More Imperial Navy
All Imperial Navy ships are done, but I forgot the Ordnance Markers! Those will hopefully be fast.
Imperial Navy Dauntless Light Cruisers
Three Dauntless Light Cruisers, Lance armament. I don’t think I need torpedoes, as I have a bunch of ships that do that.
The Surprise is named after the ship in the made for T.V. scifi movie Star Command. The plot was that Earth is fighting a group of seceding space colonies. An enemy fleet of 5 battleships is on the way to Earth to destroy it, and only the D.R.E Surprise, a destroyer manned by cadets, can stop them. It was a great little movie, though low budget.
The Roanoke is named after both the American colony and the colony in John Scalzi’s The Last Colony.
The Kestrel is named after the best non-military ship from Escape Velocity by Ambrosia Software.
Next: More cruisers and escorts, then Chaos, then Defences, then Done With Gothic!
Retribution Class Battleship: Nieman Lion
I’ve decided to take an “Imperials First” strategy to painting the rest of my Gothic forces. After this Chaos and then Defences.
Battlefleet Gothic Heavy Transport
At RIW Games today, a guy was selliing some stuff from a Bitz Box. For $7 I got a Chaos Cruiser Hull. I used a spare bridge, some Chaos and Imperial sensors, and pieces of sprue to make a Heavy Transport. This brings my “transport” capacity to 10, so I can play a Convoy or Planetary Assault game of 2500 points!
Your Local Gaming Store
So for those that read the battle report previous to this, you know I played John in Battlefleet Gothic. We took off in search of some gaming space at Pandemonium Games in Garden City. Sadly, the place was crawling with Yu-Gi-Oh players and there was not a board to be found.
A quick call to Lexington and John pulled up the address for RIW Games in Livonia, which is actually closer to my house. We checked the store, but it was full of merchandise, no gaming space. I bought some paint and asked if there was gaming space in the back. The clerk told me that they have space in the same shopping area, but in a non-adjacent building. We pushed some tables together and got our game on, see the previous post for details.
During our prep, a man playing some sort of counter-terrorism board game noticed our Gothic game. He mentioned Epic, and I said that I played Epic. He pointed to a box of old bitz, filled with Epic stuff and said that in the room next door, there was a local Epic club playing! I introduced myself to them, and learned they have a forum:
Hopefully I can get some games of Epic! All this from patronizing my (slightly closer) Local Game Store. They’re important!
Gothic Battle Report: Imperial Navy vs. Tyranids
Mission: Surprise Attack. An enemy fleet catches a planetary defense garrison unprepared.
Eric – Imperial Navy
Retribution Battleship with embarked Ld9 Admiral
Mars class battlecruiser with extra turret and upgraded batteries
Lunar class cruiser with Nova Cannon
Dauntless Light Cruiser (Lance)
Dauntless Light Cruiser (Lance)
6 Fire Ships
1 Orbital Defense Weapons Platform (Batteries)
1 Minefield
John – Tyranids
Hive Ship, Pyro Acid Batteries, Pyro Acid Batteries, 3 sets of port/starboard Launch Bays
Hive Ship, Massive Claws and Feeder Tentacles, Bio Plasma Spines, 3 sets of Bio Plasma Spines
Cruiser, Massive Claws, Pyro Acid Batteries
Cruiser, Massive Claws, Pyro Acid Batteries
12 Drone Escorts, Pyro Acid Batteries
4 Kraken Escorts
Imperial Navy forces were arranged around the planet to cover all approaches. Tyranids arrived from a Long board edge.
Turn 1 Tyranids
Cruiser moves up and catches Dauntless light cruiser, kills with boarding action. Other Cruiser moves up and shoots the other Light Cruiser. Escorts move up and shoot the Fire Ships, one dies.
Turn 1 Imperial Navy
Dauntless light cruiser fires on Tyranid cruiser, no damage. Surviving Fire Ship kills one drone escort.
Turn 2 Tyranids
Fleet advances, Cruisers move over the planetary template, fire on another squadron of 2 fire ships. Assault boats diable weapons on Dauntless
Turn 2 Imperial Navy
Fire ships advance on Cruisers, cause several Fire critical results and one Fire on the Lunar class cruiser. Bombers from the Mars kill one Tyranid Cruiser.
Turn 3 Tyranids
More assault boats attack Dauntless, irrecoverably screwed. Kraken advance and fire on Mars, roll poorly, do nothing but force a BFI. Cruiser fires on Lunar, force BFI.
Turn 3 Imperial Navy
Last Fire Ship hits Hive Ships. Causes 1 fire on Carrier Hive ship, three on Claw Hive Ship. Also kills 3 drones. Dauntless disengages.
Turn 4 Tyranids
Hive Ships advance, Kraken destroy Mars class. Surviving cruiser hounds Lunar near minefield, then boards. Lunar wins boarding action by a huge margin and Cruiser dies. Carrier ship puts out fire, but Claw ship doesn’t and takes 3 damage.
Turn 4 Imperial Navy
Retribution moves around, pot-shots some drones. Lunar moves around.
Turn 5 Tyranids
Krakens move toward Lunar, team up with Hive Ship and severely cripple it. Surviving Drones move with Claw Hive Ship and destroy Orbital Defense. Claw Hive Ship takes 3 more damage and does not put out fires.
Turn 5 Imperial Navy
Lunar disengages. Retribution kills a Drone. Solar Flare wreaks havoc across the board.
Turn 6 Tyranids
Kraken start to turn around. Carrier hive ship enters large Gas and Dust Cloud. Claw Hive Ship takes 3 more damage from fires.
Turn 6 Imperial Navy
Retribution locks on and kills last Drone Escorts.
Turn 7 Tyranids
Krakens and some Assault Boats move toward Retribution. Claw Hive Ship disengages.
Turn 7 Imperial Navy
Retribution kills one Kraken.
Turn 8 Tyranids
Kraken disengage. Assault Boats move toward Retribution.
Turn 8 Imperial Navy
Retribution fails to disengage, removes Assault Boat wave.
Turn 9 Tyranids
More assault boats.
Turn 9 Imperial Navy
Retribution disengages.
Final victory points
Tyranids: 586, Imperial Navy 542.
Analysis: I deployed WAY too close to the board edge. Also, John had one REALLY good roll with the Krakens that killed the Mars class cruiser. Had I set up a little better I could have fared better. As it was the Fire Ships are the only thing that saved me. I HIGHLY recommend them for defense.
Battlefleet Gothic Battle Report: Convoy
In convoy, a fleet is trying to protect a convoy of transports through an enemy blockade. The enemy is spread out thin to catch the convoy, so there might be a chance to punch through the blockade. In this scenario, the defender takes 100pts for every two free transports. The attacker recieves random forces from a table, on which they get D3 + (transports/2) rolls.
Alan – Imperial Navy
Lunar class Cruiser
Dauntless Light Cruiser (Torpedoes)
Dauntless Light Cruiser (Torpedoes)
Four Transports
Four Transports
Eric – Chaos (Got 5 rolls on chart, rolled 6,5,5,5,1)
Carnage class cruiser
3 Idolater escorts (lance boats)
3 Infidel escorts (torpedo boats)
3 Infidel escorts (torpedo boats)
2 Dreadclaw Assault boats
Primary Biosphere, medium planet, 2 moons. Planet was in lower left corner. Moon 1 in upper left, moon 2 almost in exact center of board. 1 gas/dust cloud high center. 2 Asteroid belts lower right.
I deployed my marker beacons in a “W” shaped pattern with the Carnage class cruiser in the middle and the Infidels on the ends. Alan’s convoy came on from the left.
Turn 1 Imperial Navy
Alan brought in his 3 warships and no transports. One was close enough to reveal the closest beacon, 3 Infidels. 2 were destroyed, the third on BFI.
Turn 1 Chaos
Revealed Assault Boats, which hid behind the medium planet. Surviving Infidel moved behind main Imperial lines.
Turn 2 Imperial Navy
Alan brought on his transports. He moved up and turned to get line of sight to shoot the last Infidel. Infidel failed check to BFI, but amazingly survived. Assault Boats and boarding torpedoes attack transports, with no effect.
Turn 2 Chaos
Farthest marker revealed as 2nd Infidel squadron. Fails to All Ahead full. Lone Infidel attempts to board transport. Tie causes neither ship to be removed.
Turn 3 Imperial Navy
Fleet moves up to engage, fires at Infidel Squadron 2, no effect at extremem range. Dauntless cruisers reload ordnance.
Turn 3 Chaos
All remaining markers revealed. Chaos forces engage Imperial fleet, do minor damage. Lone Infidel reloads ordnance, fires, kills one transport with Boarding Torpedoes.
Turn 4 Imperial Navy
Dauntless cruisers lock on, fire on Idolaters and Infidels. One Idolater destoyed. Transports fire on lone Infidel, no effect.
Turn 4 Chaos
Carnage class cruiser moves throught imperial lines, draws bead on transports, destroys one. Infidel squadron fires torpedoes, kills one transport. Idolaters also kill one transport.
Turn 5 Imperial Navy
Imperials bring forces to bear on escorts. BFI rolls make only one Infidel die.
Turn 5 Chaos
Further shooting reduces imperial transports to 2. Game ceded.
Convoy is HARD. It is almost impossible for the convoy to make it if the enemy has rolled well, and the bigger the game the better they can be. The defender is better off with smaller ships like the Dauntless or some escorts. The attacker needs to essentially ignore the main lines and get through to the transports. If the defender rushes ahead, this is actually easy. The defender needs to slow it down and blast anything that comes close.
Space Marine Battlefleet Gothic Fleet
My Azure Flames Battlefleet Gothic fleet. 2 Battle Barges, 5 Strike Cruisers, 6 Nova Frigates, 6 Gladius Frigates and 10 Hunter Destroyers.
Battlefleet Gothic Modeling and Painting
So, if you’ve read some of the posts in this blog, you’ll know I got into Battlefleet Gothic because my friend Lexington did. I started a Space Marine Fleet to accompany my 40K Space Marine Army, the Azure Flames. You’ll see some of their ships in the gallery below.
But, since then, I have been on a bit of a Gothic kick. I am a teacher (currently middle school, but I plan to move to a High School eventually) and I want to be able to start a wargaming club at that school. I needed two fleets to teach someone how to play Gothic, and the best way to do that is with Imperial Navy and Chaos fleets. So I have those now.
The Azure Flames fleet has custom flames sculpted on all the capital ships. They are Azure Flames blue with Enchanted blue details and Ice blue highlights. They have their bearing markers painted on the base, and their names in calligraphy with flame details.
The Chaos Fleet is a dark purple with lighter drybrush highlights. The metal is bronze and the lighiting is Mechrite Red with Blood Red over the top of it.
The Imperial Navy fleet is Codex Gray with a wash of black and then highlighted with lighter grays twice. The metal is gold and the front is Blood Red. Lighting is white or Ice blue.
You’ll see some small black squares with stuff on it. These are Low Orbit Table defenses. The Airstrip has a putty-molded copy of an Imperial Fury Interceptor, a piece of blister plastic for a runway, and beads that look like a control tower and a hangar. Once painted, I will scrape the sides of the top bead on the tower to make it clear blue. The one with the 6 green hatches is a missile silo, putty moulded from the Epic scale Rhino. The thing that looks like the power generator and Ion cannon from The Empire Strikes Back is a Lance battery. Note that all of these are mounted with a half of an Epic base, so that when balanced on this they point “up” to the top of the low orbit table.
I also made Gas and Dust Clouds from pictures given to me by John. These are of all possible sizes you can generate, and have been laminated 10 mil so that they will last forever. There are also ring-shaped gas and dust clouds. Not shown are asteroids, also laminated 10 mil. The Gas and Dust Clouds have the dimensions printed on the back.
I made some custom markers for the Sunward Edge, and Solar Flares and Radiation Bursts. These will make keeping track of these easier.
Finally are markers for Warp Rifts similar to the Gas and Dust clouds. These also have the dimensions on the back and are laminated 10 mil.
With these, some unpainted transports and orbital defenses, and a few other props, I have everything I need to play any game of Gothic at anytime. I have a piece of black felt 4’x6′ and a smaller piece of blue felt for a low orbit table.