Gargatok Gitsmasha, the grumpiest Ork Warboss – AFK Year Long Painting Challenge

February 15, 2025
15 Feb/25

The Warlord for my 2000 point army is complete!  Gargatok strides into battle with my first Blood For The Blood God effect.

Next: Legion Imperialis infantry, and that clears me for February!  After that anything I paint for the Orks or LI puts me ahead of schedule!

Filed under: Orks, Painting

Year Long Painting Challenge – Ork Meganobz and finalized paint scheme

February 12, 2025
12 Feb/25

The first entries for my first quarter part of the year-long army painting challenge at AFK are complete!

First: one Ork boy, the finalized prototype for my paint scheme:

Recipe: Slapchop over black primer with Administratum Gray and then Pro Acryl white.  Skin is Striking Scorpion green.  Armored areas are Asurmen Blue.  Cloth is Gore Grunta Fur, Frostheart, or (not shown) Basillicanum Gray.  Metal is Duncan’s Sir Coates Silver with Nuln oil wash.  Teeth and nails are Skeleton Horde.  Rust effects are Dirty Down Rust.  Hand painted checks and dags in Pro Acryl White.  Bases are a coat of Rhinox Hide with technical Agrellan Earth and Pro Acryl black on the rims.  Plants are Gamer Grass.

With those basic colors, behold the first completed unit: Five Meganobs!

These old pewter minis may not be as capable in close combat as the new plastic ones with killsaws, but they still hit like a freight train and have decent shooting in the Taktikal Brigade.  Plus they are SOLID pewter which means that if they can’t, they can simply be thrown at the opponent for maximum damage.

That being said, these old sculpts are LOUSY with wires.  There’s wires everywhere!  I spent a whole day finding and picking out wires to make the details pop.

Next: Gargatok Gitsmasha himself in Mega Armour!

Filed under: Orks, Painting
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