Home Fires – Chapter One: Ascension

Chapter Selection

Intro  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  Epilogue

A fire roared within Antonius as he regained consciousness. Something new.

He tried to sit up and failed; a metal strap held his head to the slab he was on. His arms and legs were similarly restrained. Pain wracked his body but it seemed like a distant memory, or as if he was feeling someone else’s pain far away. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as he coughed.

“Easy, now.” A deep voice called out.

Antonius heard the uneven steps of a limping gait approach. Coming into his vision from his right side was a man’s face. He had never seen that rounded chin, pale lips, or hawk like nose. But the piercing black eyes could belong to no other man.

“Ory… Hara?” Antonius managed to stutter.

“I certainly was that man a few days ago.” Ory-Hara said with a smile. “As for today, I feel more like the remnants of a Grox after the abbatoir.”

Antonius coughed in an attempt to laugh.

“Apologies, my Lord.” the Librarian replied. “I should not engage in jest with you so soon after your ascension. You’ll have days before you’re as fit as I am.”

“You… went through the Rubicon?”

“Two days ago. I am still barely functional.”

“What… about…” Antonius fell into another coughing fit.

“Rest, my Lord. There will be time for duties soon.”

“NO.” Antonius shouted through a cough. Ory-Hara’s eyes widened in shock as Antonius began to struggle against his restraints again. “GET. ME. UP.”

“…are you sure?” Ory-Hara asked after a long pause.

“Now, Ory-Hara.” Antonius hammered. The fire within him began to swell. Pain from the lacerations and bone breaks began to fade.

“Very well, but move slowly Antonius, or you may burst your sutures.” Ory-Hara undid the locks holding the metallic restraints in place.

Antonius tried three times to rise before Ory-Hara had to help him to a seated position.

“Thank you, old friend.” Antonius said warmly. His throat had stopped burning and his voice was wavering but no longer raspy.

Ory-Hara smiled. “Your father used to call me that.”

“I need your counsel, just as he did, but first I need your support. Literally.”

“My Lord…” Ory-Hara began.

“Save your warnings, Librarian.” Antonius cut him off. “I will be there when the few survivors of the 4th Company awaken, just as you were here for me.”

Ory-Hara’s smile widened. “That will be quite impossible, my Lord.”

“I can push through the pain. Honestly, there’s barely any.”

“That is not the problem. You cannot be in fourteen rooms at once.”

Antonius’ breath caught. “Fourteen?”

“At last I counted, yes.”

“They… all survived?”

“It is quite the miracle, my Lord.”

Antonius let out a deep sigh of relief. “All of them.”

“You are also too late. Brother Sandeep awoke three hours ago, though he was less stubborn and heeded my advice to rest.”

Antonius grunted. “You mean Lieutenant Sandeep.”

Ory-Hara nodded knowingly. “A good choice. You’ll need a strong second in command.”

“Take me to him.” Antonius said, sliding off of the operation slab.


Days later, aboard the Strike Cruiser Honor, Antonius, Ory-Hara, and Chaplain Hakan stood before the assembled remnants of the 4th Company. Behind them, Valleraus and Pontormo had begun preparations for the next phase of Antonius’ demonstration.

“Look at this, Ory-Hara. Not one of these Brothers is capable of doing simple arithmetic. Three in five of you should have died.”

Ory-Hara, once again fitted with the mask that hid his face, said nothing. Antonius’ jest also fell into silence among the Azure Flames before him.

“In seriousness, I am proud of each and every one of you. Now I can stand to welcome our new battle brothers with the support of men who fought by my side in countless battles. You saw the depredations of the followers of the Alliance commanded by the hated traitors Victor Kalan and Esharradon. You held the line against certain death in the Omega War. Now, you will lead this company in a glorious new beginning. Step forward, Brother Sandeep.”

Sandeep advanced and knelt. Ory-Hara handed Antonius the branding irons, shimmering with an orange-yellow heat. Antonius applied two brands to Sandeep, who remained perfectly still. The only sound was the sizzle of flesh.

“Arise, Lieutenant Sandeep, and stand by my side.”

“Thank you, my Lord.” Sandeep said in the clipped tones of his homeworld. He took up station at Antonius’ left side.

Antonius repeated the ceremony for all the remaining Brothers, save that they received only one brand, marking them as Antonius had been marked after his mission on Iperin so many years ago; as a Sergeant.

“Today will be the easiest day of your lives, going forward.” Antonius intoned with the gravitas he had rehearsed so many times. “Lord Gulliman and Lord Cawl have gifted us with wargear beyond the ordinary Astartes kit. In one week’s time, I expect each and every one of you to be masters of these new weapons and armours. For, one week from now, our new Brothers and your new squad members will be formally inducted into the Chapter, and you must lead them, no matter their specialization. Now, follow Pontormo and Valleraus to the Armory. For the Emperor and Atrus.”

“For the Emperor and Atrus!” the Brothers shouted, and then filed out behind the Techmarine and Apothecary.

Antonius felt Ory-Hara’s presence in his mind. A memory floated into his head of a little girl on the streets of Releeshan marveling at a plastek toy of a flapping bird.

Sandeep gave a small sigh of surprise. “I haven’t felt sensation shoved into my head like that since my trial as a Scout. Does he do that often?”

Antonius chuckled. “Yes. You get used to it. Come now, let us all partake of our new toys.”

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