 fires, and damages the starboard weapons.  Broadside fire kills 2 transports, and torpedoes kill another.  A good brace save protects the last transport and the Overlord Battlecruiser from harm.

Turn 4 – Imperial Navy

Mars moves up and fires the Nova Cannon at the asteroids hoping for a lucky scatter.  Fortune is fickle, and the template scatters onto BOTH His Hammer II AND the Neiman Lion, lowering one shield each.  Thor’s Gaze runs through the asteroids, taking one damage from an unrepaired Fire.  Torpedoes from the Overlord miss His Hammer II.  In a gutsy move, the Nieman Lion boards the Strike Cruiser Duty, and in a double surprise the action is a TIE!

Turn 5 – Azure Flames

Honor and Vigilance board the Mars, crippling it.  Despite brace saves, the Heavy Transport explodes, the last escort class transport is killed, and the Overlord battlecruiser is crippled.  An Orbital Mine from the Minefield hits Thor’s Gaze, causing 3 more Fire effects!  Duty and the Nieman Lion fight another boarding action, and it is another tie!  DOUBLE TIE!

Turn 5 – Imperial Navy

Crippled and on fire, Thor’s Gaze disengages.  The crippled Overlord fails to navigate the asteroids and is destroyed.  The Mars, crippled and braced, lowers a shield on the Duty.  Finally, the boarding fight between the Duty and the Nieman Lion is decisive: 7 damage to the Nieman Lion, crippling it.  Critical damage finishes off the Nieman Lion, leaving it a drifting hulk.

Turn 6 – Azure Flames

All nearby ships Lock On and destroy the Mars.  Turn not pictured.  Game over.


WHAT A SLAUGHTER!  Nathaniel had some bad luck, but mostly he let the Space Marines get close.  He would have done better with Dauntless cruisers with lances and a mix of boats with balanced weapons.  Some more Nova Cannons would not have hurt either.

This concludes the Battlefleet Gothic Campaign for the summer!  Stay tuned for more fluff to wrap up the story, including a surprise guest!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming, Storytelling
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