Home Fires – Chapter Sixteen: Numbers

Chapter Selection

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“How in the HELL did this happen?” shrieked Sterling as the doors to the war room slammed shut behind her to punctuate that invective. “This completely ruins my morale initiative!”

Despite Antonius’ psycho indoctrination, extensive training, and a small modicum of tact, he couldn’t help but stare bug eyed at the enraged governor.

“What?” Sterling spat.

“All due respect, Governor, but your people are in jeopardy. We have perhaps eighteen hours before the Ork fleet makes orbit. Morale is the least of our worries.” An edge of anger was barely audible in Antonius’ voice.

“Morale? That was just a byproduct! You promised me Decuma Extremis, Captain Zeraf. Extremis.” Sterling heightened the “tre” and drew out the “s” into a hiss of rage.

Using his family name so casually was the last straw. Antonius looked to Ory-Hara and then to Hakan, who both replied with a silent nod.

“Governor Sterling. I am taking command of the Planetary Defence Forces effective immediately. You will be consulted as necessary. Clear the war room. Now.” Antonius hammered.

Antonius had been all over the galaxy and had seen the variety that the skin colors of Humanity could put on display, but he had never seen one person go so red in the face. Sterling’s mouth hung open for a fraction of a second before she sputtered. “How DARE you! I rule this world, I speak in the Emperor’s name! You are nothing! I command you to…”

Sterling was unable to finish the sentence as Chaplain Hakan strode forward. The tiniest “eep” wrenched from her throat as she stumbled backwards and attempted to crab-walk out of the room, only to be thwarted by one of the very doors she slammed in anger. Hakan’s jet black boots thundered toward her, and she cowered.

A gentle creak sounded as Hakan gently opened the door that Sterling had not blocked with her body. “After you, Governor.” He said in his trademark deep drawl. Sterling righted herself and meekly exited. Hakan turned back to Antonius. “I shall ensure that the Governor is properly informed of the extent of her duties and does not interfere with the war effort.”

“Thank you, Hakan.” Antonius answered.

Antonius then saw to the preparations of the planetary defense, which boiled down to pressing a lot of buttons, and giving orders to a lot of people. It was mundane; hardly the glorious actions that the Astartes were famed for. It was, however, vital. Antonius had, over his century and a half, become quite adept at this logistical tasking.

First, he ordered the Honor to throw every bolt round, promethium tank, las-pack, and spare part into the Thunderhawk Gunships and Landers and head to a muster point just outside Relliketh. They were, then, to flee to the outer reaches of the system. One Strike Cruiser was no match for the flood of Orks incoming.

Next, he organized the PDF, dispatching them to some of the more outlying distribution centers and getting every calorie of food moving towards the city. Relliketh was the only even remotely defensible position on the planet, and it would be a dirty siege. Victory could well come down to one day of rations.

Only when the planet’s defences were in motion did he call for help. A general distress went out to the Astropaths, but the Honor sent a message intended for the Fortress Monastery on Iperin.

The Old Man wouldn’t let him down.

Finally, he prayed. He had faced down Orks before, but never in such number with forces spread as thin as this. Prayer was as necessary as all the other measures he had taken put together. The Emperor would protect them.

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