Battlefleet Gothic Compendium 2010 Update: Aspergers Edition

April 1, 2013
01 Apr/13

So as John from previous BFG battle reports and Lexington of (the sadly dead) will tell you, I’ve been busy.  This requires some explanation.  Long ago I worked in a print shop that did little business and so during downtime I typed up the rules for Battlefleet Gothic into a super-condensed version for ease of use.

In 2010 the Battlefleet Gothic community released the 2010 update which had a bunch of rule fixes, and some new ships and lists.  I updated the RULES but did not add the new ships etc. because it had not appeared on the GW main site yet.  It’s still not up there.  Recently I read all of the extra stuff and decided it was good, so I undertook a huge task: update the old files with the new data.  In addition, I added stuff for Scenarios, Campaigns, and everything else left out by my previous compendium.

I just finished, and had the compendium printed.  Check out the pictures below.

The first is the first page.  Notice that the pages are laminated for durability.  The second picture is the old compendium underneath the new one.  The new one is much bigger.

If you want to print your own copy of the compendium, know that all copyrights for these files are for Games Workshop.  All of this data is available free online at the Games Workshop Website (click on Specialist Games and then Battlefleet Gothic) except for the compendium files which can be found here. (note: requires Google account)  DO NOT SELL COPIES OF THESE FILES OR IN ANY WAY USE THEM TO MAKE MONEY.  To find the files, click on BFG 2010 Compendium under Features on the right side of the page.  I made these for hardcore Battlefleet Gothic players, not to make any money off of them.  Open the last file to see how to print your own copy of the compendium.

Have fun!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Highland Library Gamers

March 27, 2013
27 Mar/13

Recently, I hung out with the gamers at the Highland Library.  They play 40K and are currently involved in a campaign which is similar to a Games Workshop campaign.  In this campaign you have an “Immortal” who starts with (crappy) randomly generated stats.  Your Immortal levels up as you play until his stats are less pathetic and more godlike.

They meet monthly, and last month I visited them and played a game with Andrew, who plays Guard.  This month I had something a little more… esoteric in mind.

Behold: a Battlefleet Gothic Addendum to to the Campaign!  These rules allow people to paritcipate in Gothic games without feeling like “missing out” on the main campaign.

Above, in the image gallery, the first 3 pics are of Stephen’s Plague Marines.  He has a really good texture scheme for plague pustules, etc.

Next, the two gentlemen in the battle picture are Ian (left, Dark Eldar and Eldar) and Jory (right, Space Marines)

The closeup of the Kroot Shaper with wings is the Immortal of Sean’s Kroot Army.  He’s using an internet Kroot list OKd by Andrew, the campaign co-ordinator.  Andrew made this model back when Kroot Armies were actually GW legal out of a Kroot Shaper, Lizardmen Terradon wings, and an Ork Slugga.

Andrew’s army is up next, the Guard on the right defending against Justin’s encroaching Eldar on the left.

The Battlefleet Gothic game is the first one played using my rules.  I showed Michael (left, Imperials) and Dominik (right, Chaos) how to play.  They loved it and are going to consider getting fleets.

Next, Stephen’s Nurgle forces engage Trevor’s Ultramarines.

For the last battle picture, Robert’s Farsight Enclave Tau go up against Jacobs Dark Angels.

The final two pictures are closeups of Dominik’s Space Marine Honour Guard.  I like his scheme, it’s very dirty, like these Marines have been in the thick of it.

Next month, expect more pics and possibly a detailed battle report!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming, Modeling, Painting

Dark Eldar Escort Squad Numero Dos

March 2, 2013
02 Mar/13

I’ve been on a roll after a long dry spell.  Next: even more!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Painting

Dark Eldar Escorts

March 1, 2013
01 Mar/13

First four escorts!  As you can see, the magnetized weapons fit them too.  Next: a different configuration of escort, until they are all done.  There’s four more types besides this one.

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Painting

Last two Dark Eldar Cruisers

December 1, 2012
01 Dec/12

…and here are the last two Dark Eldar Cruisers.  The Stillborn Promise and the Gift of Discord.

Next: Escorts!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Painting

New Dark Eldar Ships and a new hosting site!

November 25, 2012
25 Nov/12

The names Osan’gar and Aran’gar come from the Wheel of Time, the names of two reborn Forsaken.  Translated from the old tongue, they are left and right handed daggers coated in slow poison.  Perfect for Dark Eldar.

In addition, next month will mark the 3 year anniversary of The Four Strands.  Due to this, I have finally dumped Godaddy as a hosting site and have moved to Bluehost as they are cheaper and don’t have an ad campaign that is complete ass.  Thanks again to Lexington for moving the site successfully.

Next: two more cruisers, then escorts, and then I can be done with Gothic again!  …until I build another fleet…

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Painting

Dark Eldar Fleet: The Bliss of Pain

November 10, 2012
10 Nov/12

Here’s my first finished Dark Eldar Cruiser: The Bliss of Pain.  It’s not TOTALLY finished due to the fact that I left my varnish at my old place.  Durr.  Here’s the final paint scheme:

-White Primer

-Old GW Ice Blue, which was replaced by the new Layer paint Lothern Blue

-Privateer P3 Turquoise Ink

-Old GW Ice Blue drybrush, replaced by new GW dry Skink Blue (WHICH IS AWESOME.  HOLY CRAP THIS WORKS SO WELL)

-Boltgun Metal for the blades

-Chainmail highlight on the blades

-Vallejo Hexed Lichen (dark purple) for the “windows” and thrusters

-Vallejo Squid Pink highlight for the windows

-Generic black and white for the base

Next: some escorts and I go get the stupid varnish and seal this ship.

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Painting

Dark Eldar Undercoat, Wash, and Drybrush

October 3, 2012
03 Oct/12

Here’s a work in progress of one of my Dark Eldar cruisers.  Undercoat: Ice blue.  Wash: P3 Turquoise ink.  Drybrush: Ice Blue.

Next: Details!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Painting

New Place, New Possibilities

September 29, 2012
29 Sep/12

Hi all three of you loyal readers!  You may have noticed that I haven’t updated in months.  I got a new job in the district where I had my old job, and I moved.  BUT now that I’m all alone, I can focus on modeling to a greater degree, so without further ado, here’s a list of my current projects:

-The Antonius Project: Thanks to Lexington’s generous gift at Gen Con, I now have a Lugft Huron body and two Tyberos arms from Forge World.  I’m going to make a version of Antonius to be the new Chapter Master of the Azure Flames.  Perhaps there will be a story tie in.

-Dark Eldar Fleet: Currently stinking up my new apartment with carcinogens is my assembled and primed Dark Eldar fleet for Gothic.  Paint scheme will be: white primer -> Ice Blue undercoat -> Turquoise Ink -> 25/75 Turquoise/Ice Blue drybrush -> Boltgun metal blades with a chainmail edging -> Purple lights details with 50/50 pink/purple hughlight, -> purple engines with watered down White wash.  Should look just like the fighter counters I downloaded.  Thanks to whoever Hoja is.  Click below to see.

-Blood Bowl Completion: While I have a fully painted team (Konquata Monitors) and another unpainted (Grimfang Scrappaz) I am missing a few key components such as apothecaries, Bloodweiser Babes, Coaches, Cheerleaders, etc.  I bought enough skinks and goblins at Gen Con to fill out the ranks and finish the accoutrements for both teams.  Additionally, I have to re-do a special character for the Monitors due to him actualy being a skink, not a saurus.

That’s a lot to do!  Expect the Gothic stuff soon, and mini-updates for Blood Bowl.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Modeling, Painting

Dark Eldar Escorts

March 25, 2012
25 Mar/12

16 escorts separated into five different makes, three of each (except one that gets four).  Currently though, the one with the engine on top has only one, as I’m waiting for one more ebay auction to complete the other two.

As you can see, each escort has two magnets, just like the cruisers.  The weapons also have two each.  Now once the auction arrives, I’ll only have to drill 4 more holes and then the fleet is BUILT.

By the way, I have a new secret project or two.  Details next!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Modeling
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