Home Fires – Chapter Seventeen: Subordination

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The sky was the dull gray brown of dirty exhaust punctuated by the ruddy orange of thrusters. The landscape was filled with irregular Ork landas discharging lads, tanks, and even a ragged but suitably intimidating squadron of Morkanauts bristling with weaponry. Everything was going as Gargatok Gitsmasha planned.

Why, then, was his face painted with a deep scowl?

Because he knew what would come next.

Gargatok was flanked by the other three prominent Warbosses on Altea. They stood behind him a decent distance away. Close enough to show a modicum of support, but far enough to avoid collateral damage.

Grots shaking light sticks, torches, or improvised glow-squigs scattered from the grassland in front of Gargatok as another landa touched down. This one was more massive than most and was jet black with white checks and red detailing. The maw of the landa opened into a broad ramp, and armed lads swarmed out, taking up positions to the sides. Loud irregular thuds proceeded a parade of huge Nobs in Mega Armour. Behind them towered an Ork. The sound of his footsteps drowned out the others, and in his wake, he left dents in the ramp’s deck. His Mega Armour was immaculate, the checks perfectly square and pristine with not a hint of rust and two bosspoles full of gleaming helmets. It was the best paint job Gargatok had ever seen, but he had no time to marvel.

With a voice that made the landa’s thrusters sound soft the Warboss spoke. “You the runt wot called my WAAAAAGH?”

Gargatok stood straight and proud. “Yer, I called ya. They’s gonna be a good fight fer you an’ yer…”

Gargatok registered the impact of the blunt surface of the Warboss’ power klaw as the world spun. He landed face down directly on his broken jaw. It had been so fast, Gargatok had trouble understanding what had happened until the Warboss bellowed.

“You shut yer mouth, runt! I’s Thraknar Zan Gulga, Arch-Lord of da Karaman Neb-you-luh. Dat means you an’ all yer lads is MY lads now! You do what I say cuz I’s da biggest roun’ ‘ere!”

Shame and fear wracked Gargatok; emotions he hadn’t felt since he was a yoof. “Yeff… boff…” he slurred though his ruined gob.

Thraknar Zan Gulga gave a little laugh, and Gargatok heard metal clasps pop open. A meaty hand reached down gently toward Gargatok. He though Thraknar was helping him up until that hand closed around a stray tooth.

Gargatok’s tooth.

“I’ll be takin’ dis…” Thraknar said, full of himself.

Gargatok felt something he had never felt. He didn’t know that humies called it Cognitive Dissonance. This was how he made lads feel every morning. Every gob he smashed. Every tooth he stole. Each lad felt like this. Was it… wrong?



Zog, no! Thraknar was bigger than he was! That means he gets to do what he wants.

With the cognitive dissonance resolved, Gargatok got to his feet meekly and joined the other Altean Warbosses in line.

“Dat’s a proppa line of gits…” Thraknar growled. “All of youse is my lads now. We’s gonna stomp dis planet flat an’ smash all da beekies! Den we’s gonna keep going till da ‘ole ooniverse is smashed! WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!”

Everyone present echoed the WAAAAGH, even Gargatok who fought through the pain to bellow.

“Now… You four lads seem a little less weedy dan mos’ gits I see. Ow’s about you go see my meks an’ get outfitted proppa like? Tell ‘im I tol’ you ta give a discount. I wanna see you armoured an’ ready for a scrap by tomorrow, got me?”

Gargatok and the other Warbosses meekly voiced their assent, then the other three Warbosses shoved each other as they ran off in the direction they thought the mek lied in. Gargatok made to follow them, but a shout from Thraknar made him stop in his tracks.

“Gargatok Gitsmasha, you don’ get any ideas, you ‘ere? No one challenges Thraknar Zan Gulga.”

Challenge? Gargatok would have to be a madboy to challenge such a huge ork. He had never even considered it.


Now that you mention it…

Thraknar wouldn’t be so big without that wonderful Mega Armour giving him extra bulk. If Gargatok had some…

He burbled “Yeff boff.” through his broken jaw and went off to be outfitted. Electrical impulses in Gargatok’s brain flowed into glands that stimulated muscle and bone growth. His metabolism spiked. Without even realizing what was happening, Gargatok’s body prepared him for the fight of his life.

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