Big Game V – Chapter Thirty Four: Duty Above All

Chapter Selection

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“You sent for me, my lord?”

“Yes, come in Gehn.  I wish to discuss something with you.”

“Of course.  What is it you need me to do?”

“It is not as simple as that.  Part of my vision dealt with the actions of the 4th company on the planet Julius Beta.  I am sending you to take and hold a beachhead on the world, and hold indefinitely until Iperin is secured.  Ordinarily I would not explain such orders, but I would be remiss to send men into a dangerous situation without preparation.  You and the 4th company will be joined by several Imperial Guard regiments and Space Marine forces, most notably the Doom Eagles.  However, our forces will still be dangerously outnumbered.  You must hold until Iperin is secure and we can send reinforcements.”

“I understand.  It is my duty to serve.”

“Indeed.  Duty, Faith, and Honor will serve you and protect you from the blasphemies of the heretics.  Clear your mind of doubt and distraction, and you shall succeed.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“I sense you are holding something back.  Resentment over the appointment of Antonius to Sergeant.”

“…it is not my place to question you.”

“Let go of this.  Antonius’ record merited his promotion, despite his age.  Look instead to your own duty.  You will be pivotal on Juilus.  Remember, Gehn.  Duty above all.”

“Duty above all.”

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