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Lexington of Dice Abide was in town, and wanted to learn about Battlefleet Gothic.\u00a0 I thought of it as a perfect time to show off my Battlefleet Gothic teaching so I headed on up to Lansing.<\/p>\n
Bozeman – Imperial Navy<\/strong><\/p>\n -Admiral (Ld8) with one re-roll.<\/p>\n -Lunar Class Cruiser True Heart<\/em><\/p>\n -Lunar Class Cruiser Blind Faith<\/em><\/p>\n -Gothic Class Crusier Verisimilitude<\/em><\/p>\n -Tyrant Class Cruiser Belligerent<\/em><\/p>\n Lexington – Chaos<\/strong><\/p>\n -Chaos Warmaster (+2 Ld) with one re-roll<\/p>\n -Slaughter Class Cruiser Swiftboat of Truth<\/em><\/p>\n -Slaughter Class Cruiser Traitor’s Blade<\/em><\/p>\n -Murder Class Cruiser Domination<\/em><\/p>\n -Carnage Class Cruiser Overkill<\/em><\/p>\n Setup<\/strong><\/p>\n Scenario: Cruiser Clash.\u00a0 Zone: Outer Reaches.\u00a0 Upper left had one gas\/dust cloud.\u00a0 Lower left had a large planet with two rings of asteroids and one ring of gas\/dust.\u00a0 Lower middle had two asteroid belts.\u00a0 Lower right had three asteroid belts.\u00a0 Asteroids were moved more towards the center of the board at both players’ agreement.\u00a0 Sunward edge was at the top.<\/p>\n \u00a0<\/a><\/p>\n \u00a0I set up at the bottom, with the two Lunars between the planet and asteroids, and the Gothic and Tyrant between two asteroid belts.\u00a0 Lexington set up at the top, with one Slaughter to the extreme left, Murder center, Carnage slightly to the right, and the other Slaughter to the extreme right.<\/p>\n Turn 1 – Imperial Navy.<\/p>\n I moved forward and turned with the Lunars.\u00a0 This was a tactical error, I sould have turned the other way.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 1 – Chaos<\/p>\n Lextington went on All Ahead Full with the Traitor’s Blade.\u00a0 Other ships moved up.\u00a0 Long range shooting brought down one shield on the Gothic class.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 2 – Imperial Navy<\/p>\n The Gothic and Tyrant went on Lock On, while the Lunars wheeled to rejoin the battle.\u00a0 Some minor damage to the Chaos Slaughter, forcing a Brace For Impact.\u00a0 I miscalculated the distance to move the Tyrant, and so fired its torpedoes ineffectively.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n \u00a0Turn 2 – Chaos<\/p>\n The Slaughter moved around behind the Gothic and Tyrant, while the rest of the fleet closed in.\u00a0 The Tyrant was crippled.\u00a0 The other Slaughter fails a leadership check when clipping the edge of an asteroid field, but a re-roll saves it.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 3 – Imperial Navy<\/p>\n I disengaged the Tyrant.\u00a0 Gothic moved up into base contact with the Carnage.\u00a0 Lunars moved closer, and one went on Lock On.\u00a0 The Lunars tore up the Slaughter Class Swiftboat of Truth, while the Gothic turned its guns on both the Slaughter and the Carnage, firing torpedoes as well.\u00a0 The torpedoes did nothing, thanks to a poor roll, and the lances brought down the Carnage’s shields but did little else.\u00a0 The Slaughter went on Brace for Impact.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 3 – Chaos<\/p>\n Ships re-positioned to regroup.\u00a0 Fire at the Gothic class forces a Brace For Impact.\u00a0<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 4 – Imperial Navy<\/p>\n Ships regrouped.\u00a0 Fire lowers a shield on the Swiftboat.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 4 – Chaos<\/p>\n Murder goes All Ahead Full to get around the asteroids.\u00a0 Slaughter goes right through the asteroids, hides inside.\u00a0 Carnage and other Slaughter put enough damage on the Gothic to cripple it.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 5 – Imperial Navy<\/p>\n Disengaged the Gothic class.\u00a0 Lunars bash the Slaughter, causing a BFI and crippling it.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 5 – Chaos<\/p>\n The crippled Slaughter disengages.\u00a0 The other Slaughter pops out of the asteroids and makes one of my Lunars Brace For Impact.\u00a0 Does little damage.\u00a0 Murder near the bottom fails to Come To A New Heading.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 6 – Imperial Navy<\/p>\n Lunars open up on the Slaughter, crippling it.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn 6 – Chaos<\/p>\n Carnage moves to just outside the asteroids, fails to do damage to a Lunar.\u00a0 Murder successfully goes on Come To A New Heading.\u00a0 I forgot to take a picture for this turn end.<\/p>\n Turn 7 – Imperial Navy<\/p>\n Lunars close on the Carnage, causing it to Brace For Impact.\u00a0 A Critical Hit smashes the brige, causing a permanent -3 Ld.\u00a0 The Lunar that fired torpedoes Reloads Ordnance.<\/p>\n <\/a><\/p>\n Turn\u00a0 7 – Chaos<\/p>\n The Carnage fails the check to go through the asteroids, but luckily Brace For Impact saves against damage.\u00a0 Fire is ineffectual.\u00a0 Murder moves up to join.<\/p>\n