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It’s Black Friday, and I went to local games store AFK Games in Holt, MI, to pick up a copy of the new Blood Bowl box set, and Death Zone: Season 1, the supplemental book!\u00a0 I’ve never opened a new box set on fourstrands, so it’s time for my first unboxing!<\/p>\n

In a future post, I plan to read the new rulebook, line by line, and compare it to the old Blood Bowl Living Rulebook.\u00a0 I’ll outline the biggest changes I see.\u00a0 But first, let’s take a look at that box!<\/p>\n


I really like the art.\u00a0 You get that it’s a football game, but also much more violent than ordinary football.\u00a0 The goblin looks a bit goofy though.<\/p>\n

Let’s flip the box!<\/p>\n


A basic explanation of the game.\u00a0 One thing that I looked for in the store and found conspicuously missing was a listing of the models contained in the box set.\u00a0 I’ll list those when I look at the models themselves.<\/p>\n

Now, to open this precious oyster to find the pearls of… something related to football… ok bad metaphor…<\/p>\n


Jam packed full!\u00a0 Already I can see Human miniatures in blue, Ork in green, and templates in gray.\u00a0 There’s also some dice.\u00a0 First, let’s get those miniatures out and get up close and personal!<\/p>\n


Here are the humans.\u00a0 Poses for these guys are a bit odd.\u00a0 The linemen on the left side sort of have their arms out.\u00a0 It’s half “COME AT ME, BRO!” and half “I believe I can flyyyyyyy…”\u00a0 I’m also not a fan of the dancing catcher, who is doing a saucy pirouette with the ball.\u00a0 The Blitzers are also oddly posed.\u00a0 I’m digging the thrower though.\u00a0 Good pose for making a long pass.\u00a0 What I’m a bit disappointed in is the lack of variety in the minis.\u00a0 The above sprues are identical so you get 2 of each pose.<\/p>\n

Speaking of which, here’s the list of Human minis:<\/p>\n