Primaris Inceptors 19th Squad, 4th Company – February AFK Submission
February’s submission completed in five days! These Inceptors just fell from orbit, making their armor streaked with grime and their thrusters and anti-grav tech overheated with exertion. The burning grass effect was done with cotton from a Q tip.
Because of all the painting challenges, my year is full of things to do! Here is what I’ll be working on:
- Monthly Challenges:
- January: Single Model – Valerien (Complete)
- February: Unit – Primaris Inceptors (Complete)
- March: Large Model – Redemptor Dreadnought
- April-June: Skirmish – Finish all Escher Gangers, pets, and hangers-on
- July: All Paint the Same Unit – Unknown
- August: Mono Hue – Space Marine Sergeant, Star Cyclones (Orange)
- September: Random – Unknown
- October-December: Finish it! – BFG Tau Kor’or’vesh fleet including Nicassar and defences
- 6 Month Challenges:
- Jan-Jun: Legions Imperialis Space Marine Box Set (Infantry, Fast Attack, Support, Rhino, Kratos)
- Jul-Dec: Legions Imperialis Solar Aux Box Set minus Baneblades (Infantry, Support, Dracosan, Leman Russ) and an additonal Leman Russ Exterminator box set
- Yearly army challenge (quarterly split) – WAAAAGH! Gitsmasha!
- Q1: Warboss, Meganobs x5, Trukk, Squighog Boys x4
- Q2: Deffkilla Wartrike, Warbikers x3, Boys x10, Stormboys x5, Stormboys x5, Kommando x10
- Q3: Beastboss, Beast Snagga x10, Flash Gits x10, Lootas x10, Trukk
- Q4: Big Mek w/SAG, Nobz x10, Trukk, Shokkjump Dragsta
Next: Orks Galore and Legion Imperialis Infantry!
Primaris Captain Project – Alain Valerien, Captain of the 9th Company – January AFK Submission
Valerien’s new model is mostly the new Primaris Black Templar Marshall, just as his previous model was the limited edition Captain that was painted as a Marshall in the Armageddon codex. I did some arm swaps with regular Primaris arms to get rid of the massive amounts of chains. I also clipped out the stockaded skeleton in the Iron Halo as that’s not Valerien’s style. I added a brazier to the axe from the Salamander upgrade kit. I also swapped the shoulder pads. His left pad (on the right in the pic) was a huge pain; the original was a sort of straight line pad instead of curved, and I stupidly did not dry fit before priming. I had to take a dremel and some putty to the shoulder and re-paint a decent part of the cape. Always dry fit, kids!
Alain Valerien is the only recruit from Nouvelle Provence, an unassuming moon populated by an unusual group. Strict discipline has kept their language from changing at all for forty millennia. They are proud of their odd way of speaking, only learning Gothic to speak with outsiders. In their tongue, they refer to it as “La Langue Douce” or “The Sweet Tongue” in Gothic.
Valerien was recruited during routine resupply long ago before the Azure Flames had changed their name; back when they were the Sons of the Salamander. He rose though the ranks through perseverance and skill. Unlike most Chapters, Valerien shares duties with the 10th Company in the newly created role of Master Instructor. He prepares anyone from full battle brothers to the newest Neophytes in matters dealing with anything other than combat. However, unlike the Master of Recruits, Valerien maintains an emotional distance from his pupils.
This will be the last part of the Primaris Captain Project I upload for a while. Thanks to the staff at AFK games in Holt, I’m kicking my hobbying into high gear! I will be participating in 11 different painting challenges over the course of 2025. Valerien is my entry for the January challenge of a single model.
Next: February’s challenge will be a unit of Primaris Inceptors (full unit of 6). Additionally, I will be starting the 1/2 year challenge of a roughly small force which will be an entire Legiones Astartes starter box for Legions Imperialis to add to my Sons of Horus. Finally, the year-long project will see the revitalization of my Orks under the leadership of Gargatok Gitsmasha! Stay tuned!
Primaris Captain Project – Nwabudike Abiola, Captain of the 5th Company
Continuing with the Primaris Captain project, I set about a task: re-create the old Space Marine Captain model from scratch. In the past, three of the ten captains for the Azure Flames were based on this model (it was pewter and there wasn’t a lot of other options…).
So, I combined a Primaris Lieutenant body, the cape from the Primaris Jump Pack Captain, a Dark Angels Scabbard, a Forge World head, an old Iron Halo, and some random Primaris arms to re-create the old Captain pose. Behold!
Abiola’s old model is on the left, the new one on the right. The ropes on the chest and the flame on the scabbard were sculpted with Green Stuff.
Here’s a better pic of the front. The face came out really well. Nwabudike’s first name was chosen from Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, a game I often steal inspiration from.
The cape was custom detailed with flames, similar to other captains. The shoulder pad has a custom sculpted flame. Abiola’s name is on the shoulder.
If you zoom in on the bolter, it says “Mortis.”
So, pretty successful! This kitbashed mini is a pretty true homage to the old pewter captain! There’s not much more that I could have done.
Wait, someone’s handing me something. Who are you and how did you get in my house?
Oh. Oh no.
It seems that several months after I kitbashed this mini, Games Workshop released the new Company Heroes box set, complete with this stunning fellow:
HAHA had I just waited several months I could have just used this mini and not had to work hard to kitbash, but I’m glad I did. Abiola’s new model is unique; no one else has a Captain like this.
Next: more Captains!
Primaris Captain Project – Chayton Dakota, Captain of the 6th Company
Just before heading off on my honeymoon, I’ve finished another of the Rubicon-enhanced Captains of the Azure Flames!
Dakota’s original model is on the left. The classic Space Marine Captain with Power Sword, I modded him to have a Bolt Pistol in 5th ed to be a bare-bones super cheap HQ choice for low points value games. (goodbye 3rd Edition Space Marine Leader with Storm Bolter for 35 points… *sniff*)
During the writing of Big Game VI, Dakota got some characterization. He became the dour, practical pessimist. No one expects Dakota to be jovial or enthusiastic. But the entire chapter knows that he never puts forward criticisms unfounded. He always supports the other Captains, even when they choose to neglect his caution. And, on those rare occasions he calls for decisive action, his opinions are given all the more weight.
Dakota’s new Primaris model is the Captain with power fist and plasma pistol, with the same pose as a much earlier classic mini. I got this mini from the last Swap Meet of the Highland Gaming Club in the Highland Michigan Library, before the club dissolved and eventually made its way to Ypsilanti under the Golden Rhino Games banner.
This mini sat, unloved, in a box, until late last year when I began the Primaris Captain project. Legions Imperialis delayed it, but it’s done! Here’s some highlights!
This angle shows Dakota’s face a little better. Part of the Primaris Captain Project is to add personal names. Chayton is a Lakota name for Falcon or Hawk. Dakota’s eyes were painted with a brand new Psycho brush from Army Painter. The Plasma effect is Baharroth Blue, drybrushed with Altdorf Guard Blue then Pro Acryl Black. 1 part Pro Acryl white was added to three parts Lahmian Medium and carefully washed into the white areas.
Dakota’s hair is XV-88 with a wash of Black Templar Contrast. This is amazing for dark brown hair!
The cape is Magmadroth Flame over Grey Seer, highlighted with Jokaero Orange (because the new contrast is much more flat). The flames at the bottom are Altdorf Guard and Baharroth Blue.
All of the Primaris Captain Project minis are converted in at least some way. Dakota’s hair was custom sculpted from Green Stuff, as was the flame on his shoulder.
Any of the brownish metal is a flat coat of Brass Scorpion with Nuln Oil wash.
Next: I’m on vacation, but after that more Captains and possibly a few more options for Legions Imperialis!
Primaris Captain Project – Orpheon Leonidas, Captain of the 1st Company
When crafting the back story of the Azure Flames 20 years ago, I came up with the character of Leonidas as a brash and obstinate counterpoint to the main narrative pushed by Atrus. Not everyone is ready to change their entire Chapter livery and practices on the word of one man, much less someone who claims to have received a vision from the Emperor. Leonidas demanded to wear the old colors of the Sons of the Salamander, and was such an incredible fighter that he was promoted to the Captain of the 1st Company to try to tame him.
This failed. Leonidas remains a headstrong and effective combatant, but is still completely out of anyone’s control. He has, however, gained the respect of many within and without of the Chapter.
Leonidas was the son of a Planetary Governor who went against his father’s wishes and joined the Sons of the Salamander. I gave him the first name Orpheon after the founder of his world.
Leonidas’ original model was created by a guy named Greg who ended up being a bit of a douche. He gave the model to my buddy Matt, who didn’t use him at all because Matt played Chaos. However, I played Salamanders and Leonidas’ original model had Chaplain Xavier’s old backpack and hammer, so Matt gave him to me.
I upgraded Leonidas with a Dreadnought sized Heavy Flamer when Vulkan He’Stan became a prevalent character back in 5th or 6th Ed. He won me so many games I stopped using him because Vulkan He’Stan was kind of completely irresponsibly overpowered.
Now, in 10th ed, as I upgrade all of my old Captains to Primaris models, Leonidas has gone through the Rubicon Primaris and is a more modern looking stand-in for Vulkan He’Stan:
Greg’s old model for Leonidas is on the left. I re-based him and added the heavy flamer. Leonidas’ new model is on the right. As you can see, he fits the scale of 10th better.
Leonidas’ body is the Primaris Captain with Jump Pack body. The head is from the Black Templar Marshall. The arm is a Primaris arm upgraded with a Grey Knight Halberd, topped with a Blood Angel Power Sword. Another Primaris Arm was chopped and slotted into a Terminator Heavy Flamer (the previous edition so slightly smaller than the most modern version). Finally, Leonidas’ cape is an old Dark Elf Sea Dragon Corsair cloaks.
Leonidas’ left shoulder pad has been upgraded with a sculpted flame (possibly against his own wishes!)
Each scale on the Sea Dragon Cloak was highlighted twice, top and bottom.
The Spear was upgraded with a Sisters of Battle flame bit sculpted on with Green Stuff, and painted with a technique to make it look like it was molten hot out of a forge.
Next: more Captains get the Primaris treatment!
Four Strands Re-Launch! Updates, New Novel, and Surprise Announcement!
Welcome back! Fourstrandshobby has returned, with a new scheme same as the old scheme!
A while ago, WordPress updates made the old scheme for this site unworkable. This was after years of hackers breaking into the site again and again. It turns out that scheme was vulnerable. I chose another one that was very… blue. And ugly. And as such I wasn’t incentivized to post.
But, thanks to Lexington, I have a new scheme that looks like the old scheme, but works with modern WordPress and is secure!
In the intervening years, I’ve been up and down, but I’ve always made time for Modeling, Painting, Gaming, and Storytelling. I played a lot of 9th edition 40K and then 10th when it came out.
I also got into Legion Imperialis! I have a huge Sons of Horus force that grows all the time and will soon be joined (opposed?) by a Solar Auxillia force! Click the link below to see the brand new Image Gallery!
Legion Imperialis Image Gallery
More importantly, I’ve been writing! Big Game V: The Battle of Iperin was a novella made of vignettes contributed by multiple people on the old BGV forums and was chiefly written by myself, Lexington, and Joe. Big Game VI: The Omega War was a more focused narrative written by Lexington and myself.
However, the newest novella to be featured on Fourstrands is Home Fires: An Azure Flames Novel. This finishes what I’ll refer to as the Azure Flames Omnibus at least in terms of main stories. I also have a short story between BGV and BGVI, and I am considering another between BGVI and Home Fires to make a complete Black Library style omnibus. Click the link below, or the one in the Features bar.
Home Fires: An Azure Flames Novel
I’ve also done several projects for the Azure Flames! I’ll post a few pics below, but most will have their own posts soon.
But finally, and most importantly for my life, I’m getting married! Me and my Fiancée bonded over the classic Adult Swim show: The Venture Brothers. As such, I commissioned an expert to 3D print the Monarch and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch from their wedding. I then painted the duo myself.
Coming up next: Legion Imperialis Thunderhawk Gunship, some Solar Auxillia, and hopefully a battle report against loyalist scum, the White Scars at AFK!
Edna, former nurse, current Death Maiden for Razor and the Scumettes

Edna is armed with two Stiletto Swords, and with her poison blood and a Chem Synth, she can put even the beefiest combatant on the ground.
Edna is based on Nurse Edna from Maniac Mansion:

Next, more Eschers!
Necromunda Downtime Multiplayer Game and Squad Batarian, IVth squad, VIIth Company of the Imperial Fists
This weekend was a blast! Five players (not including myself) participated in a narrative six way multiplayer battle! An Inquisitor bullied the gangs into attacking an underground prison compound. Here was the board setup:

Each player got one of the 5 tiles on the top of this picture, and their goal was to kill a specific model and open the doors in the cells at the bottom. Things began cordially, and then Dan’s Cawdor smoked one of Josh’s Goliath’s with a Krak Grenade arrow and it went downhill from there. Petra’s ash waste bug monster rampages through the halls, killing at will. Zach’s Palanite Enforcers went up the right side, smashing as they went.
All through this, odd things happened. The “Traitors” that the gangs were supposedly fighting had oddly accurate weaponry, and Matt’s gang leader, an unsanctioned psyker, found himself trying to undo warpcraft from somewhere! Further, the target was eliminated by his own plasma pistol exploding and Dan’s Cherub found something interesting on the body…
Finally, after two gangs bottled and most fighters were down, the cells were opened, to find the prisoners executed! Oh well, three players got special inquisitorial sanctions for not bottling.
After this, I managed to finish the special antagonists I’ve been working on: Squad Batarian, IVth Squad, VIIth Company of the Imperial Fists, stationed in the Necromunda Fortress Monastery.

In truth they’ve been done for a while, but I was waiting on decals. No regular Space Marine sets have black tactical arrows! I had to special order two sheets of Imperial Fist ones.
As you can see above, I did two decals, one over the other. I also added some nifty battle damage and tried to get poses to be as dynamic as I could without repeating.
Marines were sprayed Wraithbone, coated Iyanden Yellow Contrast, and then brought up with yellow and highlighted light yellow. Reds are Blood Angels Contrast. Metals are Boltgun washed with Nuln Oil. I did the bases with black spray, Boltgun, and rust pigment, stippled in places with orange. Cursive names were freehand.
Soon: more gangers and more Necromunda goodness!
Primaris Ory-Hara the Silent, Chief Librarian of the Azure Flames
In keeping with my custom of alternating Primaris and Firstborn projects, I have completed a Primaris Librarian that I’ve had for years but have never used much because of the lack of paint.
Considering the age of the older model for Ory-Hara, I decided that he crossed the Rubicon Primaris.
Next: my Techmarine in Full Servo Harness was severely damaged recently, so he’s getting a touch up.
New Host, hackers defeated, and Suppressors complete!
I’ve been absent for a while, party due to personal issues, but also partly due to filthy hackers! Fourstrands was locked. Not for ransom, but for some sort of information hosting against my will. It probably wasn’t porn, and if it was, the bastards didn’t offer to share it.
Regardless, thanks to the tireless efforts of Lexington, who understands the ways of the lightning boxes, Fourstrands is back under Dreamhost!
And none too soon! I have a squad of Space Marine Suppressors to add to my collection!
You’ll notice that I haven’t used any of those dreadful new flying stands. I instead used a pin vise to drill into the thigh areas of the models, and used an old fashioned flying base stand.
I began painting these with Lexington when I went to visit, and finished them up at a paint night at AFK games.
Next: a revamp of an Assault Squad! Plus, various repairs to the site.